What If the Dollar Falls?

So, add "repatriate" to the long list of things that "Walt" has no clue as to the meaning of...

[FONT=DDG_ProximaNova][FONT=ddg-serp-icons !important]
[FONT=DDG_ProximaNova][h=3]transitive verb[/h]
  1. To restore or return to the country of birth, citizenship, or origin.
  2. To restore to one's own country.

OK, let's dumb this down for Censored.

There is not $20 trillion in American Dollars out there to be "repatriated" from foreign currency reserves. So whatever country Censored claims to be from, he cannot do that.

What country does Censored claim to be from?

For instance, Australia has $57.88 billion in foreign currency reserves. While not all of that is American Dollars, much is. If they spent 10 years selling off $40 billion in Dollar denominated reserves, that would be $4 billion a year. I doubt we would even notice that.

OK, let's dumb this down for Censored.

There is not $20 trillion in American Dollars out there to be "repatriated" from foreign currency reserves. So whatever country Censored claims to be from, he cannot do that.

What country does Censored claim to be from?

For instance, Australia has $57.88 billion in foreign currency reserves. While not all of that is American Dollars, much is. If they spent 10 years selling off $40 billion in Dollar denominated reserves, that would be $4 billion a year. I doubt we would even notice that.


While I appreciate your efforts, you didn't make it dumb enough. Jus' sayin'. :thup:
OK, let's dumb this down for Censored.

There is not $20 trillion in American Dollars out there to be "repatriated" from foreign currency reserves. So whatever country Censored claims to be from, he cannot do that.

What country does Censored claim to be from?

For instance, Australia has $57.88 billion in foreign currency reserves. While not all of that is American Dollars, much is. If they spent 10 years selling off $40 billion in Dollar denominated reserves, that would be $4 billion a year. I doubt we would even notice that.


Okay, so Walt got caught saying really stupid shit.

Yeah, you don't know what "repatriate" means, even though you attacked me for using it.

So what to do when you get caught in such stupidity...

ATTACK - never acknowledge what a fucking retard you just proved yourself to be - no ATTACK..

You're a fucking clown.
Okay, so Walt got caught saying really stupid shit.

Yeah, you don't know what "repatriate" means, even though you attacked me for using it.

So what to do when you get caught in such stupidity...

ATTACK - never acknowledge what a fucking retard you just proved yourself to be - no ATTACK..

You're a fucking clown.

You cannot repatriate something that is already in the country. So tell me, what country are you living in? Why is this such a hard question to answer?
I guess it can never get dumb enough for the alt right, because the alt right will just keep making it dumber.

Dude, you're taking advice from Douche Duck, a fool who sucks cocks in the bus station for a quarter a pop in hopes of making enough for a bottle of thunderbird.

I know you got your ignorant ass handed to you - but have a little dignity.
Dude, you're taking advice from Douche Duck, a fool who sucks cocks in the bus station for a quarter a pop in hopes of making enough for a bottle of thunderbird.

I know you got your ignorant ass handed to you - but have a little dignity.

Why can't you answer what country you come from?
I guess it can never get dumb enough for the alt right, because the alt right will just keep making it dumber.

They do like the lowest common denominator. Down Under dumbasses are about as low as anyone can get.

Dude, you're taking advice from Douche Duck, a fool who sucks cocks in the bus station for a quarter a pop in hopes of making enough for a bottle of thunderbird.

I know you got your ignorant ass handed to you - but have a little dignity.
It means exactly that.

No. It is YOU that needs to study what money actually is. Straw man fallacy.


Money is two things:
1. A store of value (you can trade it for things of value, such as food, housing, vehicles, clothes, etc). You can also trade things of value for money. In other words, it's a medium of barter.
2. A unit of account. You can set a price with it.

Anything can be used for money. Gold, silver, clamshells, pieces of paper, plastic, stones, etc. Gold is the oldest form of money for one simple reason: You can verify the amount and purity of gold easily. The technique for doing so is in the capability of most any merchant.

Fiat currency always fails. The dollar is no exception. Even a cursory look at history is rife with examples...the hyperinflation of the German Mark...the hyperinflation of the Brazilian Real...the hyperinflation of the Japanese Yen...the hyperinflation Mexican peso...and now the rapid inflation of the dollar.

For example: a gallon of gasoline in 1960 was approx. 20 cents per gallon. Today, it is $5 per gallon. The value of the dollar against this single commodity has fallen to 1/25th of it's value in just that interval of time. Most of it took place in the Obama years and again during the Biden administration.
Transportation costs (and associated prices of all goods) increase just from this single factor alone.

