What Is ObamaCare?

Mpost of "those people" lost their policies because they were not even up to the minimal silver Obamacare policy. In other words, it seemed not great deal to endorse policies that were, for the most part, worthless.

My daughter has been on obamacare ( private insurer purchased through an exchange) for three years and you sir, are full of schit!

The one full of shit sir is you. Healthcare insurance premiums went up by leapes and bounds since ObamaCare. Co-pays and deductibles became the case where there were none before and where there wer, they went up by leaps and bounds. Many doctors are refusing to treat Medicare/Medicaid patients unless patients have a secondary insurance also for Medicare. All kinds of people lost their doctors and even their insurance policies because the cost went up so high. I don't know anybody that had insurance before ObamaCare who's premiums haven't shot up sky high.

I never had a deductible or a co-pay until ObamaCare. Now every doctor visit cost me $30.00 and I have a $1,000 deductible to meet for all non-hospital MRI's and any other test.
The ACA, aka Obamacare, is one small step for America, one giant step for those in need. Another great accomplishment by the democrats, who brought you minimum wage, the victory over Germany and Japan, social security, labor laws, Medicare, Medicaid, safer food, and all the various groups in government who make life in America the place everyone wants to come to.

There’s no authority in the Constitution for the federal government to be involved in healthcare, a minimum wage, Socialist Insecurity, Medicare/Medicaid , Education and most of the other socialist programs conducted by the feds. All of that stuff is the authority of “THE STATES!” (See Amendment 10 below) OH, I forgot, everybody should know by now that Democrats don’t give a flying fuck about the Constitution.

D.D. Eisenhower defeated the Germans and General MacArthur And Admiral Nimitz defeated the Japs.

And the Democrats share 50% of a 20 trillion $ national debt with Republicans with their undeclared, unconstitutional fucking wars and unconstitutional socialist programs to bribe the vote and keep blacks in the new slavery relying on government and living in the new slave quarters, public housing ghettos.
Life is all about freely making choices. You can choose to drive without a license or insurance, you can choose to refuse to pay taxes, and you can refuse to obey police commands that you deem unconstitutional.

There's a cost involved in all three choices and we both know you will submit rather than pay it.

The discussion was/is about "FREE" choices, moron. e all should know by now you don't know shit about freedom. You think BIG fucking government allowing you to choose from a few government mandated policies is freedom. Go vote for the Incompetent Wicked Witch Of Benghazi in the duopoly rigged corrupt election, moron, she's your kind of candidate she has the same moronic mentality and BIG government ideology as you.
Define freedom.

[free-duh m]
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the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint:
He won his freedom after a retrial.
exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
the power to determine action without restraint.
political or national independence.
personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery:
a slave who bought his freedom.
exemption from the presence of anything specified (usually followed by from):
freedom from fear.
the absence of or release from ties, obligations, etc.

I have a policy mandated by the government. I had no choice whether I wanted insurance or not because WE'RE not free in America. Obama is our task master.

My parents are deceased several years ago. They were free to decide their own insurance policy.

You are not free to decide if you want NO plan. You have no freedom to self medicate free of insurance. You are dictated to by a criminal socialist President who thinks he knows better how to spend your money than you do. The federal government and its Presidents have no constitutional authority to be involved in healthcare. ObamsCare is unconstitutional. (see Amendment 10) below.
If you are referring to the mandate, the SC has decided that it is constitutional. You can choose not to buy insurance. Would you be willing to give your credit card when you go to the E.R, or will you opt to be treated for free if you had no insurance?

If we do away with EMTALA, we could conceivably do away with the mandate. Are you in favor of that?

You could always opt to refuse to buy insurance. The penalty comes out of your tax refund, so you could structure your dependents accordingly.

But...the odds are you get insurance from your employer, and you're just making noise here for the sake of making noise.
Premiums have gone up for most and in many states all but one provider has pulled out limiting choice and the benefits of competition.
How can you judge a program that was attacked by more than 60% of the country? If you don't like your exchange, blame your governor.

Premiums had annual hikes of 10% or more throughout recent history. Hikes have typically been lower under ACA.

No..it isn't perfect yet, and of course insurers would expect to see large liabilities in the first 5 years, as people who never had insurance now get nagging issues addressed.

But...Obama killed his signature law when he signed a spending bill that removed funding for risk corridors.

We're going to see a change to ACA in the coming years....provided Republicans are actually interested in making real changes to a law what was based on their own ideas.
If you are referring to the mandate, the SC has decided that it is constitutional.

The Supreme Court is made up of partisan ideologues, who are appointed by partisan ideologues and confirmed by partisan ideologues. Their quest has little to nothing to do with constitutional righteousness. They form their opinions mostly on their partisan biases and try hard to not make too many waves with the other two bodies of government so as to be as incognito and out of the spotlight as possible.

There’s no constitutional authority anywhere in the Constitution that allows the federal government to mandate the American people to buy anything, or for that matter to be involved in health insurance or healthcare of any kind. All of that shit is the authority of STATE governments. (See Amendment 10 below)
You can choose not to buy insurance. Would you be willing to give your credit card when you go to the E.R, or will you opt to be treated for free if you had no insurance?

You left out “CASH” and “PERSONAL CHECK” and the fact that I should have the freedom to buy any policy I wanted with any amount of coverage I wanted and the freedom to buy NO insurance and be “self insured.”

Democrats only promote “choice” for killing babies, huh?

If we do away with EMTALA, we could conceivably do away with the mandate. Are you in favor of that?

Again, there’s no authority in the Constitution for the federal government to be involved in healthcare, it’s a “STATE” authority. (See Amendment 10 below)

You could always opt to refuse to buy insurance. The penalty comes out of your tax refund, so you could structure your dependents accordingly.

I posted the definition of “FREEDOM” in an earlier post. Read it and be enlightened! America’s politicians claim America to be the land of the “FREE” then Democrats prohibit the “FREEDOM” for the people to decide their own healthcare.

But...the odds are you get insurance from your employer, and you're just making noise here for the sake of making noise.

I’m making noise for “FREEDOM” and the constitutional mandate of ”LIMITED GOVERNMENT” the idea and principle of our founders. I never expect Democrats or Republicans, left or right to understand those facts. Righties think I’m a lefty and lefties think I’m a rightie. Both have no clue! I’m neither right or left, I’m a “Constitution Literalist,” a “Classical Liberal” a “Classical Conservative” and a “libertarian” (small l.)
That's how much you know. No American is free to NOT have health insurance. You'll be fined by the IRS if you don't buy health insurance. You are not free to conduct your life as you see fit. Since ObamaCare was implemented, thousands of Americans lost their healthcare insurance and their doctors because they couldn't afford their plans anymore the prices under ObamaCare went sky-high. Many doctors refuse to accept many ObamaCare Medicare/Medicaid insurance plans. Deductibles and co-pays went up 200% on most policies.

Obama is a tyrannical dictator. Obamacare is unconstitutional. There's no constitutional authority for the federal government to be involved in healthcare. (see Amendment 10) below.

You most certainly ARE free to NOT have insurance.

I know many people who chose to NOT have insurance.