What Is Currently The Republican's Best Media Source?

I am stunned that anyone actually uses Colbert and Stewart for news. But I guess that is how they become low information voters.

I bet libs think Colbert is actually a conservative
Proof you know nothing about politics.

Republicans ARE NOT Libertardians. Libertardians trying to convince Republicans that they are confused and their actual party is Libertarian is just uninformed brainwash garbage I've heard all week on Libertardian talk radio. There is a reason Republicans don't want anything to do with Libertardians and it's the only reason they broke the Grover Norquist pledge. To prove they are NOT Libertarians!

Well Goober, one day you may comprehend what you read, but I for one won’t be holding my breath for that.

Modern neo-con Republicans are neo-fascist who detest libertarians every bit as much as the modern liberal neo-communist leftist Democrats. They detest libertarians because the libertarians recognize that modern neo-con neo-fascist Republicans are no fucking different than the modern liberal leftist neo-communist Democrats and the libertarians expose that fact and call them on it. The Duopoly Party of right and left is simply a BIG government dictatorship based on and operated by crony capitalism, socialism and bribery.

The only difference between Democrats & Republicans is WHO they allow to fed at the government trough first!

Libertardian influence has only corrupted their decision making through Fox News.

Fox News is fundamentally a right-wing neo-conservative operation. Kudos to Fox for giving voice to a few libertarians like Judge Andrew Napolitano and John Stossel. That’s more by far that can be said for the Communist National TV channel MSNBC.

The same people who got money in a time of crisis now oppose it for a different state due to Libertardian influence.

For your information Goober, the opposition to Sandy relief funding in the Congress and on Fox was because Congress critters loaded the unconstitutional bill up with FUCKING PORK that had nothing to do with Sandy relief.

Aside from that, there is NOconstitutional authority that authorizes the federal government TO GIVE anything to anybody from the taxpayer’s treasury.

“The powers NOT DELEGATED TO THE UNITED STATES by the Constitution, nor PROHIBITED BY IT TO THE STATES, are RESERVED TO THE STATES RESPECTIVELY or TO THE PEOPLE,” (Amendment 10, United States Constitution)

Here is a lesson for you Libertardians. We TRUE Americans are good hearted people. Yes we use emotion when we decide, we want to help other people in our country when they hit rock bottom. Because we all know one day, it may be us who hit rock bottom.

Here’s a lesson for you Goober, FEMA is a fucking unconstitutional joke! It waste taxpayer’s money. FEMA is inept and incompetent just like the vast majority of federal government operations. It’s unconstitutional! The vast majority of disaster relief that actually reaches the folks that ACTUALLY need it is supplied mostly by private charity donations to charities like the Salvation Army, most of the feeble rest gets delivered by the State governments.

I realize and understand Republicans have lost their way. But your party trying to convince America that Republicans are Libertarians is nonsense.

I told you before Goober, I have no “party.” I detest political parties!

There is a reason we changed the party line from "Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist" There had to be room for a party that believed in the federal idea's but also believed we need to evaluate those idea's and trim the fat to ensure we are not spending like crazy.

“Spending like crazy?” That’s humorous Goober, how’s it been working out for ya? 16 trillion$ of debt and rising like a space shot. No wonder you’re a Democrat, you haven’t the common sense God gave a goose!
The fact is Libertarians are nothign more than America's next massive cult. They have their own meetings, google "local Libertarian meeting". They created their own translation of the Constitution, which nearly any braindead American will believe because if someone is passionate about a misinterpretation, it must be more right than the settled relaxed obvious interpretation. They have their own flag. The next thing you know, they will create a complex to live in just like WACO.................

Amusing Goober that you never bother to post any rational arguments to oppose the libertarian interpretations of our Constitution though, huh?

Fact is most 14 year olds and any average American can interpret’ the Constitution. It’s not written is Swahili, Greek or Mohawk, it’s written in the King’s plain English and elementary English at that. Of course I can understand why that would leave you out of any true comprehension of it.

The only necessity for “Constitutional lawyers & Judges” is NOT to interpret the Constitution particularly, but simply to interpret the linguistic gymnastics of government legislation that so very often is designed to end run and violate the Constitution.

