What is affordable gov run health care?


You can ask my buddy in Croaitia. He is a dentist, payed by the government in a nation George Soros tore apart for practice before he put his sights on the USA. Of course, at first, pay will just go down a bit, but it very well may have to become afforadble to pay a Dentist less than $12,000 a year. My buddy Dentist is a professional, with a child hood allowance.

Your opportunity and profit making ability in the health care industry will vanish.

These industries belong to us. We built them, we run them, we profit from them, we plan our lives around them, we expand them with our minds, and even create new industries from older industries. Industry belong to us, not the government.

The seperation of Curch and state allowed many religions to co-exist on the same land. We now need a seperation of industry and state.
What is affordable gov run health care?

Thats as obvious as the nose on your face....And oxymoron.....
BFGED I think you have found your niche. You do have the education for spelling. Stick to that you suck ass at economics.
BFGED I think you have found your niche. You do have the education for spelling. Stick to that you suck ass at economics.

And we have found yours, a fraud. Anyone on this board can make outrageous claims about their own accomplishments and status. There is no way to verify if it is truthful.

You 'claim' to have a college degree, but the only things we can go by is the substance and intelligence of your posts. Your grammar and spelling are at the level of a young child, and the substance and intelligence of your posts match that level.

So my question to you; does your mommy know you are using her 'puter?

“If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands.”
Douglas Adams
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You can ask my buddy in Croaitia. He is a dentist, payed by the government in a nation George Soros tore apart for practice before he put his sights on the USA. Of course, at first, pay will just go down a bit, but it very well may have to become afforadble to pay a Dentist less than $12,000 a year. My buddy Dentist is a professional, with a child hood allowance.

Your opportunity and profit making ability in the health care industry will vanish.

These industries belong to us. We built them, we run them, we profit from them, we plan our lives around them, we expand them with our minds, and even create new industries from older industries. Industry belong to us, not the government.

The seperation of Curch and state allowed many religions to co-exist on the same land. We now need a seperation of industry and state.

"Your opportunity and profit making ability in the health care industry will vanish."

There is no place for profit-making in basic health care. It is an essential service like a Police Force or public transit. While a Police Officer does not sit outside someone's home an individual is welcome to hire a private security guard. Similarly, let those who wish to obtain additional health services (private rooms, etc) pay for them but basic, essential services should be available to all.
"Your opportunity and profit making ability in the health care industry will vanish."

There is no place for profit-making in basic health care. It is an essential service like a Police Force or public transit. While a Police Officer does not sit outside someone's home an individual is welcome to hire a private security guard. Similarly, let those who wish to obtain additional health services (private rooms, etc) pay for them but basic, essential services should be available to all.

When you get doctors, nurses, healthcare technicians, medicine manufactures (and their workers), hospitals, (and their workers), healthcare equipment manufactures (and their workers), and all those willing to supply a hospitals necessary and essential utilities for free, come back...we'll talk.
When you get doctors, nurses, healthcare technicians, medicine manufactures (and their workers), hospitals, (and their workers), healthcare equipment manufactures (and their workers), and all those willing to supply a hospitals necessary and essential utilities for free, come back...we'll talk.

Do Police and transit employees work for free?
What a great bunch of folks.

The power of Community Spirit is immense.

Next week me and the neighbours are staging a raffle/ bring and buy sale to arm the government of Bahrain, against their own uppity citizens, because we can't rely on our own corrupt governments to do it as they are to busy funding schools and hospitals for the 'betterment of our own citizens'. The fucking charlatans.
Nope,,,they work for PROFIT like those greedy doctors and drug manufactures....and
Police and transit employees don't have anything to do with healthcare, pinhead

That's right, transit employees don't have anything to do with health care yet they're considered an essential service. I wonder what's more essential, a ride to the mall or medical care?
Do you have a freakin' clue as to wtf you're talking about ?.....or what freakin' point you're trying to make ?
Transit workers, police ? troops?.....Off you meds are you ?
Do you have a freakin' clue as to wtf you're talking about ?.....or what freakin' point you're trying to make ?
Transit workers, police ? troops?.....Off you meds are you ?

In msg #6 I wrote,
There is no place for profit-making in basic health care. It is an essential service like a Police Force or public transit.

In msg. #7 you replied,
When you get doctors, nurses, healthcare technicians, medicine manufactures (and their workers), hospitals, (and their workers), healthcare equipment manufactures (and their workers), and all those willing to supply a hospitals necessary and essential utilities for free, come back...we'll talk.

Im msg. #8 I responded,
Do Police and transit employees work for free?

In msg @12 you wrote,
Nope,,,they work for PROFIT like those greedy doctors and drug manufactures....and Police and transit employees don't have anything to do with healthcare, pinhead.

In msg #13 I explained,
That's right, transit employees don't have anything to do with health care yet they're considered an essential service. I wonder what's more essential, a ride to the mall or medical care?

Then you respond in msg #14,
Do you have a freakin' clue as to wtf you're talking about ?.....or what freakin' point you're trying to make?

So, if we go back to Msg #6 we see I’m saying health care should be considered an essential service like the Police and transit employees. That’s my point. We also see you have been arguing against that idea in msg #7 and msg # 12 but when we get to msg. #14 it's apparent you’ve forgotten what you were arguing against and impetuously lashed out .

I’d say this is a classic case of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a condition, usually in children, characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness.

The obvious conclusion is you've skipped your ritalin dosage and were projecting when you wrote, “Off your meds are you?"
I’m saying health care should be considered an essential service like the Police and transit employees.

It already is, and HAS been for about the past 40 years or so. Have you never heard of State Health Clinics? Why do you constantly act as if these don't exist? This network of state-run health care clinics, were constructed and funded YEARS ago, to address the very same "problems" you claim we currently face. In the 60s, we expanded Medicare to take care of the elderly and people who couldn't afford health care, and we recently added another expansion to cover prescription drugs for the elderly.... yet you parade around this board acting like none of this has ever transpired, as if you are completely oblivious to what we've done, and what we've been doing for decades.
It already is, and HAS been for about the past 40 years or so. Have you never heard of State Health Clinics? Why do you constantly act as if these don't exist? This network of state-run health care clinics, were constructed and funded YEARS ago, to address the very same "problems" you claim we currently face. In the 60s, we expanded Medicare to take care of the elderly and people who couldn't afford health care, and we recently added another expansion to cover prescription drugs for the elderly.... yet you parade around this board acting like none of this has ever transpired, as if you are completely oblivious to what we've done, and what we've been doing for decades.

So why are 43 million Americans worried about not having health insurance? Who needs it?
It's really an indirect wasy for Obama to redistribute more wealth from the rich to the poor. There is no real effort to reduce cost, it's about reducing paymnets from the bottom third to the ohter 2/3.
It's really an indirect wasy for Obama to redistribute more wealth from the rich to the poor. There is no real effort to reduce cost, it's about reducing paymnets from the bottom third to the ohter 2/3.

Obama tried to reduce cost by recommending a government option.

Another quick way to reduce costs would be for the government to negotiate drug prices for medicare/medicaid but some folks put the kibosh on that.

What is darkly humorous is people say they're searching and struggling for ways to reduce costs when dozens of countries have already figured it out; government medical. There are dozens of variations, all tried and proven.