What If the Dollar Falls?

Your ignorance is showing. The digital dollar is about to be forced down the throats of the west as foie gras for our ruling elite.

Ah...I'm guessing you have "Before It's News" bookmarked. What's next? The EBS? Nesara/Gesara? The Scare Event?

Do you loves you some Juan O'Savin?
Almost every one of these fucks has no idea how late it is, how brutal the future will be, and how poorly they are prepared for their fate.
We're supposed to figure out a way to unite with those who worship at the establishment altar. 2024 will show the distain for what is expected of us.
Except there's no such thing as a devalued dollar.

ok, big bertha dum dum.
We're supposed to figure out a way to unite with those who worship at the establishment altar. 2024 will show the distain for what is expected of us.

"The Modern Morons are sheep, and sheep get slaughtered"
Gordon Gekko Remix.