I'm embarassed to be an American in a time with Libertarians.

So were the Tory Loyalist to the corrupt and tyrannical King of England during our LIBERTARIAN[ FOUNDERS time! Benedict Arnold would have been proud of you!
I am stunned that anyone actually uses Colbert and Stewart for news. But I guess that is how they become low information voters.

I bet libs think Colbert is actually a conservative

Modern liberals/leftist/neo-communist don’t bother with ”thinking” because they haven’t the capacity to think. They watch the “Ed Show” then post the propaganda here believing others are idiots like them.
Modern liberals/leftist/neo-communist don’t bother with ”thinking” because they haven’t the capacity to think. They watch the “Ed Show” then post the propaganda here believing others are idiots like them.

True, but sadly many are idiots like themselves. Have you ever read the self aggrandizjng bullshit if some of these libs?

I don't know what is more annoying, the treachery of liberals or the pseudo conservatives who think liberals can be reasoned with and seek compromise with them.
Ever since the arrival of Colbert, I have watched less of Jon Stewert.

Colbert is defidently brainy but he's mainly comedy. He's basically clowning the Right Wing and their perspective. I love it for laughs but there isn't much information learned by watching it.
I can't stand reading some of the Libertarian crap on here. It's such a waste of my time. I listen to Libertarian talk radio all the time and it's amazing how it's repeated nearly word for word on here. Repeating what a party tells you to repeat doesn't make you a "thinker". Stating that everyone elses media is flawed except yours, repeating things in masses, having group studies....all brainwashing.

Stating the Republican party doesn't exist a joke. Saying what you are told, "If Republicans were really Republicans, they would be Libertarians". I heard it on the radio then instantly hear it being repeated here. Lets break down the differences from a thinkers perspective, not a parrots perspective lol.

Democrats want program after program to solve problems that aren't solving themself in America. The brains solving problems.

Libertardians want no programs other than national defense. No brains, let problems occur, try nothing, survival of the fittest with humans.

Republicans use to be the party that noticed ignoring some of these programs would be naive, while turning down the ones that were probably costly failures. They watched for wasteful spending within the programs.

It's not just Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist anymore. Critical thinking Americans surpassed this black and white history of our nation.
Being funny or having the best come-back line is not news or a way to determine a debate....

The best news source will be the one that has people from both sides of the issue explaining their positions, directly answering pointed quesions ON topic.....

I've seen a simple yes/no question answer take 3 or 4 minutes of bullshit time and at the end I still don't know what the guys position was.....
thats what our news is today....mostly bullshit and comedy.....
Being funny or having the best come-back line is not news or a way to determine a debate....

The best news source will be the one that has people from both sides of the issue explaining their positions, directly answering pointed quesions ON topic.....

I've seen a simple yes/no question answer take 3 or 4 minutes of bullshit time and at the end I still don't know what the guys position was.....
thats what our news is today....mostly bullshit and comedy.....

No that is not the best best news source. News sources don't have to present both sides of an issue per se. They have to present the news as it happened.
Being funny or having the best come-back line is not news or a way to determine a debate....

The best news source will be the one that has people from both sides of the issue explaining their positions, directly answering pointed quesions ON topic.....

Like the democrat and republican candidate(s) against the libertarian candidate.

It would be nice to get both sides into the pres debate for a change.
Being funny or having the best come-back line is not news or a way to determine a debate....

The best news source will be the one that has people from both sides of the issue explaining their positions, directly answering pointed quesions ON topic.....

I've seen a simple yes/no question answer take 3 or 4 minutes of bullshit time and at the end I still don't know what the guys position was.....
thats what our news is today....mostly bullshit and comedy.....

You clearly haven't seen the Daily Show. Or maybe you have but are too deep in your party to recieve new information and everything he says makes you mad instead of stimulating your brain. I've watched other Left Wing media quite a bit, but Stewart seems to be one of the few who does their homework on the opposing parties and is willing to call out the Left when they step out of bounds unlike other media. (Example, he consistantly attacks them about the soda size issue, he ripped on Obama to his face over the first debate etc.)

