What Is Currently The Republican's Best Media Source?

Winning a debate against Bill O'Reilly? Isn't that the intelectual equivalent of learning how to tie your own shoe?

Setting the bar kinda low there aren't you?

Hahaha. You brought me back down to earth with this post. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in thinking I can teach common sense to people that I forget I can't. Common sense is taught in the young ages.

I just can't seem to wrap my head around stupidity. Maybe the Libertarians are right, maybe we should play survival of the fittest with humans. It would be fun to see their face as they get kicked out the door along with the people they target..
So now you are a Libertardian again? Which is it child?

Allow me to help you spell libertarian Goober, it’s L-I-B-E-R-T-A-R-I-A-N.

When did I ever claim to be anything other than a libertarian, (small l)?

I stop reading when someone is so scared of their shadow they cannot hold a political debate. If you believe Obama is anything close to Hitler you have been brainwashed by Fox News and you are weak minded.

And when did I say Obama was “Hitler” or “Hitler like?” Do you actually have a fucking clue what you’re talking about?

I notice the risk of big government but you trembling little sissy's need to get it together. Big government is bad. Obama is not a Nazi. You have been brainwashed....

Obama is a “neo-communist.”

Now go back to watching Fox News because they will tell you that I am a flaming liberal poser and never listen to what I say.

So you actually believe that Fox News knows you exist Goober? How interesting! How often do they take your straight jacket off and allow you to play with the computer?
No that is not the best best news source. News sources don't have to present both sides of an issue per se. They have to present the news as it happened.

It is strange that Anti-PastaParty and The Dude would groan someone saying that the media should present the news as it happened. I can only presume that they want the media to present the news that fits their ideology regardless of what happened.

Or Dud just groans to groan
The nation would likely not have ever known about Hillary’s incompetence in the Benghazi attack if it hadn’t been for Fox News. The fraudulent story the White House and the State Department were putting out that it was just a protest that got out of hand they spoon fed the left-wing media would have been all the public ever heard about it. If you want the news, you have to filter the propaganda from both the right and left media partisans. It’s the biased world we live in.