What is affordable gov run health care?

Of course a government run system would encourage people to go for a check-up. Who is going to visit a doctor if they feel fine and the visit would cost over $200.00, including a blood test.

It doesn't cost $200 to go to the State Health Clinic, it costs $25 if you have an income, and it's free if you don't. I don't know why you believe a system run by the government will cause more people to go for a check-up when hundreds of mobile units all over the country are practically begging for people to come out and get a screening for free. If they won't go have their blood pressure checked or diabetes tested when it's offered for free, what makes you think they will magically jump up and run to the doctor if government is in charge? There is nothing inherently special about government running health care, that will cause people to go get checked out when they otherwise wouldn't. You've not presented one iota of evidence to back this absurd claim, and you can't. You just keep repeating it over and over again, like the mind-numbed little socialist robot you are.

Police services cost money but we don't pay for the Police to come to our home if there has been a robbery. Imagine being involved in a traffic accident and the attending Police demanded payment before filling out an accident report. Or living in a city and having a fire. The Fire Department demanding payment or proof of insurance before starting to put out the fire.

Police and Fire services are paid for by local taxes at the local level. Let's not imagine your irrelevant idiocy that has nothing to do with the debate!

As for the State health clinic could the average citizen get their broken arm fixed for free?

Yep, if you have no source of income, you certainly can. Also, if you are on Medicare or Medicaid, you can go to any number of private emergency clinics across the country, and pay little to nothing for such a thing. But here's the thing... why do you think people should get stuff "for free?" Do you not understand that NOTHING IS EVER FREE? Does it just not compute in that vapid little brain of yours, that SOMEONE has to pay for EVERYTHING? Just where the fuck do you get off thinking people who don't have money should just automatically get shit for FREE?

I know the Repubs wouldn't vote for it, regardless. That's the barbaric animals they are.

Regardless, the public option was not dropped from Obamacare because of Republicans.
Are the Democrats who refused to support a public option barbarians too? Just curious!

Costs would go down if a full government run sysyem was in place.

It would be nice if that were true, or you had some evidence to support that insane notion. I am sorry to inform you of this, but literally NOTHING government runs will ever cost LESS! There is no basis in reality for this belief, and I frankly don't know where it comes from. It's about the most ignorant and stupid thing someone could even articulate with a straight face. You were being serious, right?

We've been over this before. Every country says they're struggling, however, they are paying 1/3 less than the US for medical care. Increase their budgets by 1/3 and then compare.

Yes, we keep going over it about every week, and we'll keep going over it until you get it through your ignorant head. Countries don't "say" they are struggling, they are defaulting on their debts, going bankrupt, having to cut essential services because there is no more money. You can't increase a budget by anything if you don't have the money. Of course, in your fantasy world, there is no such thing as running out of money, you just print more, right?

They complain if medical care rises 5% or 7% or 10%. Maybe raise the budget 33% and then see what happens.

Maybe shoot you in the head so you'll shut the fuck up with your incessant rambling?

It's simply a matter of priorities. Every National Park maintenance person is one less hospital cleaner. Every park monument is a dozen hospital beds. Instead of looking at present expenses and then determining if there is money for medical services start with medical services and then see what money is left over, unless looking after the ill is not a national priority.

First of all, we already "look after the ill" in America, we've been over that. You are wanting us to take care of those who aren't ill yet, who might become ill, if they don't get a check-up, remember? Now, it might very well be a national priority to "look after the ill" and make sure no one is left out in the cold to die in the streets.... but it is NOT a national priority, nor should it be, to take care of everyone's every possible health care need across the board!

Of course, we all know the Republican handbook. Fighting for the rights of fetuses and going on about the sanctity of life but when it comes to helping the ill and destitute.....oh, well. No money for that.

Again, we've been helping the destitute for decades.... state health clinics... indigent care laws.... (you do know that "indigent" means "destitute", right?) so why don't you drop the fucking melodrama, and try to have a rational adult conversation? Or is that too much to ask of you?
It doesn't cost $200 to go to the it costs $25 if you have an income, and it's free if you don't. I don't know why you believe a system run by the government will cause more people to go for a check-up when hundreds of mobile units all over the country are practically begging for people to come out and get a screening for free. If they won't go have their blood pressure checked or diabetes tested when it's offered for free, what makes you think they will magically jump up and run to the doctor if government is in charge? There is nothing inherently special about government running health care, that will cause people to go get checked out when they otherwise wouldn't. You've not presented one iota of evidence to back this absurd claim, and you can't. You just keep repeating it over and over again, like the mind-numbed little socialist robot you are.