If you get involved in a political party, it's hard to recieve any information from the other parties. I was solid Right until I started hearing "Obama is the anti-Christ". Only then did I start looking at input from other parties. Then I noticed the daily lies manufactured. But when I was passionate about exposing the lie told yesterday, I noticed a new "hot" topic of the day. The next day I would learn that was a lie, only to be smothered by yet another lie etc.

Start watching the Daily Show. Force yourself to watch it. You might just learn that everyone in America wants the same thing. We just have different paths to get there.
Like the democrat and republican candidate(s) against the libertarian candidate.

It would be nice to get both sides into the pres debate for a change.

We agree for once. Everyone should be allowed their time to speak. Libertarians rarely get air time. They don't get to debate with the other parties. But like other topics, this may be the doing of their own party. They claim to be the REAL Republicans. Don't you think they would be more apt to get air time and a debate spot if they recognized the difference between Republicans and their party? Libertarians practically promote their own failure.
Take some time. Watch some other stations. One thing is consistantly true;

The Left Wing Media always lets the Right talk.

The Right Wing Media always cuts off the Left in order to control the conversation.

Just watch "The Five" Four Right Wingers with one Left Winger. He is a pathetic excuse for a Democrat but what's worse is he starts winning nearly every debate and then all four of them start yelling at him to keep people from hearing what he has to say and start controlling the conversation. Bob Beckel never gets a chance to speak. They think they are hot stuff ganging up on him. If they were tough, they would even the playing field. But then they would actually have to have a debate and would probably lose like most Right Wingers do. I say this while planning to vote Right Wing AGAIN this year.
Right wing morons will complain about Stewart and then defend Limbaugh, themselves or some other idiot with claims of sarcasm whenever they say something stupid/offensive. Fox and the Right Wing Media are not joking they just lie. They are certainly not thoughtful or intelligent sources of news.

In two separate studies watchers of Fox have been shown to be stupider for it. It is the source of low information voters.
I can't stand reading some of the Libertarian crap on here.

Any honest interpretation of that would be you can’t handle the libertarian truths you read on here!

It's such a waste of my time. I listen to Libertarian talk radio all the time

That makes you an admitted ”waster of time."

and it's amazing how it's repeated nearly word for word on here.

And you have no specific arguments in rebuttal, just whining and crying about how libertarians shove your proverbial shorts up your proverbial ass!

Repeating what a party tells you to repeat doesn't make you a "thinker". Stating that everyone elses media is flawed except yours, repeating things in masses, having group studies....all brainwashing.

So why do you keep watching the “Ed Show” & Rachael Maddow” & the idiots on the “Daily Show?”

Stating the Republican party doesn't exist a joke. Saying what you are told, "If Republicans were really Republicans, they would be Libertarians". I heard it on the radio then instantly hear it being repeated here. Lets break down the differences from a thinkers perspective, not a parrots perspective lol.

Probably because libertarians are the only folks that still believe in the “Constitutional REPUBLIC,” huh? The truth shall set you free Goober!

Democrats want program after program to solve problems that aren't solving themself in America. The brains solving problems.

The Democrats want social programs, (because they’re socialist authoritarians), to bribe the vote and enslave the poor, lazy & stupid to government reliance & thereby ensure the idiot vote for the future.

Libertardians want no programs other than national defense. No brains, let problems occur, try nothing, survival of the fittest with humans.

Libertarians want a constitutionally limited government and the folks left to be free, un-extorted with taxes & ridiculous government regulations and tyrannical authoritarian unconstitutional laws.

Republicans use to be the party that noticed ignoring some of these programs would be naive, while turning down the ones that were probably costly failures. They watched for wasteful spending within the programs.

TRUE republicans/libertarians recognize that the Constitution forbids the federal government from establishing social programs and guarantees such to be the soul authority of State Governments or the authority of The People themselves, i. e. private charities.

It's not just Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist anymore. Critical thinking Americans surpassed this black and white history of our nation.

