What is "Freedom" to you?

I was going to say something similar to evince, in that freedom to me is complete autonomy and complete control of individual will.

Some people in America (not pointing fingers) don't know how to have an individual will.

They just know what they are taught is "Freedom" and they repeat it.

This kid can't explain what freedom is to him/he but tries to reflect the question in a very childish "I know you are but what am I" manner.....So pathetic.

And you're such a child that you don't realize that everyone has caught onto your little habit of asking a question and then just using someone's answer to be an ass about everything.
You're dismissed, pumpkin.
"you are so stupid son" more brainy argument there....moving on...........wow.........
Pretty smart people...

And yet, I repeat.
You are so stupid that you had to use two back to back posts to reply, instead of being somewhat intelligent and just editing your first post.
<patting panty party on his pointy little head>
Now run along home sonny.
When I asked people to define socialism I asked that it wasn't copy/pasted from a website. You copy/pasted it from a website and you didn't learn what it meant. It's the same reason teachers don't want you to copy off of someone. As of DAYS ago you still don't know what Socialism is because you don't care to know, you simply repeat what Fox news says is Socialism because you are unable to think for yourself. I tried to get you to though. I feel sorry for you when you drink the kool-aid.

Actually numb-nuts the “copy/past” came directly from the ”DICTIONARY” and not some web site as you like to lie about. And I don’t know about your sorry ass, but my teachers taught me to look up and confirm or deny my suspicions and opinions about particular words and the definitions thereof.

As a matter of fact you lying assed moron leftist, I went into great detail about the definition of socialism which you neither attempted to rebuke or deny nor did you bother to accept my challenge to you to enlighten we idiots with your intellectual superiority and define the word “socialism” for US. Thus once again as usual and guaranteed, you proved you truly are the fucking twit left-brained idiot that’s so very apparent to all who even bother with your stupid shit.
10 responses in and here is the first person that attempted to answer the question..

"the ability to guide your own life as you wish."

I would like to add "The ability to guide your life and your Country as you wish"

Good post evince.

How cute! The forum idiots have formed a mutual admiration society.
Telling you is one thing. Forcing you is another. Our (Americas) food intake has to change. But I'm sure there will be an onslaught of fatties screaming "Congress has no right to offer better idea's on how to eat healthy! They just want to control me!"

You mean "forcing" like the Duopoly Drug War? Is government "prohibition" force Goober? How about paying income taxes to the feds Goober? Are they "forced?" What about the Obama-Care mandate Shit-For-Brains? Is that force? How about 23,000 fucking gun laws Goober? Is that "force?"

Which article or amendment in our Constitution have you found the constitutional authority for the Federal Government to tell anybody what they can and cannot put into their own body including food Goober?
Stopped reading there, "What is a Free America? I dont know what that means." Because that was the question and you clearly don't know how the question process works.

That's rich coming from you Numb-Nuts. You think the so-called "question process" is you asking questions you apparently don't know the answer to, praising answers from your leftist asshole comrades and ignoring answers from intelligent folks that aren't leftist assholes like you.
Interesting; but you are okay with the Government telling you what kind of health insurance you have to buy, what kind of food you should be eating and trying to prevent you from doing the drugs you're obviously on every day.

dear idiot,

the exchange provides many choices .

You can go pay for a good policy and still pretend it doesn't give you services like one of the old policies.

You see just NEVER avail yourself of the better coverage parts.

You can even send EXTRA money to your chosen insurance company to make up for the savings the ACA gives you.

see idiot your still free
Some people in America (not pointing fingers) don't know how to have an individual will.

They just know what they are taught is "Freedom" and they repeat it.

Perfect definition of yourself and your lefty commie comrades Goober, Congratulations you finally got something right.
dear idiot,

the exchange provides many choices .

You can go pay for a good policy and still pretend it doesn't give you services like one of the old policies.

You see just NEVER avail yourself of the better coverage parts.

You can even send EXTRA money to your chosen insurance company to make up for the savings the ACA gives you.

see idiot your still free

FREE" to pay a fucking fine to Obama's corrupt government if you don't go to the exchanges that don't work if you do go to them, huh Fatty Shitty Panties?????
Oregon proved liberalism is a lie. We were told that if people had insurance they wouldn't go to the ED. However under Oregons pilot project ED use increased 40%. Liberal fail
Yea, Fox News biggest tactics are Fear and Hate.

When discussing something that may hurt the profits of a big corporation they use the "control" tactic. Even when every American with a mind knows it's the right decision to regulate that big corporation, Fox News seems to brainwash the small brains into thinking it's about Control and not about what's best for America and the sheeple repeat it.
And you're such a child that you don't realize that everyone has caught onto your little habit of asking a question and then just using someone's answer to be an ass about everything.
You're dismissed, pumpkin.

I'm glad that everyone is able to see right through me. I'm glad they see that I create questions that aren't in the media which prevents a copy/post by bias brains.

It should be an easy question to answer.. I find it funny that without a link by a media source, so many can't answer it.
Actually numb-nuts the “copy/past” came directly from the ”DICTIONARY” and not some web site as you like to lie about. And I don’t know about your sorry ass, but my teachers taught me to look up and confirm or deny my suspicions and opinions about particular words and the definitions thereof.

As a matter of fact you lying assed moron leftist, I went into great detail about the definition of socialism which you neither attempted to rebuke or deny nor did you bother to accept my challenge to you to enlighten we idiots with your intellectual superiority and define the word “socialism” for US. Thus once again as usual and guaranteed, you proved you truly are the fucking twit left-brained idiot that’s so very apparent to all who even bother with your stupid shit.

My last post was explained "describe Socialism without copy/paste" and you used the dictionary.....you explained it better than I could. Maybe you should learn English before debating politics and certainly stop making yourself look bad about a different post I made, this is an entirely different topic. I'm not saying you are making yourself look bad but.....LOL....jeez

Try to read you bias tool.
You just want all the perks for free huh you parasite

It's why Libertarian states are the biggest "Taker States". They want all the Government but want to cut taxes. An Illusion of "Conservative" that the small brains fall for.