What If the Dollar Falls?

We are not in a depression, not even a recession, a depression implies little economic activity, so explain to us, without employing your usual pseudo intellectual semantics as a deflection, how in the hell does inflation happen when there is little money in circulation

We are in an economic depression. There is little economic activity. We've been in one since 2019, which was started by Democrats. Inflation happens when government 'prints' too much money. It often happens during depressions such as this one. There is a lot of money in circulation. Velocity is lower though.
Here's my understanding of the shell game. Once issued a social security number you become a commodity that can be borrowed against. Congress decides how to spend its new collateral being born every day and paying into the system for 45 years.

Let's say some thinktank wants to start 8 wars in the Middle East, congress approves a new digit to show up on the screen followed by 12 zeros. The fed buys up these treasury notes with money stolen from social security. Can we all agree so far?

That's the problem with MMT. Nothing is created or invested. It all goes to for-profit wars. Even the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is a scam that hands over public property and utilities to private corporations. We are pawning off all our stuff to Wall Street. Our kids retirement is gone. That IOU will never be paid back.

The dollar will hang around for a few decades to service Wall Street and London. The rest of the world is investing in their future.

Government debt is not Wall St. It is Washington DC. War is not profitable. It is investment in destruction.
Here's my understanding of the shell game. Once issued a social security number you become a commodity that can be borrowed against. Congress decides how to spend its new collateral being born every day and paying into the system for 45 years.

Let's say some thinktank wants to start 8 wars in the Middle East, congress approves a new digit to show up on the screen followed by 12 zeros. The fed buys up these treasury notes with money stolen from social security. Can we all agree so far?

That's the problem with MMT. Nothing is created or invested. It all goes to for-profit wars. Even the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is a scam that hands over public property and utilities to private corporations. We are pawning off all our stuff to Wall Street. Our kids retirement is gone. That IOU will never be paid back.

The dollar will hang around for a few decades to service Wall Street and London. The rest of the world is investing in their future.

The New World Order is managed by the Chinese, and it will run on gold. America and the dollar are over.
It is NOT what you said, and you are still wrong.

You stand by nothing. You are changing what you said.

There is no 'money dispersion hierarchy'. Inflation is not a 'hierarchy'.

I am correct.

of course people with more access to the fake money spigot for greater and greater sums fare better.
We are in an economic depression. There is little economic activity. We've been in one since 2019, which was started by Democrats. Inflation happens when government 'prints' too much money. It often happens during depressions such as this one. There is a lot of money in circulation. Velocity is lower though.

Alright, then explain the GDP over the last twenty plus years (https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/gdp-growth-rate), and given it fell thru the floor in 2020, your man Trump leads the way, ironic after he added eight trillion to the debt in just four years

And no one prints money, rather, the Fed decreases interest rates, lowers reserve requirements, plus buys securities and bonds, do you fail highschool
International transactions are done using one of the two local currencies between the parties.
For example:
If I buy some from Japan, I must convert the transaction to Yen. If I pay in dollars, the vendor I buy from must convert the transaction to Yen for me.
If I buy from Mexico, I must convert the transaction to pesos. If I buy from Canada, I must convert the transaction the Canadian dollar.

It's the same no matter which international transaction I conduct.

That is not the same as international trading

When China trades it uses Yuan when it is allowed
The U.S. Is Facing A Major Challenge As Petrodollar Loses Force
https://markets.businessinsider.com › news › stocks › the-us-is-facing-a-major-challenge-as-petrodollar-loses-force-1032063614?op=1
Feb 2, 2023The petrodollar is the result of US efforts to secure access to Middle Eastern oil while also lessening the slide of the dollar in the early 1970s. By 1974, the US dollar was in a precarious position.
What Is the Petrodollar? - The Balance
https://www.thebalancemoney.com › what-is-a-petrodollar-3306358
Jun 4, 2022What Is the Petrodollar? The U.S. dollar is the standard currency used to pay for oil globally, prompted by an agreement between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia in 1945. This agreement led to other oil-exporting countries accepting the dollar as payment for oil, and the relationship between the dollar and oil began.
Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse ...
https://www.resilience.org › stories › 2005-08-08 › petrodollar-warfare-dollars-euros-and-upcoming-iranian-oil-bourse
The upcoming bourse will introduce petrodollar versus petroeuro currency hedging, and fundamentally new dynamics to the biggest market in the world - global oil and gas trades. In essence, the U.S. will no longer be able to effortlessly expand its debt-financing via issuance of U.S. Treasury bills, and the dollar's international demand ...
Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse ...
https://mediamonitors.net › petrodollar-warfare-dollars-euros-and-the-upcoming-iranian-oil-bourse
The upcoming bourse will introduce petrodollar versus petroeuro currency hedging, and fundamentally new dynamics to the biggest market in the world - global oil and gas trades. In essence, the U.S. will no longer be able to effortlessly expand credit via U.S. Treasury bills, and the dollar's demand/liquidity value will fall. ... "Oil bourse ...

it's very profitable.
Destruction is not profitable.
why do you deny the existence of the military industrial complex.
I do not. War is not profitable.
you're exactly why I say libertarians have become fascist fucktards.
Redefinition fallacies (fascism<->capitalism, libertarian<->democrat).
'war isn't pofitable' is the dumbest thing every typed.
Destruction is not profitable.
The New World Order is managed by the Chinese, and it will run on gold. America and the dollar are over.

Ah...the old 'New World Order' BS again.
Gold is just another currency. China cannot control it. Indeed, China is in it's own dire financial mess right now...a big reason why people are fleeing it.
America is not over. You need to get out more and meet the people of America.
The dollar will be around as long as the federal government, in whatever form of government it becomes.
Destruction is not profitable.

I do not. War is not profitable.

Redefinition fallacies (fascism<->capitalism, libertarian<->democrat).

Destruction is not profitable.

it is profitable for arms manufacturers and their corrupt-o-crat friends, dildo-maven.

did you just fall off a turnip truck?
Alright, then explain the GDP over the last twenty plus years (https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/gdp-growth-rate), and given it fell thru the floor in 2020, your man Trump leads the way, ironic after he added eight trillion to the debt in just four years

And no one prints money, rather, the Fed decreases interest rates, lowers reserve requirements, plus buys securities and bonds, do you fail highschool

DEMOCRATS shut down the economy, idiot. Not Trump.
The government creates every dollar.

High school is not a valid reference. They can't even figure out what a women is, try to label mathematics as racist, teach 'climate change' (the Church of Global Warming) as 'science', and push the Democrat propaganda all the way.