What hath Hillary wrought?

Big Money

New member

At this stage, what difference does it make?

With each passing week since her departure, more and more consequences of her entirely reactive and ineffectual tenure come to light.

Take the pledge she continually reiterated that the Obama team would “restore” U.S. stature in the world.

The Pew poll reports, “Confidence in Obama in Muslim countries dropped from 33% to 24% in his first term. Approval of Obama’s policies declined even further, from 34% to 15%. Support for the United States in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Pakistan is lower today than it was in 2008 in the closing year of George W. Bush’s administration.”

In other words, as much as Obama’s standing has collapsed, the policies Clinton presumably had something to do with did even worse.

In showing fecklessness with regard to Iran, doing nothing to end the suffering in Syria and embracing Muslim Brotherhood chief Mohamed Morsi, the Obama administration did little to show strength or show support for or purported values.

On Clinton’s watch, a U.S. ambassador was killed, the first such occurrence in more than 30 years.

Meanwhile, diplomacy and sanctions failed to halt Iranian progress toward nuclear weapons.

The administration was largely mute at a critical time in the Green Revolution. Elsewhere, the entire “peace process” crumbled.

The Palestinian Authority, against our express wishes, went to the United Nations for a declaration of statehood, while we were able to round up fewer than 10 “no” votes.

Syria’s chemical weapons were not secured, and the humanitarian crisis poured into neighboring countries.

Russian reset was such a bust that Clinton’s successor, John Kerry, was compelled to dump it as he was taking office. The “pivot” to Asia was widely ridiculed.

Clinton didn’t obtain a status of forces agreement in Iraq, a tragic failure that has let the country fall into strife.

Where is the record of accomplishment, let alone greatness?

If Clinton’s defenders were honest about her record, they would say that none of that is her fault since she really didn’t have any authority.

I’m sure she could relate when the hapless Chuck Hagel said his job wouldn’t involve “running anything” and would not be a policy-making spot.

The same, I suppose, could be said of Clinton’s years at State.

If Joe Biden runs against Clinton in 2016, he will have the same difficulties.

But at least Biden will have domestic accomplishments, such as they are.

Clinton remains the favorite Democrat in the country, but if performance count for anything, she starts without much of a record to commend her.

Hillary is a power mad, power hungry bitch! Her tenor as Secretary Of State was a disaster and a Hillary Presidency would be an even greater disaster.
I haven't seen a single accomplishment or qualification of hers that would qualify her for the presidency.

"She's a woman" seems to be the sum total.
I'll take a brilliant, forthright person like Hillary over a snide, incurious dolt like Palin every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

Brilliant? Didn't she believe her hubby?

Forthright? Where's her explanation for Benghazi?

Incurious? Did she ever wonder what Billy was doing with those other women?

And Palin's not the issue.

It's Hils.

Why can't you seem to list her accomplishments (such as they are) without comparing her to someone else?
Brilliant? Didn't she believe her hubby?

Believe him about Lewinsky? I read her book and she was blindsided about the affair. She stood up for him and said "The great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president."

She was totally humiliated by him, and admitted it.

Forthright? Where's her explanation for Benghazi?

No matter what she says about Benghazi you guys don't believe it. You all are like terriers with a chew toy about Hillary.

"The American tragedy in Benghazi is the most investigated terrorist attack of its kind in recent history. Eight House and Senate committees have looked into the attack, generating 18 hearings, 40 administration briefings, and the production of at least 25,000 pages of administration documents. But these investigations have uncovered no evidence of wrongdoing by President Obama or former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, despite the best efforts of Republican House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa to manufacture a scandal."

Incurious? Did she ever wonder what Billy was doing with those other women?

I think the question is what did she know and when did she know it.

And Palins' not the issue.

It's Hils.

Okay, I'll accept that. Which woman pol would repubs like to see as president?

Why can't you seem to list her accomplishments (such as they are) without comparing her to someone else?

