What is the difference between the old and new covenant ? Frank

How much do they pay you to run interference for them Beeeeyotch! You are a dem operative, and it is easy to spot.

I am on a mission to call out Fake News, the completely over-the-top hatred directed at Hillary, Obama, minorities, and liberals, the corrupt and dangerous Donald Trump regime, and the lunacy of his ass-kissing worshipers!

It's a tough job, but someone has to do it!
What I said was that Jesus wanted out of the "sacrifice" stuff.

I showed where he did...IN HIS OWN WORDS.

What is it with you people?

Do the words of Jesus matter to you at all?

Oh, horse shit!

If a person "sins"...that person is responsible for his or her sins.

Are you saying that Adolf Hitler was redeemed by Jesus being executed?

Well if it did...it was ordained by a repulsive god. More about that below.

HE BEGGED FOR HIS LIFE. Read the goddam words.

What he knew was...that the Romans where about to tie him up to a cross of some sort and torture him to death. That is what he knew.

The entire passage at John 1:16 is one of the most disgusting passages about any god ever made. It is more savage than anything said about the Roman or Greek or Norse gods.

Essentially John 1:16 is saying:

"I am god. Some of the things you humans do offend me. Somebody's gotta pay. Now...I will forgive you for offending me (by doing the kinds of things humans do)...but I will only do it if you first torture and kill my son."

Jesus H. Christ, Ralph...if any human you know told you that he/she would forgive any offense you made to that person, but only on the condition you first kill his/her kid...you would report the person to the police...and that person would end up in an insane asylum.

You are not talking about a sacrificial lamb...you are talking about a human being being tortured and murdered...in order to satisfy a god that you "adore", "love", "worship?"

Only someone insane would worship something like that.

How Christianity has managed to make that story seem reasonable or elucidating...is beyond sane comprehension.


...you were saying???

As demonstrated in scripture. Simply because the Christ (a man with human feelings) noticed or sensed the fact that God's presence had abandoned (asked why the Father had forsaken Him) does not equate with "wanting out of His mission". And to call the greatest sacrifice/gift ever granted to mankind BS demonstrates a great deal about your honesty and integrity.

God's plan of man's redemption has existed since the beginning of time as recorded in SCRIPTURE.

We are told in the word of God that He had a plan for man's salvation through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ even before the foundation of the world. (1 Peter 1:20) Or....as the Apostle Paul stated, "before time began" (2 Tim. 1:9).

We are also told that this plan would be hidden from mankind unit a time of God's choosing (Eph. 3:5,6) The comprehension of this plan was even hidden from the prophets of old who foretold of this plan (1 Peter 1:10-12). We are told that this plan was to be revealed to man through the Holy Spirit of God at the proper time (Eph. 3:5, 1 Peter 1:12). We are also informed that when we read of this plan in scripture we can understand it (Eph. 3:4). Not only can we understand/comprehend this plan....we are commanded to know the will of God through Scripture (Eph. 5:17). And....God wants everyone to come to the knowledge of the truth thru the revealed word of God (1 Tim. 2:3, 4)

Thus we can rest assured that God desires man to come to the knowledge of the truth it is possible; since He commands we understand His will then indeed it is possible (today the only method of communicating with God is through the Holy Spirit.....the works of inspired writings found in the Holy Scriptures....if you claim that God directly talks to you today....you might get fitted for a straight jacket). God said we can understand it.....thus WE CAN....but only if you first read it and rightly divide the word of truth.

This is the only way to be approved of God, "Be diligent to present yourself approved of God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH." -- 2 Tim. 2:15

Peter warned of those who are untaught/unlearned twisting the words of the Apostle Paul to their own destruction. (2 Peter 3:15-17):bigthink:
As demonstrated in scripture. Simply because the Christ (a man with human feelings) noticed or sensed the fact that God's presence had abandoned (asked why the Father had forsaken Him) does not equate with "wanting out of His mission". And to call the greatest sacrifice/gift ever granted to mankind BS demonstrates a great deal about your honesty and integrity.

God's plan of man's redemption has existed since the beginning of time as recorded in SCRIPTURE.

Fuck scripture.

Deal with the question without insisting that the Bible backs up your blind guess that the Bible tells us anything about the REALITY of existence.

We are told in the word of God that He had a plan for man's salvation through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ even before the foundation of the world. (1 Peter 1:20) Or....as the Apostle Paul stated, "before time began" (2 Tim. 1:9).

Why do humans have to be redeemed...and why must it happen with a blood sacrifice?