The federal government buys the same shit you do, just a lot more of it. To do this, they must raise even MORE money then they already did by printing it. In other words, they print even MORE of it.
It's a hopeless circle, leading to the rejection of the dollar by the population. That population is ALREADY looking for an alternative currency. Once they settle on one, the switch will happen almost overnight. There is NOTHING the government can do to stop it.

Other nations are returning to gold and silver. The federal government is one lousy place for converting to that! They're broke!

At first you said money when you meant currency. They're not the same thing. You did correct yourself but I think that was purely accidental.

Explain how a dollar backed by anything subject to the vagaries of the market can possibly be considered a currency that stores wealth asshat.
I guess it can never get dumb enough for the alt right, because the alt right will just keep making it dumber.

I hate to agree but they've left me no choice. Some of these "patriots" are the most economically illiterate people I've ever encountered.
More dollars chasing a static pile of goods and services will make those dollars have less purchasing power.

If we repatriate say $20 trillion in foreign reserve currency, value of the dollar will utterly collapse.

How? Wealth is wealth, you can denominate it any way you want. The Fed doesn't just create dollars, they destroy dollars too.
What does Hillsdale say about the fed getting a CBDC?

The CBDC as proposed is un-Constitutional because it doesn't store wealth and the Constitution requires the federal government to provide currency. Plus, a CBDC would destroy the dollar as a reserve currency and the east coast nitwits in charge right now need it to be the reserve currency. The CBDC is just a psyop.
How about in the words of Larry Arnn?

"When oil is no longer pegged to the U.S. Dollar, countries around the globe will seek to repatriate stockpiles of reserve currency. This will flood the U.S. with currency creating hyper-inflation and devaluing the currency."

It's in this month Imprimis.

Those dollars are just going to be re-denominated. For you to be correct the wealth would have to be doubled...in the new currency AND remain in dollars too. That doesn't happen. You have nothing to worry about.
I hate to agree but they've left me no choice. Some of these "patriots" are the most economically illiterate people I've ever encountered.

Many people in this forum will not believe this, but the money supply has been falling for about a year now.


Nixon's Treasury, Connally, famously said to foreign counter parties, "The Dollar is our currency, and your problem."

I read a paper once that claimed that if the Dollar was no longer the world currency, but did stay a major enough currency that we could still sell bonds in our own currency, much like the British Pound, the US economy would lose about $40 billion a year. That is a lot of money on one level, but in an economy of $25 trillion economy, it would be nearly impossible to notice.

And again, there is no currency that would obviously be better than the Dollar. In fact, the Dollar looks better and better compared to everyone else.

If the foreign countries could suddenly be released onto the exchange markets, then maybe it would cause damage, but even there why. It would cause other countries more damage than us. And that is not possible. Much of the foreign reserves are stored in bonds that mature over years. The Chinese in particular use long dated bonds.

The Chinese would be forced to sell about $2 trillion over 20 years, or about $100 billion a year. Again, we would barely notice it.
The CBDC as proposed is un-Constitutional because it doesn't store wealth and the Constitution requires the federal government to provide currency. Plus, a CBDC would destroy the dollar as a reserve currency and the east coast nitwits in charge right now need it to be the reserve currency. The CBDC is just a psyop.
A CBDC would make the fed legally on the hook for US debt. No private bank would allow for such a thing. I guess we can rule out the fed issuing a digital currency. Oh wait.
How? Wealth is wealth, you can denominate it any way you want. The Fed doesn't just create dollars, they destroy dollars too.

When was the last time the Fed contracted the money supply?


Standard Disclaimer: 2008, as part of the TARP response to the financial crisis. When Obama took office in 2009 - this was reversed and the Fed engaged in aggressive QE, throwing the the nation into deep recession.
Those dollars are just going to be re-denominated. For you to be correct the wealth would have to be doubled...in the new currency AND remain in dollars too. That doesn't happen. You have nothing to worry about.

That's not how it works.

Dollars are not wealth. Dollars have no intrinsic value. The actual value of a dollar is the amount you could sell the paper pulp and fiber recycled from a bill.

They are what is known as "fiat currency." The only value is that which the government - or in this case, the federal reserve bank, assigns to it. If the number of dollars in the market doubles, the wealth of the market doesn't change. Instead the purchasing power of each dollar is cut in half. This is the impetus of inflation. Governments seek to mitigate excessive debt by devaluing currency.

When the Yuan replaces the dollar as the foundation of the world petroleum market, countries that kept large reserves of cash will no longer need those reserves and will send them back to America, seeking actual wealth through commodities or through acquired debt. Either being a disaster in it's own right. (this month's Imprimis has an excellent article on this.)