What hath Hillary wrought?

She's just pissed because Sweet Sara has allied herself with the more libertarian Rand Paul instead of with the Fat-assed tax raising gun-grabbing Neo-con RINO bastard in Jersey. When fucking Jersey Democrats love your fat ass you can't be worth the powder and lead it would take blow your ass to hell. Christie is a fat assed Democrat ass kisser and two bit phony.


This is funny knowing all humor is based on truth.
I didn't know she sang as a male...her tenure as Secretary of State was devoid of accomplishments, too.

I've decided you are truly ignorant, and perhaps you can't help it because it's in your DNA.
Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State for 4 years and made great strides in American diplomacy. She helped in the freeing of a Chinese dissident; tightening of sanctions Iran; the liberation of Libya; and, the rights of women.
Do women scare you?
LOL, she left under a cloud called Benghazi, is that the "freeing of Libya"?

She accomplished nothing of note.

I bet Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Nikki Haley, and Michele Bachmann scare you, Kinki...:rofl2:
“Office?” Who’s talking about some stupid office? Sweet Sara is supported by every red-blooded male as “Miss Political Eye Candy.” It’s such a treat to see loveliness in politics after being sickened by so many of those ugly fucking Democrat Voodoo dolls.

Oh? That's not what you said originally. Let me remind you: "...why all of the lovely ladies support Sweet Sara, huh? "

And as far as "ugly effing voodoo dolls", I'd wager Barbara Bush has had a few pins stuck into her over the years, huh.

Any old broad that will poke her finger in Obama’s face can’t be all bad, huh?

You should quit while you're behind.
Too funny. I'm not even into double-digit sizes, unlike Palin, Meghan McCain, Ann Romney and a few other conservative chubettes whose names escape me at the moment.

The above comment has been Howey-approved ©

They don't fit, HUH!!
Looks like your into the triple digit sizes. :)
She's just pissed because Sweet Sara has allied herself with the more libertarian Rand Paul instead of with the Fat-assed tax raising gun-grabbing Neo-con RINO bastard in Jersey. When fucking Jersey Democrats love your fat ass you can't be worth the powder and lead it would take blow your ass to hell. Christie is a fat assed Democrat ass kisser and two bit phony.

I'm not pissed about anything. And for the 1,456,782nd time, my s/n is after the mystery author, not the NJ politician.