Police and Fire services are paid for by local taxes at the local level. Let's not imagine your irrelevant idiocy that has nothing to do with the debate!

Yep, if you have no source of income, you certainly can. Also, if you are on Medicare or Medicaid, you can go to any number of private emergency clinics across the country, and pay little to nothing for such a thing. But here's the thing... why do you think people should get stuff "for free?" Do you not understand that NOTHING IS EVER FREE? Does it just not compute in that vapid little brain of yours, that SOMEONE has to pay for EVERYTHING? Just where the fuck do you get off thinking people who don't have money should just automatically get shit for FREE?

Regardless, the public option was not dropped from Obamacare because of Republicans.
Are the Democrats who refused to support a public option barbarians too? Just curious!

It would be nice if that were true, or you had some evidence to support that insane notion. I am sorry to inform you of this, but literally NOTHING government runs will ever cost LESS! There is no basis in reality for this belief, and I frankly don't know where it comes from. It's about the most ignorant and stupid thing someone could even articulate with a straight face. You were being serious, right?

Yes, we keep going over it about every week, and we'll keep going over it until you get it through your ignorant head. Countries don't "say" they are struggling, they are defaulting on their debts, going bankrupt, having to cut essential services because there is no more money. You can't increase a budget by anything if you don't have the money. Of course, in your fantasy world, there is no such thing as running out of money, you just print more, right?

Maybe shoot you in the head so you'll shut the fuck up with your incessant rambling?

First of all, we already "look after the ill" in America, we've been over that. You are wanting us to take care of those who aren't ill yet, who might become ill, if they don't get a check-up, remember? Now, it might very well be a national priority to "look after the ill" and make sure no one is left out in the cold to die in the streets.... but it is NOT a national priority, nor should it be, to take care of everyone's every possible health care need across the board!

Again, we've been helping the destitute for decades.... state health clinics... indigent care laws.... (you do know that "indigent" means "destitute", right?) so why don't you drop the fucking melodrama, and try to have a rational adult conversation? Or is that too much to ask of you?

Let's cut to the chase, as they say. If State Health Clinics are the answer why would anyone buy health insurance? Why have people gone bankrupt trying to pay medical bills? Why doesn't everyone go to a State Health Clinic?
Let's cut to the chase, as they say. If State Health Clinics are the answer why would anyone buy health insurance? Why have people gone bankrupt trying to pay medical bills? Why doesn't everyone go to a State Health Clinic?

The truth is, a lot of young people don't feel the need to buy health insurance. Many people, such as myself, purchase 'high deductible' insurance, because it is more affordable and serves our needs just fine. State Clinics can't handle catastrophic injury or illness, that's why we build hospitals. But if you are poor and have a catastrophic illness, guess what? The hospital can't refuse service, they must treat you, it's the law. I can't tell you why anyone would go bankrupt trying to pay medical bills, I guess they must be stupid like you? Hospitals write off billions every year in unpaid medical charges, it's one of the primary reasons health care costs are so high. Of course, you might actually have a point here, when government takes over health care, they won't be as benevolent with the bill, just as they don't let people slide on paying their taxes, the government will just seize your assets if you fail to pay for your kidney transplant.
The truth is, a lot of young people don't feel the need to buy health insurance. Many people, such as myself, purchase 'high deductible' insurance, because it is more affordable and serves our needs just fine. State Clinics can't handle catastrophic injury or illness, that's why we build hospitals. But if you are poor and have a catastrophic illness, guess what? The hospital can't refuse service, they must treat you, it's the law. I can't tell you why anyone would go bankrupt trying to pay medical bills, I guess they must be stupid like you? Hospitals write off billions every year in unpaid medical charges, it's one of the primary reasons health care costs are so high. Of course, you might actually have a point here, when government takes over health care, they won't be as benevolent with the bill, just as they don't let people slide on paying their taxes, the government will just seize your assets if you fail to pay for your kidney transplant.

Dear, gawd, why would anyone go bankrupt paying medical bills? Are you kidding me, and you claim they are stupid for doing this? Arrggghhhhh

And you claim they are stupid for doing this? Good gawd Dixie, I hope you never get seriously ill and if you do, I hope you are able to pay for it.

There are gaps in insurance coverage that you don't realize until you face a life threatening disease! Then there are the things that insurance companies refuse to pay for. Then there is illness so debilitating that you are unable to work.

I can't believe your attitude at times. It isn't that people are stupid, it is that they try to do the right thing.