The god could simply say, "Ahhh, why be a barbarian and demand blood sacrifices. You are hereby all redeemed (whatever that means)."

We are also told that this plan would be hidden from mankind unit a time of God's choosing (Eph. 3:5,6) The comprehension of this plan was even hidden from the prophets of old who foretold of this plan (1 Peter 1:10-12). We are told that this plan was to be revealed to man through the Holy Spirit of God at the proper time (Eph. 3:5, 1 Peter 1:12). We are also informed that when we read of this plan in scripture we can understand it (Eph. 3:4). Not only can we understand/comprehend this plan....we are commanded to know the will of God through Scripture (Eph. 5:17). And....God wants everyone to come to the knowledge of the truth thru the revealed word of God (1 Tim. 2:3, 4)

More shit from the Bible. You are "told" all sorts of things. Use your brain...rather than being a puppet to what you are "told."

Thus we can rest assured that God desires man to come to the knowledge of the truth it is possible; since He commands we understand His will then indeed it is possible (today the only method of communicating with God is through the Holy Spirit.....the works of inspired writings found in the Holy Scriptures....if you claim that God directly talks to you today....you might get fitted for a straight jacket). God said we can understand it.....thus WE CAN....but only if you first read it and rightly divide the word of truth.

I've read it. Several times.

It sounds like bullshit to me...but I am wiling to say that I do not KNOW it to be bullshit. In any case, lots of what is attributed to Jesus...I like. I think it aims toward a better world.

But to blindly guess that there is a god...and that the Bible tells us what the god is like...what pleases or offends it...is a step to stupidity.

This is the only way to be approved of God, "Be diligent to present yourself approved of God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH." -- 2 Tim. 2:15


Peter warned of those who are untaught/unlearned twisting the words of the Apostle Paul to their own destruction. (2 Peter 3:15-17):bigthink:

Perhaps he realized that the story was flimsy...and wanted to have it endure even though it didn't deserve to endure.

BOTTOM LINE: YOU are worshiping a god that demands blood sacrifices.

Why are you doing that?

What is there about a god that demands blood sacrifices that you think is noble or instructive?

The Aztecs worshiped that kind of god. Spilled blood all over the place.

All sorts of religions have slice the throats of animals...in order to please various gods...


Why would you worship something like that?

And why, oh why...would you worship a god that says it will forgive humans their sins of being humans...but only if they first torture and kill its son?

Fuck scripture.

Deal with the question without insisting that the Bible backs up your blind guess that the Bible tells us anything about the REALITY of existence.

Why do humans have to be redeemed...and why must it happen with a blood sacrifice?

The god could simply say, "Ahhh, why be a barbarian and demand blood sacrifices. You are hereby all redeemed (whatever that means)."

More shit from the Bible. You are "told" all sorts of things. Use your brain...rather than being a puppet to what you are "told."

I've read it. Several times.

It sounds like bullshit to me...but I am wiling to say that I do not KNOW it to be bullshit. In any case, lots of what is attributed to Jesus...I like. I think it aims toward a better world.

But to blindly guess that there is a god...and that the Bible tells us what the god is like...what pleases or offends it...is a step to stupidity.


Perhaps he realized that the story was flimsy...and wanted to have it endure even though it didn't deserve to endure.

BOTTOM LINE: YOU are worshiping a god that demands blood sacrifices.

Why are you doing that?

What is there about a god that demands blood sacrifices that you think is noble or instructive?

The Aztecs worshiped that kind of god. Spilled blood all over the place.

All sorts of religions have slice the throats of animals...in order to please various gods...


Why would you worship something like that?

And why, oh why...would you worship a god that says it will forgive humans their sins of being humans...but only if they first torture and kill its son?


Exactly. God has given you up to a reprobate mind.....and it just makes you angry. ;)

I so enjoy some idiot who attempts to use the scriptures to argue....then when the scriptures prove them wrong.....they become useless. Priceless. Still I must ask......how does your lack of faith effect my faith...especially when the scriptures have debunked every angle you suggested was truth (then you declare these same scriptures worthless)? A good belly laugh is good for the soul.

My faith comes from the Word of God.....not the imagination of man. My faith is objective in the fact that I can prove what I believe through the revealed word.....not my mind. When you argue with the Holy Spirit of God its best not to come with an empty chamber.

