What do you think, Liberals?


Can you just imagine, however unlikely it is in reality, the Dude ever, EVER, EVER partaking in an intelligent debate ?
Even if it only consisted of 3 or 4 posts....:rofl2:
At least desh and Howey and Thingy1 try once in awhile....
Ah well, patience and courage will show their true colors.
I have shown 2 members of the obamacult the error of their ways in the past 24 hours.

Dude and howey, proven liars!!

Mission accomplished!
You're not worth the effort, so I'm quoting the first comment:

Contradiction #1: Pro-Abortion vs. Anti-Capital Punishment
Ok. I am pro-both, so I do not have this contradiction.
As a christian, how can you be pro-capital punishment? I thought one of the 10 commandments was "Thou shall not murder".

Contradiction #2: Pro-Technology vs. Anti-Free Market
I am pro-markets, and I do not like Apple. Personally, I think companies like Apple threaten the free-market, as they basically act like a monopoly (like so many other "too big to fail" entities). Conservatives tend to forget that the strength of capitalism is competition, which Apple tries to prevent through strong-arming practices and litigation.

Contradiction #3: Pro-Homosexual vs. Pro-Muslim
Some muslims want to kill homosexuals. Some christians want to kill homosexuals. I support anyone's belief, as long as it does not infringe on the rights of other people. Let's not kid ourselves, institutionalized religions tend to not like homosexuals.

Contradiction #4: Pro-Darwinian Evolution vs. Anti-Human Domination
Most educated people believe that Darwinian evolution is a prime science. People in general tend to dislike Human Domination? To me, not sure what the big difference is between the Christian god and Kim Jung Il. They both are bullies, and will punish you for thought crime.
With your logic, Is there not a contradiction with conservative positions of Anti-evolution and Pro-Human Domination, n'est pa?

Contradiction #5: Christianity vs. All Other Religions

Liberals want freedom for religion and non-believers. Not all of us are Christians. Not all of us are theists. You can practice what you want, but why do you have to infringe on my beliefs. Also, Christians are not tolerant. I am Atheist, and personally, I find more buddhists are more tolerant than most christians. Read your responses. You do not appear very tolerant to other people's views.
Oh by the way, the Bible, teaches us to be terrorists (read the story of Samson) and most christians appear to not have a problem with bombing other countries. From my perspective, Christians like bombing brown people.

Also, why should Obama be mentioning God in his Thanksgiving address? Some of us U.S. citizens are again atheists.

Contradiction #6: Pro-Education vs. Anti-School Choice
I am for choice in schools.
However, how does Anti-school choice contradict with Pro-education? They just have a different opinion... gasp.

You must watch the religious documentary, Indoctrination: Jesus-camp.

Contradiction #7: Hateful vs. Anti-Hate
There is a lot of hate in both camps.

Contradiction #8: Pro-Women vs. Anti-Sarah Palin
I am pro-women. However, I am anti-stupid-women.

Contradiction #9: Racism
I think there is racism in both camps.

Contradiction #10: Pro-Jew vs. Anti-Israel
Just because you are not pro-israel, does not mean that you cannot be pro-jew.
I'll take a crack at #10 though I don't consider myself a liberal.

Anti-Israel, a stance of being opposed to the actions of a country, pretty simple. "Pro-Jewish" is pretty much the state of being american where anti-antisemitism is a word that's almost worse than racist. Therefore when one expresses distaste for Israel it is pretty much obliged to follow with the words, "But I don't hate jews, I just don't like what the Israeli government does, but I'm behind it's people 100%"

Rather like expressing discontent with the military really.
Any of you libs want to take a crack at an honest rebuttal?


OKay...one at a time for ease and comfort. Let's do an easy one first.

Contradiction #3: Pro-Homosexual vs. Pro-Muslim

Muslims want to kill homosexuals. Yet, Liberals promote the Homosexual agenda and Shariah Law. If the Muslims take over the United States, they will start by expunging the land of Homosexuals and Liberals. (Please see my conclusion to explain why Liberals really hold to these two contradictory positions.

This is just total horseshit...not to mention a complete misrepresentation. Liberals believe that each and every living breathing individual has the right to believe what they like.

Liberals believe homosexuals, as well as Muslims, have the right to their own personal idea of freedom. Liberals may not believe as Muslims do regarding some specific areas of their religion, but they don't begrudge them the right to have their own belief system.

While Conservatives have demonstrated time and again they are willing to tell others how they must live their lives.