And thereby created the Nanny State of unconstitutional federal programing of the minds, bodies, wallets & bank accounts of the populace minions, which has enslave the productive to provide for and finance the enslavement of the non-productive to government Nanny-ism & bribe their vote. In that process, the ”critical thinking[“ bastards of bribery have diminished liberty and shackled the future inhabitants to ungodly deficits, debt & pending bankruptcy.
The Democrats want social programs, (because they’re socialist authoritarians), to bribe the vote and enslave the poor, lazy & stupid to government reliance & thereby ensure the idiot vote for the future.

That's as far as I read. Not worth my time to read further. You are just another American brainwashed by Fox News. If you really think that is the reason the Left creates the programs, you are a pathetic American. That's just ignorance.
Right wing morons will complain about Stewart and then defend Limbaugh, themselves or some other idiot with claims of sarcasm whenever they say something stupid/offensive. Fox and the Right Wing Media are not joking they just lie. They are certainly not thoughtful or intelligent sources of news.

In two separate studies watchers of Fox have been shown to be stupider for it. It is the source of low information voters.

I am sorry but I believe this to be a faulty premise. Nobody here is defending Limbaugh. That is a straw man argument.

Jon Stewart and Bill Maher want it both ways. They act like the news but the minute they say something out of line they say "but I am just a comedian".

Limbaugh gives no illusions as to who he is or what he does
The Democrats want social programs, (because they’re socialist authoritarians), to bribe the vote and enslave the poor, lazy & stupid to government reliance & thereby ensure the idiot vote for the future.

That's as far as I read. Not worth my time to read further. You are just another American brainwashed by Fox News. If you really think that is the reason the Left creates the programs, you are a pathetic American. That's just ignorance.

That’s as far as you read because you can’t handle libertarian truths and you have no rational arguments to oppose them. When truth hurts you, you attempt to ignore it. Grow some balls and argue your case Goober! Oh! That’s right you have no case and no rational arguments, huh Goober?

Now go watch MSNBC, the Maddow’s Show & The Ed Show and gather yourself some more pathetic postings and talking points.

”Anti-Party” your ass! You’re just another brain-dead leftist Democrat wallowing in leftist, socialist neo-communist propaganda and pure horseshit!
I like to get media from all parties.

I get my Democrat media from Jon Stewart. Some will attack me for that because he's a comedian. Anyone who attacks Jon Stewart's knowledge of politics has never watched his show and SHOULD. He recently won a head to head debate with Bill O'Reilly.

I get my Libertarian media from Fox Radio. All the regular brainwashing clowns such as Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity (etc)that tell you not to conform to society because that makes you a sheep. Schizophrenia media telling you they are the only credible source of information, much like David Koresh.

I'm searching for a good Republican show/broadcast. Tell me if you know one, I want to start watching it. My political values side with what Republicans use to be, not what they have become, and hope to vote for them in 2016.
Winning a debate against Bill O'Reilly? Isn't that the intelectual equivalent of learning how to tie your own shoe?

Setting the bar kinda low there aren't you?
That’s as far as you read because you can’t handle libertarian truths and you have no rational arguments to oppose them. When truth hurts you, you attempt to ignore it. Grow some balls and argue your case Goober! Oh! That’s right you have no case and no rational arguments, huh Goober?

Now go watch MSNBC, the Maddow’s Show & The Ed Show and gather yourself some more pathetic postings and talking points.

”Anti-Party” your ass! You’re just another brain-dead leftist Democrat wallowing in leftist, socialist neo-communist propaganda and pure horseshit!

So now you are a Libertardian again? Which is it child?

I stop reading when someone is so scared of their shadow they cannot hold a political debate. If you believe Obama is anything close to Hitler you have been brainwashed by Fox News and you are weak minded. I notice the risk of big government but you trembling little sissy's need to get it together. Big government is bad. Obama is not a Nazi. You have been brainwashed....

Now go back to watching Fox News because they will tell you that I am a flaming liberal poser and never listen to what I say. Only listen to what they say because they are the only credible source of information on the planet. http://www.alternet.org/story/151497/14_propaganda_techniques_fox_'news'_uses_to_brainwash_americans