What Is ObamaCare?

How can you judge a program that was attacked by more than 60% of the country? If you don't like your exchange, blame your governor.

Premiums had annual hikes of 10% or more throughout recent history. Hikes have typically been lower under ACA.

No..it isn't perfect yet, and of course insurers would expect to see large liabilities in the first 5 years, as people who never had insurance now get nagging issues addressed.

But...Obama killed his signature law when he signed a spending bill that removed funding for risk corridors.

We're going to see a change to ACA in the coming years....provided Republicans are actually interested in making real changes to a law what was based on their own ideas.

Well said!
People who whine about NOT having insurance are the same people who bitch and moan because their premiums go to help treat other folk less fortunate than them.

They piss and moan about any increase in costs that get passed on to them, don't they?

They think "freedom" means "freedom from paying".
You left out “CASH” and “PERSONAL CHECK” and the fact that I should have the freedom to buy any policy I wanted with any amount of coverage I wanted and the freedom to buy NO insurance and be “self insured.”
You are still free to do that. Would you prefer to pay for your health care by check? You never told us.

Democrats only promote “choice” for killing babies, huh?
I believe the S.Court deemed abortion legal. Do you not agree with the Supreme Court?

Again, there’s no authority in the Constitution for the federal government to be involved in healthcare, it’s a “STATE” authority. (See Amendment 10 below)
Wrong. The second a hospital takes Fed money, they are under the laws/regulations set forth by the Fed govt.

I posted the definition of “FREEDOM” in an earlier post. Read it and be enlightened! America’s politicians claim America to be the land of the “FREE” then Democrats prohibit the “FREEDOM” for the people to decide their own healthcare.
Why don't you lobby for the end of EMTALA, and then the mandate might just go away? I believe you can self insure in some states, provided you put at least $25k in a separate account.

I’m making noise for “FREEDOM” and the constitutional mandate of ”LIMITED GOVERNMENT” the idea and principle of our founders. I never expect Democrats or Republicans, left or right to understand those facts. Righties think I’m a lefty and lefties think I’m a rightie. Both have no clue! I’m neither right or left, I’m a “Constitution Literalist,” a “Classical Liberal” a “Classical Conservative” and a “libertarian” (small l.)

You must be one of those that would rather trade chickens for health care.

Cute how you libertarians wish to run the country, now that tax dollars have built the entire infrastructure.
The Supreme Court is made up of partisan ideologues, who are appointed by partisan ideologues and confirmed by partisan ideologues. Their quest has little to nothing to do with constitutional righteousness. They form their opinions mostly on their partisan biases and try hard to not make too many waves with the other two bodies of government so as to be as incognito and out of the spotlight as possible.

There’s no constitutional authority anywhere in the Constitution that allows the federal government to mandate the American people to buy anything, or for that matter to be involved in health insurance or healthcare of any kind. All of that shit is the authority of STATE governments. (See Amendment 10 below)
Can you cite the specific language that addresses health insurance?
You are still free to do that. Would you prefer to pay for your health care by check? You never told us.

I'd prefer to be "FREE" to choose whatever healthcare option I deem right for me including NO private and or government healthcare insurance. I'd much rather that STATE government have total authority over what healthcare laws were in effect in their particular State as guaranteed by the Constitution. No such "FREEDOM" exist today, no matter how you attempt to pervert the definition of freedom.

I'll wait for you to produce a credible definition of freedom that allows for a penalty for not performing a government mandated act.

I believe the S.Court deemed abortion legal. Do you not agree with the Supreme Court?

The Court declared abortion legal because the Constitution guarantees a woman's right to privacy and to have control over her own body. i.e. she has a "FREE CHOICE." However, when it comes to healthcare the people are not allowed a FREE CHOICE. You support abortion and oppose freedom of healthcare. My observation is correct that Democrats only promote choice when it allows them to kill their babies. What other free choices do you promote?

Wrong. The second a hospital takes Fed money, they are under the laws/regulations set forth by the Fed govt.

WRONG! There's no authority in the Constitution for the federal government to give taxpayer's money to hospitals, again that's the authority of State government, (see Amendment 10 below).

Why don't you lobby for the end of EMTALA, and then the mandate might just go away? I believe you can self insure in some states, provided you put at least $25k in a separate account.

Lobbying the federal government requires truck loads of bribery money and something to offer politicians like a job when they tire of politics. Nobody lobbies Congress for constitutional righteousness, there's nothing in it for the crooked duopoly politicians and people who promote the Constitution don't do bribery.


You must be one of those that would rather trade chickens for health care.

Cute how you libertarians wish to run the country, now that tax dollars have built the entire infrastructure.

You mean the 20 trillion $ national debt and endless undeclared unconstitutional wars including your Drug War that makes huge tax free profits for terrorist and other criminal types? That "infrastructure?"
Can you cite the specific language that addresses health insurance?

YES! "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." (Amendment 10, United States Constitution)