What If the Dollar Falls?

That's correct. The entire world funnels 70% of its profit through Wall Street. That has to come to an end.

A made up number. Argument from randU fallacy.

Most businesses are small and have nothing to do with Wall St at all.
The bulk of the economy is small businesses.
There is no such thing as inflation. We do have supply and demand altering prices...is that what you meant or are you one of those fucking idiots that thinks there's a magick money fairy changing the value of a dollar?

Inflation is a real thing. It can be caused exacerbated by shortages, but the cause is creating money faster than the increase in wealth due to capitalism.
The government is the 'magick money fairy'. It is changing the value of a dollar.

there is inflation, ibdaman, intothenight, idiot sock.

I have no socks. IBDaMann has no socks either to my knowledge. Why do you think a liberal nut like Guile is conservative like me???
I happen to agree with you that inflation does exist. I have openly stated so. Why do you assume I do not think inflation is real?????!?
Not when it is an international transaction

International transactions are done using one of the two local currencies between the parties.
For example:
If I buy some from Japan, I must convert the transaction to Yen. If I pay in dollars, the vendor I buy from must convert the transaction to Yen for me.
If I buy from Mexico, I must convert the transaction to pesos. If I buy from Canada, I must convert the transaction the Canadian dollar.

It's the same no matter which international transaction I conduct.
yes, china's dirty fuel problem will be corrected.

I assume you mean their inefficient coal plants that put out a lost of soot (and wasted energy). China is already cleaning up some of them, but being embroiled in communism and the government unable to 'print' it's way out of it's mess, China will probably continue to have inefficient coal plants for some time, along with other problems of a failing government.

The unusual long lasting peace within China is coming to an end. It seems China will once again return to revolution after revolution.
No, I'm talking cash price. That's what I can buy today. If you were correct I wouldn't be able to do that.

In 1978 my famuly moved to the suburbs and my dad bought our house for $175,000. I can buy that same house today for $140,000. How is that possible?

The dollar has been devalued. Inflation.
Again, the world is in deflation. It's our state-owned media trying to convince us to pay more than value.

No. All fiat currencies are currently being inflated. Governments tend to do this since it's easier to pay off their debts with funny money.
The media you speak of has no control over prices. They are not god.
I'm agreeing with you that using the word inflation as the entire system collapses is a joke. We've been in a 15-year recession with no end in sight. I am in no way confused on this.

We are currently in an economic depression, and have been since 2019. It was started by the Democrats (again).
Economic depressions often have higher inflation. The Great Depression saw the dollar devalue to just half it's value (rapid inflation). Velocity also dropped. Do not confuse velocity with value.
Link? A single quote? Take your time looking for something that doesn't exist. LOL

Nice projection.

You're a schizo divider and liar, COgoat. What are you proposing people do? Start shooting like your WSE friends keep pushing?

Your paranoid schizophrenic fearmongering is noted. How many guns and how much ammo have you stocked up for when this happens? Are you even allowed to own guns, CO?

Psychoquackery. War mongering.
We are currently in an economic depression, and have been since 2019. It was started by the Democrats (again).
Economic depressions often have higher inflation. The Great Depression saw the dollar devalue to just half it's value (rapid inflation). Velocity also dropped. Do not confuse velocity with value.

We are not in a depression, not even a recession, a depression implies little economic activity, so explain to us, without employing your usual pseudo intellectual semantics as a deflection, how in the hell does inflation happen when there is little money in circulation
No. All fiat currencies are currently being inflated. Governments tend to do this since it's easier to pay off their debts with funny money.
The media you speak of has no control over prices. They are not god.
Here's my understanding of the shell game. Once issued a social security number you become a commodity that can be borrowed against. Congress decides how to spend its new collateral being born every day and paying into the system for 45 years.

Let's say some thinktank wants to start 8 wars in the Middle East, congress approves a new digit to show up on the screen followed by 12 zeros. The fed buys up these treasury notes with money stolen from social security. Can we all agree so far?

That's the problem with MMT. Nothing is created or invested. It all goes to for-profit wars. Even the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is a scam that hands over public property and utilities to private corporations. We are pawning off all our stuff to Wall Street. Our kids retirement is gone. That IOU will never be paid back.

The dollar will hang around for a few decades to service Wall Street and London. The rest of the world is investing in their future.