The author makes the ridiculous claim that Liberals PROMOTE Sharia Law...odd how he couldn't be bothered to provide even one instance as proof to back up his nonsense.
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Any of you libs want to take a crack at an honest rebuttal?


Another easy one...

Contradiction #5: Christianity vs. All Other Religions

Liberals want religious freedom for all religions except Christianity. “Take down that cross… No nativity scenes on public property… No prayer at high school graduation ceremonies!” The list goes on, all in the name of “tolerance.” Isn’t it ironic that Christianity is the only religion that tolerates others? Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us to love our enemies, not to kill them. The Koran, however, teaches Muslims to kill the infidels!

Total nonsense...Liberals just want Christians to abide by the same laws that govern the public display of Religious symbols that every other organized religion follows.

It's not Liberals fault that thin skinned Christians get their noses out of joint and have to whine about it.

Do you hear Muslims or Jews or Buddhists or (your religion here) whining because they can't stand up before sporting events and spout their dogma to a captive audience?

Nope. They understand the laws and abide by them...whiny Christians believe they deserve special rights.
OKay...one at a time for ease and comfort. Let's do an easy one first.

Contradiction #3: Pro-Homosexual vs. Pro-Muslim

Muslims want to kill homosexuals. Yet, Liberals promote the Homosexual agenda and Shariah Law. If the Muslims take over the United States, they will start by expunging the land of Homosexuals and Liberals. (Please see my conclusion to explain why Liberals really hold to these two contradictory positions.

This is just total horseshit...

No, it isn't:


Liberals believe that each and every living breathing individual has the right to believe what they like.
As long as they can prove their beliefs to a board of atheists; otherwise, it's STFU, Christians.

Liberals just love 'diversity', which is why they promote certain belief systems like Sharia Law.

Liberals believe homosexuals, as well as Muslims, have the right to their own personal idea of freedom.
Liberals promote homosexuality and Sharia Law. Christians can take a flying leap.

Liberals may not believe as Muslims do regarding some specific areas of their religion, but they don't begrudge them the right to have their own belief system.
Liberals do a helluva lot more than that: they promote Sharia Law.

While Conservatives have demonstrated time and again they are willing to tell others how they must live their lives.
That's what Liberals do. Conservatives endeavor to follow the Constitution.

The author makes the ridiculous claim that Liberals PROMOTE Sharia Law...odd how he couldn't be bothered to provide even one instance as proof to back up his nonsense.
There's nothing ridiculous about it. I provided an instance, and I'm willing to get more.
Another easy one...

Contradiction #5: Christianity vs. All Other Religions

Liberals want religious freedom for all religions except Christianity. “Take down that cross… No nativity scenes on public property… No prayer at high school graduation ceremonies!” The list goes on, all in the name of “tolerance.” Isn’t it ironic that Christianity is the only religion that tolerates others? Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us to love our enemies, not to kill them. The Koran, however, teaches Muslims to kill the infidels!

Total nonsense...Liberals just want Christians to abide by the same laws that govern the public display of Religious symbols that every other organized religion follows.

It's not Liberals fault that thin skinned Christians get their noses out of joint and have to whine about it.

Do you hear Muslims or Jews or Buddhists or (your religion here) whining because they can't stand up before sporting events and spout their dogma to a captive audience?

Nope. They understand the laws and abide by them...whiny Christians believe they deserve special rights.
Christianity is a helluva lot more prevalent here than Islam, Judaism, or Buddhism. The Holy Bible is what used to be read in our schools, not the Koran. We're still a Christian nation, despite what your choice for President said.
No, it isn't:


As long as they can prove their beliefs to a board of atheists; otherwise, it's STFU, Christians.

Liberals just love 'diversity', which is why they promote certain belief systems like Sharia Law.

Liberals promote homosexuality and Sharia Law. Christians can take a flying leap.

Liberals do a helluva lot more than that: they promote Sharia Law.

That's what Liberals do. Conservatives endeavor to follow the Constitution.

There's nothing ridiculous about it. I provided an instance, and I'm willing to get more.

Prove liberals support Sharia law. Links to Fox news are NOT PROOF.
Sure, here's an honest rebuttal. There is not one single item on that list which isn't a bigoted strawman. It's amazing how right wing conservatives can post stuff like this and then resent why they are percieved as both ignorant and racist. Now, can you please explain that contradiction?

You say not one single item isn't bigoted? Really? Do you realize how ignorant you make yourself sound?

That is just the typical liberal knee jerk reaction to painful truths.