What is "political correctness"?


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Help me out here, what is political correctness and what's wrong with calling someone out when they say something ignorant or racist?
Political correctness is a stick to be used to beat those not percieved to be in the club. There is no definition as that would limit it's use.
Ignorant or racist are subjective terms. Matters of opinion.
Why the need to "call out" ?
Help me out here, what is political correctness and what's wrong with calling someone out when they say something ignorant or racist?

Who shall be the "decider" of what is ignorant or racist? You say a lot of things that are absolutely ignorant; but you have that right to spout off ignorantly.

When that right is adjudicated in the court of public opinion causing people to lose their jobs or get ostracized from a community; that is PC.

Justice Scalia is experiencing that right now. The Christian bakers and florists experienced it. The CEO who donated money to beat proposition 8 lost his job over it.

Liberals love to eschew their incredible tolerance and caring; but it only extends to you if you are politically and ideologically aligning yourself to them.
Political correctness is a stick to be used to beat those not percieved to be in the club. There is no definition as that would limit it's use.
Ignorant or racist are subjective terms. Matters of opinion.
Why the need to "call out" ?

My grandmother and mother use to call it manners, it is something that people don't care about any longer. People have no filters, they now just say what they think and it is fine as long as you do unto other as you would have them do unto you, but most people without filters, like Trump, like to do it to others, but become enraged when it is done to them.
This is a great web site that discusses the tyranny of PC:

What Is Political Correctness?
Political Correctness (PC) is the communal tyranny that erupted in the 1980s. It was a spontaneous declaration that particular ideas, expressions and behaviour, which were then legal, should be forbidden by law, and people who transgressed should be punished. (see Newspeak) It started with a few voices but grew in popularity until it became unwritten and written law within the community. With those who were publicly declared as being not politically correct becoming the object of persecution by the mob, if not prosecution by the state.

The Odious Nature Of Political Correctness
To attempt to point out the odious nature of Political Correctness is to restate the crucial importance of plain speaking, freedom of choice and freedom of speech; these are the community's safe-guards against the imposition of tyranny, indeed their absence is tyranny (see "On Liberty", Chapter II, by J.S. Mill). Which is why any such restrictions on expression such as those invoked by the laws of libel, slander and public decency, are grave matters to be decided by common law methodology; not by the dictates of the mob.

Clear Inspiration For Political Correctness
The declared rational of this tyranny is to prevent people being offended; to compel everyone to avoid using words or behaviour that may upset homosexuals, women, non-whites, the crippled, the stupid, the fat or the ugly. This reveals not only its absurdity but its inspiration. The set of values that are detested are those held by the previous generation (those who fought the Second World War), which is why the terms niggers, coons, dagos, wogs, poofs, spastics and sheilas, have become heresy, for, in an act of infantile rebellion, their subject have become revered by the new generation. Political Correctness is merely the resentment of spoilt children directed against their parent's values.

More on the topic:

My grandmother and mother use to call it manners, it is something that people don't care about any longer. People have no filters, they now just say what they think and it is fine as long as you do unto other as you would have them do unto you, but most people without filters, like Trump, like to do it to others, but become enraged when it is done to them.

It isn't about "manners". It is about a corrupt leftist ideology that demands infringing on the rights of others to prevent the delicate sensibilities of idiots from being offended.
My grandmother and mother use to call it manners, it is something that people don't care about any longer. People have no filters, they now just say what they think and it is fine as long as you do unto other as you would have them do unto you, but most people without filters, like Trump, like to do it to others, but become enraged when it is done to them.

He IS from New York. Apart from the joke they can be more prone just blurting. But he is also running for office which relies in part on publicity. He has learned that being outspoken breeds publicity. And you know what they say, all publicity is.good so long as they spell your name right.
Political correctness is a stick to be used to beat those not percieved to be in the club. There is no definition as that would limit it's use.
Ignorant or racist are subjective terms. Matters of opinion.
Why the need to "call out" ?

I think, as a society, if we hear someone say something racist or otherwise harmful, it should be pointed out. The ideology of racism is harmful. Now, I don't want to prevent someone from saying the harmful thing, but I want them to hear opposition. Often the lack of response is considered approval or agreement.

I was at a restaurant a few years ago with a guy I knew, actually a prosecutor, he started talking about the niggers this and niggers that. It made me uncomfortable and angry. Should I not have told him how wrong he was and how harmful I felt his ideology was?
Who shall be the "decider" of what is ignorant or racist? You say a lot of things that are absolutely ignorant; but you have that right to spout off ignorantly.

When that right is adjudicated in the court of public opinion causing people to lose their jobs or get ostracized from a community; that is PC.

Justice Scalia is experiencing that right now. The Christian bakers and florists experienced it. The CEO who donated money to beat proposition 8 lost his job over it.

Liberals love to eschew their incredible tolerance and caring; but it only extends to you if you are politically and ideologically aligning yourself to them.

The listener should be the decider of what he/she thinks about what is being said. So, you are argueing that the market should not decide what is acceptable or not, if we are unhappy with what a store or restaurant is doing/saying we should not be free to boycott it?

