What If the Dollar Falls?

Inflation is what we tell idiots is responsible for them losing their money.

I can explain to you what is happening here but I'd have to use more words than I usually do.

no. it's a real thing.

the 'its the supply and demand only' argument is the biden regime argument for idiots.

so their "demand destruction" genocide plan can be sold as the solution.

and you're helping, johnny toolbox.

There is no such thing as inflation. We do have supply and demand altering prices...is that what you meant or are you one of those fucking idiots that thinks there's a magick money fairy changing the value of a dollar?
The magick money fairy keeps adding to the debt. How long before the US defaults on that debt? Is there such a thing as deflation? Too many questions, not enough Guille.
The magick money fairy keeps adding to the debt. How long before the US defaults on that debt? Is there such a thing as deflation? Too many questions, not enough Guille.

I can buy a house on the East Side of Detroit today for $200...that's less than what it cost 100 years ago. I can buy a 21" color TV today for $50...back in the 1980's that was about $300. Explain inflation to me again?
I can buy a house on the East Side of Detroit today for $200...that's less than what it cost 100 years ago. I can buy a 21" color TV today for $50...back in the 1980's that was about $300. Explain inflation to me again?

you're cherry picking particularly awful local market collapses.

it's very disingenuous and fucktardly of you.
you're cherry picking particularly awful local market collapses.

it's very disingenuous and fucktardly of you.

No, I'm not. This is what you don't understand, nothing here is under a blanket and if you were correct those things I said wouldn't be correct so I see you complaining about cherry-picking just being you acting like a spoiled little shit.

I noticed you didn't respond to my offer to explain it to you. Are you afraid I actually can explain it?
No, I'm not. This is what you don't understand, nothing here is under a blanket and if you were correct those things I said wouldn't be correct so I see you complaining about cherry-picking just being you acting like a spoiled little shit.

I noticed you didn't respond to my offer to explain it to you. Are you afraid I actually can explain it?

you cherry picked examples.

that's the deceptive nature of your shitty response.

stop trying to destroy words, people's revolution, ccp maggot.
I can buy a house on the East Side of Detroit today for $200...that's less than what it cost 100 years ago. I can buy a 21" color TV today for $50...back in the 1980's that was about $300. Explain inflation to me again?
Everything is bought on credit. No one buying results in deflation. There is no thriving economy to warrant a rise in interest rates. It's all smoke and mirrors.
Everything is bought on credit. No one buying results in deflation. There is no thriving economy to warrant a rise in interest rates. It's all smoke and mirrors.

No, I'm talking cash price. That's what I can buy today. If you were correct I wouldn't be able to do that.

In 1978 my famuly moved to the suburbs and my dad bought our house for $175,000. I can buy that same house today for $140,000. How is that possible?
People's revolution? OK "Libertarian."

I own you now.

libertarians have become globalist retard fiat money fascists. like all those they claimed to be against... so long ago... in the before time..

im no libertarian. they're banker cocksmokers now.
No, I'm talking cash price. That's what I can buy today. If you were correct I wouldn't be able to do that.

In 1978 my famuly moved to the suburbs and my dad bought our house for $175,000. I can buy that same house today for $140,000. How is that possible?
Again, the world is in deflation. It's our state-owned media trying to convince us to pay more than value.
Again, the world is in deflation. It's our state-owned media trying to convince us to pay more than value.

Really? You said inflation earlier. Now it's deflation?

When you're this confused your world view may need some work.

See, I'm not confused but you are and that should tell you something.
Really? You said inflation earlier. Now it's deflation?

When you're this confused your world view may need some work.

See, I'm not confused but you are and that should tell you something.
I'm agreeing with you that using the word inflation as the entire system collapses is a joke. We've been in a 15-year recession with no end in sight. I am in no way confused on this.
You spent 3 years bragging about your report button skills.

Your Cyber gang was built on ignorance.

We have to come together as a people for any chance to move forward when the dollar fails. Talk is cheap, we need direct action right now.

There's not much time left for the weak and stupid because Wall Street is coming for your retirement as we type.
Link? A single quote? Take your time looking for something that doesn't exist. LOL

Nice projection.

You're a schizo divider and liar, COgoat. What are you proposing people do? Start shooting like your WSE friends keep pushing?

Your paranoid schizophrenic fearmongering is noted. How many guns and how much ammo have you stocked up for when this happens? Are you even allowed to own guns, CO?
Correct, Sybil. Why do you think I am? Is it the voices in your head saying so?

Petrodollars are crude oil export revenues denominated in U.S. dollars. The term gained currency in the mid-1970s when soaring oil prices generated large trade and current account surpluses for oil exporting countries.

Then as now, oil sales and the resulting current account surpluses were denominated in dollars because the U.S. dollar was—and remains—by far the most widely used currency. The U.S. dollar's global popularity does not depend on the good will of oil exporters. It is based on U.S. status as the world's largest economy and goods importer, with deep, liquid capital markets backed by the rule of law as well as military power.

There is no such thing as a 'petrodollar'.
Who Owns the Federal Reserve? - The Balance
https://www.thebalancemoney.com › who-owns-the-federal-reserve-3305974
Jan 30, 2022To be a member of the Federal Reserve system, commercial banks must own shares of stock in the 12 regional Federal Reserve banks. But owning Federal Reserve bank stock is nothing like owning stock in a private company. It can't be traded and doesn't give the member banks voting rights. These pay out dividends, mandated by law to be 6%.


The government owns the Federal Reserve. All of it.