What do you call a person who won't wear a mask and wont get a Covid shot.

The concept of excess deaths goes back to the 1800's.
Define 'excess death'.
It was used to study cholera deaths.
No, statistics was used to study cholera deaths. It was simple statistics that isolated cholera deaths to water supplies.
I am only 51 years old, so definitely did not invent the term.
Define 'excess death'.
I tend to use The Economist's excess deaths numbers.
Define 'excess death'. A buzzword is not a number.
I believe they do a good job, but there are and will be many others studying excess deaths.
Define 'excess death'.
The Economist is a conservative British news magazine, and their numbers are for most of the countries.
They are not conservative. Their numbers are random numbers.
I have no control over their methodology.
Random numbers are not a methodology.
Excess deaths have been used to study all sorts of major events, from wars, to hurricanes, to recessions, to pandemics. Excess deaths is not a method unique to Covid.
Define 'excess deaths'. Now you say it's some kind of 'method'.
Excess deaths are a way of understanding the number of deaths,
Define 'excess death'.
but like all other statistics can distort if misused.
No such buzzword in statistical math. Statistical math does not distort.
Taiwan has had 850 deaths attributed to Covid, but NEGATIVE 3,710 excess deaths.
Argument from randU fallacy. Covid19 does not kill. Define 'excess death'. What is a 'negative death'? A birth?
In effect, the Covid pandemic has caused more people to survive in Taiwan.
So you are now locked in paradox. You say covid19 kills (it doesn't), then you are saying it causes people to survive (it doesn't).
The Taiwanese are taking precautions that are not just saving their lives from Covid, but also from colds and flus.
Define 'saving a life' concerning something that does not kill.
The disease itself killed 850, and probably more,
Argument from randU fallacy. Quoting made up numbers as data is a fallacy.
but the precautions related to the disease saved more than 4,000 lives making the pandemic a net life saver.
Argument from randU fallacy. Speculations. There is no such thing as a 'net life saver'. Another buzzword.
The economist is filled with meaningless buzzword like this. Define 'excess death'.
Like that is even a point to consider , The day a person gets a shot he has a 93% chance that the shot is effective , that means7% have gained nothing from the shot , after 6 months it is around 70% effective that means the 30 percent aren't covered and can get covid and die from covid , You people are so stupid that this comment will go right over your heads. By the way for a virus 93% effective is a great number.

Argument from randU fallacies. Making up numbers and using them as data is a fallacy.
The right can\t argue or debate their ideas of covid there is no way they can source it or find a reference to their ignorance , without their sources be brain dead lies. Please Anyone on the right say anything you think are factual and supports your ideas and source it for us to look at. The right never says the truth about anything.

Paradox M. Paradox V. Bulverism fallacy. Buzzword fallacies. Learn what 'fact' means.
What's the ratio of deaths?
There is no ratio.
Idiot; a vaccination is like body armor; something is better than nothing. Same goes for all the same common sense practices in the 1918 pandemic; social distancing, masks, wash your hands/don't touch your face. Today is purely idiotic partisanship.
Paradox V. Paradox M.
* it's okay if you don't know or refuse to answer.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Answer what? Your question is based on a meaningless buzzword.
Yes it was. Denial of history.

Define 'excess death'.

There are no Nazis. The Nazi party was destroyed in WW2. This isn't Germany.

have you heard of operation paperclip?

duckduckgo it.

Operation Paperclip - Wikipedia
Search domain en.wikipedia.orghttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Operation_Paperclip
Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959.
Operation Paperclip
Search domain operationpaperclip.infohttps://www.operationpaperclip.info
Operation Paperclip was the codename under which the US intelligence and military services extricated scientists from Germany, during and after the final stages of World War II. The project was originally called Operation Overcast, and is sometimes also known as Project Paperclip.
Home‧Wernher von Braun‧Bernhard Tessmann‧Arthur Rudolph‧Kurt Blome‧Nordhausen
OPERATION PAPERCLIP - Central Intelligence Agency
Search domain cia.govhttps://www.cia.gov › readingroom › docs › CIA-RDP88-01070R000100200004-9.pdf
TRAVIS T. HIPP: Operation Paperclip, bent but still unbroken. The sudden discovery of Nazi war criminals alive and well in America under goverment-supplied covers is threatening to open an even bigger can of worms concerning the origins of the Central Intelligence Agency and Pentagon processing of Third Reich spies.
What Was Operation Paperclip? - HISTORY
Search domain history.comhttps://www.history.com › news › what-was-operation-paperclip
In a covert affair originally dubbed Operation Overcast but later renamed Operation Paperclip, roughly 1,600 of these German scientists (along with their families) were brought to the United States...
Operation Paperclip - Jewish Virtual Library
Search domain jewishvirtuallibrary.orghttps://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org › operation-paperclip
Operation Paperclip (also Project Paperclip) was the code name for the O.S.S.-U.S. Military rescue of scientists from Nazi Germany, during the terminus and aftermath of World War II. In 1945, the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency was established with direct responsibility for effecting Operation Paperclip.
Operation Paperclip
Search domain archives.govhttps://www.archives.gov › atlanta › exhibits › item452-exh.html
In what would be called Operation Paperclip, the U.S. Office of Strategic Services brought Dr. Wernher von Braun, and over 1,500 German scientists and engineers, to the U.S. in the final weeks of the war.
The Horrible Secrets of Operation Paperclip: An Interview ...
Search domain historynewsnetwork.orghttps://historynewsnetwork.org › article › 155194
What was Operation Paperclip? Operation Paperclip was a classified program to bring Nazi scientists to America right after World War II. It had, however, a benign public face. The war department...
Search domain anniejacobsen.comhttps://anniejacobsen.com › operation-paperclip
OPERATION PAPERCLIP | Annie Jacobsen The explosive story of America's secret post-WWI science programs, from the author of the New York Times bestseller Area 51. In the chaos following World War II, the U.S. government faced many difficult decisions, including what to do with the Third Reich's scientific minds.
Operation Paperclip: The Truth about Bringing Nazi ...
Search domain aish.comhttps://www.aish.com › ci › s › Operation-Paperclip-The-Truth-about-Bringing-Nazi-Scientists-to-America.html
The controversial series is fictional, but Operation Paperclip is based on a real program involving United States and other countries actively recruiting Nazi scientists to work on domestic weapons programs. Origins in World War II "Operation Paperclip" had its origins while World War II still raged.
Fact check: Nazi scientists brought to U.S. in Operation ...
Search domain usatoday.comhttps://www.usatoday.com › story › news › factcheck › 2020 › 09 › 16 › fact-check-nazi-scientists-brought-u-s-operation-paperclip › 5690870002
Sep 16, 2020Operation Paperclip was a secret initiative launched by the U.S. government to recruit German engineers, doctors, physicists, chemists and other scientific experts for U.S. technological...