If I feel a public figure, government decision maker, has said something ignorant or stupid, I should not be free to point it out and call it outrageous?

What about Conservatives who get upset because the President does not call something the "right" words like "the War on Islamic Terrorism" instead of "The war on Islam"? Would that be in the category of insisting on Political Correctness?

So am I to assume Political Correctness is a term Conservatives are using when society calls out racism, we are no longer free to call out racism?
My grandmother and mother use to call it manners, it is something that people don't care about any longer. People have no filters, they now just say what they think and it is fine as long as you do unto other as you would have them do unto you, but most people without filters, like Trump, like to do it to others, but become enraged when it is done to them.

I like for people to say what they think without a filter, but I think they should expect to be called out on it when its harmful, hateful or bullying.
It isn't about "manners". It is about a corrupt leftist ideology that demands infringing on the rights of others to prevent the delicate sensibilities of idiots from being offended.

Do you believe you have a right to say anything you want, and not have anyone be offended or upset by it?
I think, as a society, if we hear someone say something racist or otherwise harmful, it should be pointed out. The ideology of racism is harmful. Now, I don't want to prevent someone from saying the harmful thing, but I want them to hear opposition. Often the lack of response is considered approval or agreement.

I was at a restaurant a few years ago with a guy I knew, actually a prosecutor, he started talking about the niggers this and niggers that. It made me uncomfortable and angry. Should I not have told him how wrong he was and how harmful I felt his ideology was?

Unless you stood and addressed the restaurant you had a conversation, not a calling out.
While use of that term has a reasonable chance of infrirring racism, I hear many things described as racist which do not meet the definition. Thus it becomes subjective.
Conservation ? No issues from me. Public admonishment you are on shaky ground.
Unless you stood and addressed the restaurant you had a conversation, not a calling out.
While use of that term has a reasonable chance of infrirring racism, I hear many things described as racist which do not meet the definition. Thus it becomes subjective.
Conservation ? No issues from me. Public admonishment you are on shaky ground.

Well, I warned his boss, an elected official, that his Prosecutor harbored such views about the general public. I thought he had a right to know.

In my opinion, don't say something you are going to be embarrassed to stand by, and don't say something that you are not willing to stand up for.

As I have grown more secure in my profession and position in the community, I feel more free to share my opinion on issues. When I was less secure, I kept my mouth shut when it came to controversial issues. Even today, with a big client who I don't want to take a dislike of me, I would hold my piece if he went on a rant about how great Trump is.

I hold my breath when my father in law goes on his pro-trump anti-immigration rants, for the sake of peace at family dinner.
So, if I understand this...

Political Correctness is simply a term made up by Conservatives who want to feel free to not be called out on racist or bullying behavior...

Its frustrated racists who don't want to be contradicted.
I think, as a society, if we hear someone say something racist or otherwise harmful, it should be pointed out.

It is not about merely “pointing it out; it is about getting people fired, marching them off to jail or fining them over their speech that is harmful and the issue.

You don’t have a right to not be offended; get it?

The ideology of racism is harmful.

Race hustling is even more harmful. There is no ideology of racism.

Now, I don't want to prevent someone from saying the harmful thing, but I want them to hear opposition. Often the lack of response is considered approval or agreement.

That isn’t what is happening; people are losing their jobs, their livelihoods and being ostracized because of the LGBT and leftist Fascists.

I was at a restaurant a few years ago with a guy I knew, actually a prosecutor,

Here we go again with the anecdotal BS.

..he started talking about the niggers this and niggers that. It made me uncomfortable and angry.

I am going to call this anecdotal claim BS.

Should I not have told him how wrong he was and how harmful I felt his ideology was?

Yes; how did that work out for you? Did he care? LOL
The listener should be the decider of what he/she thinks about what is being said.

But that isn’t what is happening; we have a whole race hustling PC industry that goes around getting people fired, ruining businesses and prosecuting anyone who says anything offensive.

So, you are argueing “arguing” that the market should not decide what is acceptable or not, if we are unhappy with what a store or restaurant is doing/saying we should not be free to boycott it?

It’s not about a “market”; it is about liberal agendas goose stepping over people’s rights. The florist was prosecuted by the Government. The bakers were prosecuted by the Government. The CEO was forced to resign. None were about boycotts or protests.


If I feel a public figure, government decision maker, has said something ignorant or stupid, I should not be free to point it out and call it outrageous?

So who is this “decider” of what is ignorant. You say lots of ignorant things; should you get fired or forced to resign?


What about Conservatives who get upset because the President does not call something the "right" words like "the War on Islamic Terrorism" instead of "The war on Islam"?

What about them? They don’t have the right to criticize a President? DUMB.

Would that be in the category of insisting on Political Correctness?

Only if they were able to march him out of office for it.


So am I to assume Political Correctness is a term Conservatives are using when society calls out racism, we are no longer free to call out racism?

Did you read anything I posted above? Why then, are you refusing to comprehend it?

Were the bakers racist? Was the CEO racist? Was the florist racist?

Obviously the topic is well beyond your comprehension level.