What improvements would you like to see for this site?

Just want to make sure I understand what is being asked of you. People put others on ignore but don't really ignore them because they are too weak so they want you to protect them from their own weakness?

well there are other problems with the ignore feature to, i.e. people quote posters that are on ignore and you see what they say, you see the threads they start clogging up your screen, etc. Basically people want to put ignored people completely out of site and out of mind
oha this thread is just for people that want their JPP experience improved. no one said it was a horror.
How abvout an ignore thread function.
There are some threads I just do not want to even see the titles for.
For example "pics of Grinds hemmoriodectomy".
In each post the posters stats (e.g., how many posts, thanks and groans) are displayed. What if you include how many people are ignoring that poster? The negative feedback to the ignored poster might help and it could serve to warn new posters.
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If you put someone on ignore, they shouldn't be able to 'groan' your posts. I know there was some talk of doing away with 'groans' entirely, and I like that idea, but if not, there should be some limit on daily 'groans' from any one person. There are several 'groan wars' happening here, and it's really gotten silly.
oha this thread is just for people that want their JPP experience improved. no one said it was a horror.

On second thought if it could create an existence where someone was completely out of sight like they died of AIDS that might not be such a bad thing after all.

OK I am for it. Same with Dixie's suggestion. If someone is banned from a thread then they shouldn't be able to groan comments in said thread
On second thought if it could create an existence where someone was completely out of sight like they died of AIDS that might not be such a bad thing after all.

OK I am for it. Same with Dixie's suggestion. If someone is banned from a thread then they shouldn't be able to groan comments in said thread

Just to clarify, I wasn't talking about people banned from a thread, I meant people who you've put on IA entirely. You can no longer thank or groan their posts, and they shouldn't be able to thank or groan yours.
dixie, another good idea. I am not sure if that could be implemented but we will look into it

seems people really want those that are ignored to be gone for good.
Just to clarify, I wasn't talking about people banned from a thread, I meant people who you've put on IA entirely. You can no longer thank or groan their posts, and they shouldn't be able to thank or groan yours.

Same should go for a banned thread. If I want a certain person banned from my thread, then they should be gone for good. They shouldn't even be able to groan a post on that thread

In fact, they should even be banned from reading that thread
dixie, another good idea. I am not sure if that could be implemented but we will look into it

seems people really want those that are ignored to be gone for good.

It would also be great if when somebody changes their name that you have on ignore is automatically added to the ignore list. ILA is a case in point.
It would also be great if when somebody changes their name that you have on ignore is automatically added to the ignore list. ILA is a case in point.

Yet you still respond to my posts. I think some of you don't really understand what ignore really means. For example. I have put the faggot Howey on ignore. I don't interact with him in any way shape or form. I don't read his trolling drivel. Get it?
How about limiting the size of posts? I think I can speak for everyone that nobody wants to read a 2000 word treatise. It clogs up bandwidth. If you can't say it in 100 words or less, you probably don't know what you are talking about
And in that same vain, stop the practice of copying the entire text of an op ed into a post. The link is sufficient. It clogs up the thread.
How about limiting the size of posts? I think I can speak for everyone that nobody wants to read a 2000 word treatise. It clogs up bandwidth. If you can't say it in 100 words or less, you probably don't know what you are talking about

I think the size is already limited and the admins should be enforcing it?
Just want to make sure I understand what is being asked of you. People put others on ignore but don't really ignore them because they are too weak so they want you to protect them from their own weakness?

That's what I've never understood. If I want to ignore someone, I don't need a feature to do it. I just keep on a scrollin'. Very easy.