FYI: The Christ was never actually "KILLED"....when He ascended into heaven He was as much flesh and blood as are you and I. -- John 20:24. A spirit cannot be touched. Christ is literally the first NEW BORN....the corner stone of the New Covenant. He defeated Death, that was the purpose of His sacrifice....that even you might have hope eternal.
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Exactly. God has given you up to a reprobate mind.....and it just makes you angry. ;)

Me??? I am not angry. I am delighted there are people like you to argue with. I am doing all sorts of things...and cannot wait for breaks so I can get back here and enjoy the humor.

I so enjoy some idiot who attempts to use the scriptures to argue....then when the scriptures prove them wrong.....they become useless. Priceless. Still I must ask......how does your lack of faith effect my faith...especially when the scriptures have debunked every angle you suggested was truth (then you declare these same scriptures worthless)? A good belly laugh is good for the soul.

Good. I am hoping you actually are laughing...BECAUSE I CERTAINLY AM.

It would be nice to think this is a win/win situation.

And I have no problem with you making your blind guesses (or calling them "beliefs")...and I have no trouble with you insisting your blind guess HAS TO BE CORRECT (and calling that "faith")...so don't think that is the case.

I am just here to remind you that your "beliefs" are nothing more than blind guesses...and your "faith" is nothing more than bull-headedness.

We're just having fun.

My faith comes from the Word of God.....not imagination of man. My faith is objective in the fact that I can prove what I believe through the revealed word.....not my mind. When you argue with the Holy Spirit of God its best not to come with an empty chamber.

You cannot prove anything...and if you were using your brain, you would realize that.

You pretend you prove your blind guesses are correct, because they are drawn from a book you blindly guess tell the truth about REALITY.

Lots of luck there.

But I am here for you.
Me??? I am not angry. I am delighted there are people like you to argue with. I am doing all sorts of things...and cannot wait for breaks so I can get back here and enjoy the humor.

Good. I am hoping you actually are laughing...BECAUSE I CERTAINLY AM.

It would be nice to think this is a win/win situation.

And I have no problem with you making your blind guesses (or calling them "beliefs")...and I have no trouble with you insisting your blind guess HAS TO BE CORRECT (and calling that "faith")...so don't think that is the case.

I am just here to remind you that your "beliefs" are nothing more than blind guesses...and your "faith" is nothing more than bull-headedness.

We're just having fun.

You cannot prove anything...and if you were using your brain, you would realize that.

You pretend you prove your blind guesses are correct, because they are drawn from a book you blindly guess tell the truth about REALITY.

Lots of luck there.

But I am here for you.

Still.....its funnier than HELL.....you attempt to use the Holy Scriptures in one breath and then contradict your own argument by declaring the Bible useless in defending the actual content found therein. There is nothing BLIND when the Book, Chapter and Verse is presented that refutes your attempted use to prove the scriptures wrong by quoting from its content. :laugh:

Example you argued and quoted scripture (you now declare to be worthless in defining religion) that Jesus was a coward and did not want to die because the Christ cried out, "Eli, Eli lama sabachthani ……" (Matthew 27:46) Which translates to "My God, My God why have You forsaken Me?" Show us the text that said Jesus did not want to fulfill His mission on earth. Matthew 26:39? let this cup pass from Me? Read the entire passage in context....far from declaring that He did not want to continue to the final result Jesus ended this prayer as such, ".....nevertheless, not as I will but as You will." Proving what? Jesus was not looking forward to the final act concluding with His suffering and temporary death but He completely trusted His Father and His promise of resurrection and rebirth. His last words on earth prove as much, "It is finished..." What is finished? The fulfillment of the Old Law with the perfect sacrifice with the perfect sacrificial lamb (of God) presented without spot nor blemish. Jesus fulfilled the LETTER of the LAW in order that we might have access to the spirit of the law and grace.
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Still.....its funnier than HELL.....you attempt to use the Holy Scriptures in one breath and then contradict your own argument by declaring the Bible useless in defending the actual content found therein. There is nothing BLIND when the Book, Chapter and Verse is presented that refutes your attempted use to prove the scriptures wrong by quoting from its content. :laugh:

I use quotes from the Bible to make a point...not to show that "holy scripture" is actually holy or the word of any god.

Jesus H. Christ...I also use quotes from assholes like you to show that you are assholes.

Everything you are saying from "there is a god" to "this is what pleases or offends that god"...ARE NOTHING BUT BLIND GUESSES.

Just blind guesses.

If your god happens to exist (if your blind guess happens to be correct)...the god is going to fry your ass for being so untruthful.
Myth derived from apocrypha writings. There can be only ONE TRUTH. Books such as the book of "Enoch" were omitted from the Holy Scriptures for a reason, numerous contradictions from the official Canon. These works are called "pseudoepigraphal" or false authorship works. It would be a most difficult thing for Enoch to actually author any book considering these works would have survived the flood.

