What Is ObamaCare?


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The best description of Obozocare so far:
Remember when Nancy Pelosi said:
"We have to pass it, to find out what's in it."
A physician called into a radio show and said: "That's the definition of a stool sample."
The best description of Obozocare so far:
Remember when Nancy Pelosi said:
"We have to pass it, to find out what's in it."
A physician called into a radio show and said: "That's the definition of a stool sample."
Where do you get your health insurance?
The perfect definition of ObamaCare is "STOOL SAMPLE." We have to pass it to see what's in it!:rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
By government mandate. I'm not FREE to decide for myself and neither are you.
I asked 'where' you get your health insurance. Do you even have insurance, or are you on your parents' policy?

Only a fool would not carry health insurance, so I am most definitely free to decide which plan I want.
I asked 'where' you get your health insurance. Do you even have insurance, or are you on your parents' policy?

I have a policy mandated by the government. I had no choice whether I wanted insurance or not because WE'RE not free in America. Obama is our task master.

My parents are deceased several years ago. They were free to decide their own insurance policy.

Only a fool would not carry health insurance, so I am most definitely free to decide which plan I want.

You are not free to decide if you want NO plan. You have no freedom to self medicate free of insurance. You are dictated to by a criminal socialist President who thinks he knows better how to spend your money than you do. The federal government and its Presidents have no constitutional authority to be involved in healthcare. ObamsCare is unconstitutional. (see Amendment 10) below.
You have several choices as to WHERE you buy your insurance, so you most certainly ARE FREE to choose for yoursalf.

That's how much you know. No American is free to NOT have health insurance. You'll be fined by the IRS if you don't buy health insurance. You are not free to conduct your life as you see fit. Since ObamaCare was implemented, thousands of Americans lost their healthcare insurance and their doctors because they couldn't afford their plans anymore the prices under ObamaCare went sky-high. Many doctors refuse to accept many ObamaCare Medicare/Medicaid insurance plans. Deductibles and co-pays went up 200% on most policies.

Obama is a tyrannical dictator. Obamacare is unconstitutional. There's no constitutional authority for the federal government to be involved in healthcare. (see Amendment 10) below.
That's how much you know. No American is free to NOT have health insurance. You'll be fined by the IRS if you don't buy health insurance. You are not free to conduct your life as you see fit. Since ObamaCare was implemented, thousands of Americans lost their healthcare insurance and their doctors because they couldn't afford their plans anymore the prices under ObamaCare went sky-high. Many doctors refuse to accept many ObamaCare Medicare/Medicaid insurance plans. Deductibles and co-pays went up 200% on most policies.

Obama is a tyrannical dictator. Obamacare is unconstitutional. There's no constitutional authority for the federal government to be involved in healthcare. (see Amendment 10) below.

Mpost of "those people" lost their policies because they were not even up to the minimal silver Obamacare policy. In other words, it seemed not great deal to endorse policies that were, for the most part, worthless.

My daughter has been on obamacare ( private insurer purchased through an exchange) for three years and you sir, are full of schit!
The ACA, aka Obamacare, is one small step for America, one giant step for those in need. Another great accomplishment by the democrats, who brought you minimum wage, the victory over Germany and Japan, social security, labor laws, Medicare, Medicaid, safer food, and all the various groups in government who make life in America the place everyone wants to come to.

"Now it is true that I believe this country is following a dangerous trend when it permits too great a degree of centralization of governmental functions. I oppose this — in some instances the fight is a rather desperate one. But to attain any success it is quite clear that the Federal government cannot avoid or escape responsibilities which the mass of the people firmly believe should be undertaken by it. The political processes of our country are such that if a rule of reason is not applied in this effort, we will lose everything — even to a possible and drastic change in the Constitution. This is what I mean by my constant insistence upon "moderation" in government. Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H.L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid." President Dwight Eisenhower
I asked 'where' you get your health insurance. Do you even have insurance, or are you on your parents' policy?

Only a fool would not carry health insurance, so I am most definitely free to decide which plan I want.

No, you cant. You are obliged to buy whatever the govt said could be sold.
Can't keep your doctor either.
am I? because it seems that if I choose that option, i'm penalized. how is that 'free'?

Life is all about freely making choices. You can choose to drive without a license or insurance, you can choose to refuse to pay taxes, and you can refuse to obey police commands that you deem unconstitutional.

There's a cost involved in all three choices and we both know you will submit rather than pay it.
Life is all about freely making choices. You can choose to drive without a license or insurance, you can choose to refuse to pay taxes, and you can refuse to obey police commands that you deem unconstitutional.

There's a cost involved in all three choices and we both know you will submit rather than pay it.

you have a warped viewpoint concerning freedom, as in you have no clue what it is. I blame this on the public education your fucktard parents made you get.
Premiums have gone up for most and in many states all but one provider has pulled out limiting choice and the benefits of competition.