What do you call a person who won't wear a mask and wont get a Covid shot.


Verified User
Its a question, what do you call this type of person who is a constant threat to their neighbors and community, a threat to your family and friends and is willing to sacrifice their own children to the God of their Ignorance.
Its a question, what do you call this type of person who is a constant threat to their neighbors and community, a threat to your family and friends and is willing to sacrifice their own children to the God of their Ignorance.

Go fuck yourself, pussy. Go hide under your bed and piss yourself.
Its a question, what do you call this type of person who is a constant threat to their neighbors and community, a threat to your family and friends and is willing to sacrifice their own children to the God of their Ignorance.

You call that person David Jeffrey Spetch. Only one time throughout the entire pandemic have I worn a mask. I wear a shield for good reasons. The one time was due to having morphine placed in my IV bag at a hospital of which I puked my brains out just before a so called doctor came in and she started in on me so I put a mask around my neck and told her when the chair jockey (whatever you call those who push people around in wheelchairs in hospitals) comes I will place it over my face if anyone can see me. So here and there for a couple of seconds I pulled the mask over my face as I went down the hall passing people. Was I ever pissed off with that doctor the next day. Lay into me after feeding me morphine and puking my brains out. My big puke was all foam and lots of it, totally was weird, was a first for me ...
Its a question, what do you call this type of person who is a constant threat to their neighbors and community, a threat to your family and friends and is willing to sacrifice their own children to the God of their Ignorance.

Answer - A person.

A child's chances of dying of Covid are 99.995%.

You believe a parent is 'sacrificing their child'?

If they do not force them to get a vaccine for an illness that they have a 99.995% chance of surviving?

Yes or no, please?
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What do you call a person who won't wear a mask and wont get a Covid shot.
According to The Cult of the Mask, the people you reference have been deemed "Sinners":

SINNER: noun
Also smeared by Cultists as an "anti-vaxxer", a "science denier", or a "conspiracy theorist", a Sinner is a non-believer of Church of the Mask Mythology, aka one who tells the Cult of the Mask to shove their face diaper where the sun don't shine; one who doesn't adhere to Cult of the Mask rituals. A Sinner can typically be identified by his/her support for President Trump, the Constitution, freedom, justice, liberty for all, and the full recognition of unalienable rights endowed by their Creator.

I, on the other hand, happen to call such people God-fearing freedom-loving patriots.

Its a question, what do you call this type of person who is a constant threat to their neighbors and community,
How is a healthy person a "disease threat" to you? Fear mongering much?

a threat to your family and friends and is willing to sacrifice their own children to the God of their Ignorance.
See above.
According to The Cult of the Mask, the people you reference have been deemed "Sinners":

SINNER: noun
Also smeared by Cultists as an "anti-vaxxer", a "science denier", or a "conspiracy theorist", a Sinner is a non-believer of Church of the Mask Mythology, aka one who tells the Cult of the Mask to shove their face diaper where the sun don't shine; one who doesn't adhere to Cult of the Mask rituals. A Sinner can typically be identified by his/her support for President Trump, the Constitution, freedom, justice, liberty for all, and the full recognition of unalienable rights endowed by their Creator.

I, on the other hand, happen to call such people God-fearing freedom-loving patriots.

How is a healthy person a "disease threat" to you? Fear mongering much?

See above.

Sinners , now that is stupid. Offer something that has a possible correlation to the thread.
You call that person David Jeffrey Spetch. Only one time throughout the entire pandemic have I worn a mask. I wear a shield for good reasons. The one time was due to having morphine placed in my IV bag at a hospital of which I puked my brains out just before a so called doctor came in and she started in on me so I put a mask around my neck and told her when the chair jockey (whatever you call those who push people around in wheelchairs in hospitals) comes I will place it over my face if anyone can see me. So here and there for a couple of seconds I pulled the mask over my face as I went down the hall passing people. Was I ever pissed off with that doctor the next day. Lay into me after feeding me morphine and puking my brains out. My big puke was all foam and lots of it, totally was weird, was a first for me ...
The definition of a piece of shit. I don't give a dam about no one and I will gladly sacrifice my children family and all my friends to my brain dead stupidity.
Sinners , now that is stupid. Offer something that has a possible correlation to the thread.

It has no link for verification and is bullshit and should be taken down. :dunno:

It's the epitome of shitposting. You are no stranger to shitposting.

This thread has a no-content, fact-free, and divisive OP.

One could just as easily say "I saw a unicorn farting rainbows the other day".

Without posting this afterwards, even:

Its a question, what do you call this type of person who is a constant threat to their neighbors and community, a threat to your family and friends and is willing to sacrifice their own children to the God of their Ignorance.

Most I’ve encountered are either dumb, obstinate, selfish, or all of the above
Answer - A person.

A child's chances of dying of Covid are 99.995%.

You believe a parent is 'sacrificing their child'?

If they do not force them to get a vaccine for an illness that they have a 99.995% chance of surviving?

Yes or no, please?
Idiot 1,150,543 child COVID-19 cases were reported the past week from 1/13/22-1 Here is the real problem with SARS-CoV-2 it can attack the body in a range of ways, causing damage to the lungs, heart, nervous system, kidneys, liver and other organs. Mental health problems can arise from grief and loss, unresolved pain or fatigue, or from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after treatment in the intensive care unit (ICU). This will turn out to be the real issue with covid. These air heads think the only thing that counts is deaths, They are totally willing to sacrifice their children to their brain dead stupidity.
Its a question, what do you call this type of person who is a constant threat to their neighbors and community, a threat to your family and friends and is willing to sacrifice their own children to the God of their Ignorance.

At this point in things, I'd say they should be called reasonable.
Its a question, what do you call this type of person who is a constant threat to their neighbors and community, a threat to your family and friends and is willing to sacrifice their own children to the God of their Ignorance.


what do you call someone awash in hyperbole and deluded by pseudoscience ? jbander, of course !