What country in the world has the most guns?

so if what the right says were true we would be the SAFEST country in the world right?

why are they wrong about the facts?
Is it the US?
Israel and Switzerland have the most guns per capita, no doubt about it and very little violent crime in those Countries, so guns do not promote violence. Every household in Switzerland must have a firearm, its the law. In Israel, people walk around with Uzis, no problema. We need to allow all Law Abiding people to carry a conceiled weapon if they want to, if you Libs don't want to carry, then don't.
so if what the right says were true we would be the SAFEST country in the world right?

why are they wrong about the facts?

How many right wing ideas are good ones? Their economic ideas are losers, I think their "everyone should be armed" notion is insane as well.
Israel and Switzerland have the most guns per capita, no doubt about it and very little violent crime in those Countries, so guns do not promote violence. Every household in Switzerland must have a firearm, its the law. In Israel, people walk around with Uzis, no problema. We need to allow all Law Abiding people to carry a conceiled weapon if they want to, if you Libs don't want to carry, then don't.

There is a load of shit talked about Switzerland mainly by those that have never been there. The structure of the Swiss militia system stipulates that the soldiers keep their own personal equipment, including all personally assigned weapons, at home (until 2007 this also included ammo[SUP][3][/SUP]). Compulsory military service concerns all male Swiss citizens, with women serving voluntarily. Males usually receive initial orders at the age of 18 for military conscription eligibility screening. About two-thirds of young Swiss men are found suitable for service, while alternative service exists for those found unsuitable.[SUP][4][/SUP] Annually, approximately 20,000 persons are trained in basic training for a duration from 18 to 21 weeks (increased from 15 weeks, in 2003).

Since 2007 ammunition cannot be stored at home. With the exception of a few thousand of the 120,000 soldiers in Switzerland's militia army who keep their cartridges at home, all army ammunition will has to be stored in central arsenals. Army guns can still be kept at home.


There is a load of shit talked about Switzerland mainly by those that have never been there. The structure of the Swiss militia system stipulates that the soldiers keep their own personal equipment, including all personally assigned weapons, at home (until 2007 this also included ammo[SUP][3][/SUP]). Compulsory military service concerns all male Swiss citizens, with women serving voluntarily. Males usually receive initial orders at the age of 18 for military conscription eligibility screening. About two-thirds of young Swiss men are found suitable for service, while alternative service exists for those found unsuitable.[SUP][4][/SUP] Annually, approximately 20,000 persons are trained in basic training for a duration from 18 to 21 weeks (increased from 15 weeks, in 2003).

Since 2007 ammunition cannot be stored at home. With the exception of a few thousand of the 120,000 soldiers in Switzerland's militia army who keep their cartridges at home, all army ammunition will has to be stored in central arsenals. Army guns can still be kept at home.


Come on, face up to it, not even Germany wanted to invade Switzerland during WW2, because the Swiss had that huge immediately armed Army and the Mountains to fight from. Naturally the Germans would have won, but their losses would have been horrific. It was better to invade the gunless French, and bomb away at the limeys, neither of whom had a well well armed citizenry. We ended up sending arms to both of them, AKA Lend Lease
How many right wing ideas are good ones? Their economic ideas are losers, I think their "everyone should be armed" notion is insane as well.

Free market and capitalism are loser ideas? What kind of economic system are you in support of?
Free market and capitalism are loser ideas? What kind of economic system are you in support of?

Unregulated capitalism is pretty much what we now have. It's called Oligarchy...how's that working out for you? We have gone down a dead end hole with 'trickle down voodoo economics'...
Unregulated capitalism is pretty much what we now have. It's called Oligarchy...how's that working out for you? We have gone down a dead end hole with 'trickle down voodoo economics'...

Unregulated capitalism? If we have unregulated capitalism now what would you what we had during the Industrial Revolution?

How's capitalism working out for me? It's allowed me to live in the richest nation on the planet. It's given me a chance to pursue what I love to do. I can't complain.

What kind of economic system would you like to see us have in the U.S.?
Unregulated capitalism is pretty much what we now have. It's called Oligarchy...how's that working out for you? We have gone down a dead end hole with 'trickle down voodoo economics'...

Unregulated huh? So I can build a nuclear power plant in my garage and dumb the waste in the sewer?
Come on, face up to it, not even Germany wanted to invade Switzerland during WW2, because the Swiss had that huge immediately armed Army and the Mountains to fight from. Naturally the Germans would have won, but their losses would have been horrific. It was better to invade the gunless French, and bomb away at the limeys, neither of whom had a well well armed citizenry. We ended up sending arms to both of them, AKA Lend Lease

The Germans needed somewhere to keep their money, it suited them to keep Switzerland neutral. They did the same with Sweden, but that didn't stop Sweden supplying Bofors guns, steel and ball bearings.