I've given you links and opinions and you just brush them off. Maybe you could define "accomplishment" more narrowly.
I read her book and she was blindsided about the affair. She stood up for him and said "The great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president." She was totally humiliated by him, and admitted it.

So she's stupid, because she believed him as long as she did, and calculating, because she stayed married to him for the political perks. And Monica wasn't the first, or the last, was she?

No matter what she says about Benghazi you guys don't believe it

Guess why...

Which woman pol would repubs like to see as president?

Why does gender matter? How about best-qualified?

I've given you links and opinions and you just brush them off.

Because they're opinions, and the linked information is unsubstantive.
So she's stupid, because she believed him as long as she did, and calculating, because she stayed married to him for the political perks. And Monica wasn't the first, or the last, was she?

Cracks me up how you guys think she married him for political perks. She didn't even like being a governor's wife. You should read her book.

Guess why...

I can't guess. If you're not persuaded by all the hearings, documents, briefings and investigations, nothing I say will change your mind. Go back and read about the Starr report, another exhaustive investigation of the Clintons that led nowhere. Repubs just can't get enough of them.

Why does gender matter? How about best-qualified?

Gender doesn't matter, but the only possible Dem contender you guys talk about is Hillary.

Because they're opinions, and the linked information is unsubstantive.

The linked information is foot-noted to other information, hardly insubstantial.
She didn't even like being a governor's wife. You should read her book.

Because she would never lie in her own book, would she?

If you're not persuaded by all the hearings, documents, briefings and investigations, nothing I say will change your mind.

Exactly. Yet you keep trying. Remind me, what's the definition of "insanity"?

Gender doesn't matter, but the only possible Dem contender you guys talk about is Hillary.

Dems keep crowing about her "accomplishment" being a woman as if it's unique...and who else is being championed by Gerud and Deshy?

The linked information is foot-noted to other information, hardly insubstantial.

Her 'accomplishments' are what I find insubstantial...
Because she would never lie in her own book, would she?

Probably as much as anybody who's writing about their life. Maybe more lies of omission.

Exactly. Yet you keep trying. Remind me, what's the definition of "insanity"?

I keep trying because you keep asking. About that definition... :tongout:

Dems keep crowing about her "accomplishment" being a woman as if it's unique...and who else is being championed by Gerud and Deshy?

I think it's more that this country is really backward in electing women to high offices. It's disgraceful. And you probably heard that "As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot.”

Her 'accomplishments' are what I find insubstantial...

Whose accomplishments do you find substantial?
Probably as much as anybody who's writing about their life. Maybe more lies of omission.

Got a factual basis for that assessment? If so, let's see it.

I keep trying because you keep asking.

And I keep asking because you keep trying. :tongout:

I think it's more that this country is really backward in electing women to high offices. It's disgraceful.

What's disgraceful about the will of the electorate? Are you advocating affirmative action elections?

And you probably heard that "As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot.”


Whose accomplishments do you find substantial?

Not Hillarys'. She is the one being discussed. Try to focus.
Got a factual basis for that assessment? If so, let's see it.
And I keep asking because you keep trying. :tongout:

What's disgraceful about the will of the electorate? Are you advocating affirmative action elections?

Not Hillarys'. She is the one being discussed. Try to focus.

We've reached the proverbial rock and hard place.

As long as you cons continue to spread misinformation about Hillary, I will continue to show you the error of your ways.


Women Unite.

Fat ugly women always unite behind other fat ugly women. Lovely ladies always unite behind other lovely ladies.

That of course explains why all of the fat ugly women are Hillary supporters and why all of the lovely ladies support Sweet Sara, huh?
Fat ugly women always unite behind other fat ugly women. Lovely ladies always unite behind other lovely ladies.

That of course explains why all of the fat ugly women are Hillary supporters and why all of the lovely ladies support Sweet Sara, huh?

Support Sarah for what? I'm not aware of any office she's trying to get into.

So I guess all the supporters of Jan Brewer are ugly, wrinkled hags whose skin looks like ten miles of dried river bed, huh.
