What is "Freedom" to you?

Oregon proved liberalism is a lie. We were told that if people had insurance they wouldn't go to the ED. However under Oregons pilot project ED use increased 40%. Liberal fail

"We were told that if people had insurance they wouldn't go to the ED."

Education fail right there.
I'm glad that everyone is able to see right through me. I'm glad they see that I create questions that aren't in the media which prevents a copy/post by bias brains.

It should be an easy question to answer.. I find it funny that without a link by a media source, so many can't answer it.

Your post is a falsehood from the beginning.
You ask questions, not because you want to debate or discuss; but instead you want someone to give their opinion or example, just so you can dissect what they've posted and then denigrate them.

Now run along, Panty Party.
It's past your bedtime.
My last post was explained "describe Socialism without copy/paste" and you used the dictionary.....you explained it better than I could.

Most anybody can explain most anything better than you Goober. Actually all you seem to have any talent for is posting “cut & paste” leftist propaganda and stupid fucking questions you don’t seem to know the answer to.
This is just like the time he wanted us to teach his stupid ass the definition of socialism. When I did, he pouted for a week, crawled under his rock and hid when it became apparent to him he was a fucking BIG government socialist with radical jealousies toward successful capitalist.

The stupid commie won't define his version of freedom because he doesn't have one. He likes government being his Mammy and sending him those checks of other people's money. He thinks that might be freedom and he's looking for conformation from the communist here.

Since you ask - by implication at least - socialism is political control by the vast working majority and an end to the exploitation of everyone by a few ignorant, rich thieving bullies, the people you love and support. It is NOT some part of the capitalist economy's being controlled by the capitalist state but democratic freedom, such as your kind hate as you do 'blacks'. What sort of brainwashed halfwit could believe that the capitalist state was socialist?
I want to know your perspective on Freedom. Explain America today totally free.

If you are smart enough you will elaborate on why this is your perspective on freedom.

I'm asking this because I know that most if not all freedoms come with a cost. "freedom fighters" never really consider the cost, they only consider the freedom.

So, explain Free America Today. :good4u:

Since you didn't elaborate on your perspective of freedom, or even attempt to answer your own question, does this mean that by your standards you are not smart enough?
Name one single country where the fucking socialist haven't killed anyone who opposed their fucking insanity!

Name any country socialists control, or have controlled, other than the Paris Commune (stretching 'country' to its limits), the Soviet Union (until your killers enforced State Capitalism after the first year or so), Hungary, for a few months, and Bavaria for a week or so, both after your vast capitalist First World War for Profit. My problem in talking to you is that you have been so brainwashed you don't know the meaning of words. Socialism is control by the working class. Repeat that five million times, until it enters your thick skull , then come back fit for talking to.
That is not the definition of socialism, and never has been. There is no inherent element of democracy within the socialist economic philosophy. That you constantly assert this is wildly ignorant and naive.
Since you ask - by implication at least - socialism is political control by the vast working majority and an end to the exploitation of everyone by a few ignorant, rich thieving bullies, the people you love and support.

Yeah like the good ole ”socialist” USSR, North Korea, Cuba and those rich bully bastards at the top post in those Utopias exploiting the lack of freedom they impose on the vast working majorities at the point of a gun and a threat of the gulag, huh Shit-For-Brains? And let us not forget Germany’s ”NATIONAL SOCIALIST” party AKA, The Fucking Nazis and Hitler’s style of ”SOCIALISM” OK Numb-Nuts?
A simple definition of freedom:

The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

Personally I'd speak of responsible freedom, the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without acting against the rights of another. In order to reach this particular kind of freedom a minimized government is necessary. The attempt to say we are more free today because yesterday we decided to officially pronounce yet another activity by people as "acceptable" is patently ridiculous.

One is not free if such details of their lives are defined by government. Laws should exist to protect the individual rights from being infringed by the activity of those irresponsible in their action, not to build social constructs where one relationship has the blessing of government, while another must beg for that same blessing. Gaining the government's "blessing" on a relationship doesn't make one more free, it builds the walls of propaganda and government interference in the minutest aspects of your life.

That we argued that government needs to give "that group" the "same thing" it gives to another rather than demanding that government stay out of our relationships in the first place shows how far the roots of government dependence have spread.

Dependence on government is a chain, it doesn't make you more "economically free", it doesn't make your relationship better, it is the chain that ties you to the government machine.

What would I see as a free America today? I believe it would take another constitutional convention to reiterate the limited role of government necessary for the maximum level of personal freedom. While this comes at a cost of an equal amount of responsibility, it is well worth it. Even in limited form where the government wormed its way into details it never should be part of this kind of freedom still built the richest and strongest society in the world. I grok this is a great goodness.
Yeah like the good ole ”socialist” USSR, North Korea, Cuba and those rich bully bastards at the top post in those Utopias exploiting the lack of freedom they impose on the vast working majorities at the point of a gun and a threat of the gulag, huh Shit-For-Brains? And let us not forget Germany’s ”NATIONAL SOCIALIST” party AKA, The Fucking Nazis and Hitler’s style of ”SOCIALISM” OK Numb-Nuts?

This is the problem - you are so unbelievably THICK. You believe that if a burglar announces he is a Baptist Minister parish visiting that that is an argument against religion. Your scumbag chums, everywhere, pretend to be other than they are, as well you know, beause if they were honest they'd be in jail. They are LIARS, kid. Grow up and read something, even if you are not too bright.
Name any country socialists control, or have controlled

For your information moron, you can’t name a single country that ”ISN’T” controlled at least in some degree by socialism.

Unlike “pregnancy,” whereby there’s no such thing as ”a little bit” pregnant, there sure as hell is ”socialism by degree.” Government by its very nature and definition is socialist.

So Goober Commie, whenever you can produce a nation without some degree of government and you can explain your own definition of socialism, i. e. ”control by the working people” and you can specifically identify which or what “working people” and what specific “work,” your thoughtless and simplified absurd definition of socialism is none less than laughable. Are governments made up of ”PEOPLE?” Do governments Do Work”?
My problem in talking to you is that you have been so brainwashed you don't know the meaning of words. Socialism is control by the working class. Repeat that five million times, until it enters your thick skull , then come back fit for talking to.

Apparently asshole Commie, you and your commie leftist asshole partners don’t bother with dictionaries. My definitions are based on dictionary definitions.

So, I repeat Commie, WHAT PEOPLE, WHAT WORK? Is government ”working class” people? Are capitalist ”WORKING CLASS” PEOPLE

Me thinks you need to become more ”specific” Goober, then we can figure out how nations can exist without some degree of government and thereby control by THE PEOPLE” whoever the fuck you pretend them to be.
I want to know your perspective on Freedom. Explain America today totally free.

If you are smart enough you will elaborate on why this is your perspective on freedom.

I'm asking this because I know that most if not all freedoms come with a cost. "freedom fighters" never really consider the cost, they only consider the freedom.

So, explain Free America Today. :good4u:
Freedom means I can do anything I want just so long as my definition of "as long as it doesn't hurt anybody" is in effect.

-- Your Typical Liberal
This is the problem - you are so unbelievably THICK. You believe that if a burglar announces he is a Baptist Minister parish visiting that that is an argument against religion.

Well then Commie, pray tell where is the REAL Minister of the Socialist Utopia to be found? Where is TRUE socialism in your absurd imagination? Direct us so we can all live in Utopia with absolute equality, humility, humanity, integrity and fabulous compassionate glory and total defiance of human nature. Or more to reality the squalor of fucking political insanity physical misery and total poverty.