It has been proven that all the apocrypha works were authored by many different authors as per the use of the scientific method of comparative analysis of the fragmented texts that have been located with no complete record having ever been located. Simply because a myth exists does not negate the true Inspired Writings of the Holy Scriptures which have never been subject to refutation through applied science or history actual.

There was NO global flood. The Book of Enoch dates to about 300 BC... later sections were written in the first century AD.
Fuck scripture.

Deal with the question without insisting that the Bible backs up your blind guess that the Bible tells us anything about the REALITY of existence.

Why do humans have to be redeemed...and why must it happen with a blood sacrifice?

The god could simply say, "Ahhh, why be a barbarian and demand blood sacrifices. You are hereby all redeemed (whatever that means)."

More shit from the Bible. You are "told" all sorts of things. Use your brain...rather than being a puppet to what you are "told."

I've read it. Several times.

It sounds like bullshit to me...but I am wiling to say that I do not KNOW it to be bullshit. In any case, lots of what is attributed to Jesus...I like. I think it aims toward a better world.

But to blindly guess that there is a god...and that the Bible tells us what the god is like...what pleases or offends it...is a step to stupidity.


Perhaps he realized that the story was flimsy...and wanted to have it endure even though it didn't deserve to endure.

BOTTOM LINE: YOU are worshiping a god that demands blood sacrifices.

Why are you doing that?

What is there about a god that demands blood sacrifices that you think is noble or instructive?

The Aztecs worshiped that kind of god. Spilled blood all over the place.

All sorts of religions have slice the throats of animals...in order to please various gods...


Why would you worship something like that?

And why, oh why...would you worship a god that says it will forgive humans their sins of being humans...but only if they first torture and kill its son?


Muslims don't believe in blood sacrifice either..

If you think about killing an animal or a person to appease God, its pretty icky.
Muslims don't believe in blood sacrifice either..

If you think about killing an animal or a person to appease God, its pretty icky.

It is disgusting, is what it is.

Anyone worshiping a god that demands "blood sacrifice" is worshiping a monster.

I do not know if gods exist or not. I make no guess in either direction...because it would be a worthless blind guess.

BUT if a person is going to blindly guess there is a god...they should at least have the decency to invent a god that departs from the "you must kill goats and lambs and other humans to appease me" kind of god.

The Old Testament describes a blood lust god...a god as demanding of killing as any of the New World gods. The god of the Old Testament IS the god Jesus worshiped...and IS the god the followers of Jesus worship. That god was acknowledged to be a "blood sacrifice" god...and Christians want to make the blood lust one of the defining glories of that god.

It is pathetic.

People who hold up signs proclaiming "John 3:16" at football and baseballl games are, in effect, saying: "Look at how barbaric my religion is."
Myth derived from apocrypha writings. There can be only ONE TRUTH. Books such as the book of "Enoch" were omitted from the Holy Scriptures for a reason, numerous contradictions from the official Canon. These works are called "pseudoepigraphal" or false authorship works. It would be a most difficult thing for Enoch to actually author any book considering these works would have survived the flood.

It has been proven that all the apocrypha works were authored by many different authors as per the use of the scientific method of comparative analysis of the fragmented texts that have been located with no complete record having ever been located. Simply because a myth exists does not negate the true Inspired Writings of the Holy Scriptures which have never been subject to refutation through applied science or history actual.

Enoch was written in 300 BC and added to in the first century AD. There was no global flood.. There was a flood in eretz (in the land) basically in the Euphrates river basin.
It is disgusting, is what it is.

Anyone worshiping a god that demands "blood sacrifice" is worshiping a monster.

I do not know if gods exist or not. I make no guess in either direction...because it would be a worthless blind guess.

BUT if a person is going to blindly guess there is a god...they should at least have the decency to invent a god that departs from the "you must kill goats and lambs and other humans to appease me" kind of god.

The Old Testament describes a blood lust god...a god as demanding of killing as any of the New World gods. The god of the Old Testament IS the god Jesus worshiped...and IS the god the followers of Jesus worship. That god was acknowledged to be a "blood sacrifice" god...and Christians want to make the blood lust one of the defining glories of that god.

It is pathetic.

People who hold up signs proclaiming "John 3:16" at football and baseballl games are, in effect, saying: "Look at how barbaric my religion is."

The Canaanites were more settled, urban people involved in mining, metallurgy and pottery making who paid tribute to pharaoh.. They were more prosperous that the rag tag habiru so there is a good bit of envy driving the demonization of them.. and tales of Joshua's epic exploits in slaughtering them
Enoch was written in 300 BC and added to in the first century AD. There was no global flood.. There was a flood in eretz (in the land) basically in the Euphrates river basin.

Strange is the fact as confirmed by the Sciences of Geology and Archaeology that every inch of the earth's surface has been under water.....to include the peaks of the highest mountains on earth as verified by the fossils of sea creatures and Sedimentary rock formations. Do you deny SCIENCE? What do the Holy Scriptures say about such things? During the flood, the valleys rose and the mountains sank (i.e, its what is called geological drift).. That is how the waters covered even the highest peaks....the topography of the earth changed drastically at the time of the FLOOD. (Psalms 104:6-9)

You have a problem.....YOU MUST ACCEPT the uninspired fake works of some "pseudoepigraphal" authors that are verified by nothing expect opinion in order to mold your false religion into some kind of truth and dismiss the inspired works of the Holy Bible that are actually confirmed by Science. :bigthink:
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Strange is the fact as confirmed by the Sciences of Geology and Archaeology that every inch of the earth's surface has been under water.....to include the peaks of the highest mountains on earth as verified by the fossils of sea creatures and Sedimentary rock formations. Do you deny SCIENCE? What do the Holy Scriptures say about such things? During the flood, the valleys rose and the mountains sank (i.e, its what is called geological drift).. That is how the waters covered even the highest peaks....the topography of the earth changed drastically at the time of the FLOOD. (Psalms 104:6-9)

I grew up surrounded by geologists. There is NO universal flood footprint.. The reason for tiny seashells on mountain tops is because of tectonic plate movement.. Even the Himalayans are still getting taller and the Red Sea is getting wider.

The local flood happened in the spring of 2900 BC.. and there is a flood footprint...

Much of the world has never flooded.. like Jericho which is below sea level, China, Europe, Arabia, Turkey etc.

The flood story is a morality tale.

Look at the history of the White Cliffs of Dover..

BTW, Enoch was written about 300 BC... Have you read the Book of Giants?
I grew up surrounded by geologists. There is NO universal flood footprint.. The reason for tiny seashells on mountain tops is because of tectonic plate movement.. Even the Himalayans are still getting taller and the Red Sea is getting wider.

are you one of those idiots who thinks Mt. Everest need to be underwater in order for people to drown?.....

Have you read the Book of Giants?

you people need to stop proselytizing.......
are you one of those idiots who thinks Mt. Everest need to be underwater in order for people to drown?.....

you people need to stop proselytizing.......

There were no mountains in the Euphrates River Basin. Its quite flat.

Historical Aspects
Why is there no mention of the Flood in the records of Egyptian or Mesopotamian civilizations which existed at the time? Biblical dates (I Kings 6:1, Gal 3:17, various generation lengths given in Genesis) place the Flood 1300 years before Solomon began the first temple.

We can construct reliable chronologies for near Eastern history, particularly for Egypt, from many kinds of records from the literate cultures in the near East. These records are independent of, but supported by, dating methods such as dendrochronology and carbon-14. The building of the first temple can be dated to 950 B.C. +/- some small delta, placing the Flood around 2250 B.C.

Unfortunately, the Egyptians (among others) have written records dating well back before 2250 B.C. (the Great Pyramid, for example dates to the 26th century B.C., 300 years before the Biblical date for the Flood). No sign in Egyptian inscriptions of this global flood around 2250 B.C.

How did the human population rebound so fast? Genealogies in Genesis put the Tower of Babel about 110 to 150 years after the Flood [Gen 10:25, 11:10-19]. How did the world population regrow so fast to make its construction (and the city around it) possible? Similarly, there would have been very few people around to build Stonehenge and the Pyramids, rebuild the Sumerian and Indus Valley civilizations, populate the Americas, etc.

Why do other flood myths vary so greatly from the Genesis account? Flood myths are fairly common worldwide, and if they came from a common source, we should expect similarities in most of them. Instead, the myths show great diversity. [Bailey, 1989, pp. 5-10; Isaak, 1997] For example, people survive on high land or trees in the myths about as often as on boats or rafts, and no other flood myth includes a covenant not to destroy all life again.

Why should we expect Genesis to be accurate? We know that other people's sacred stories change over time [Baaren, 1972] and that changes to the Genesis Flood story have occurred in later traditions [Ginzberg, 1909; Utley, 1961]. Is it not reasonable to assume that changes occurred between the story's origin and its being written down in its present form?
