What is WOKE according to you?


ButterMilk Man
WOKE is the project of remaking man into something fit for UTOPIA through force, as is taught at the Universities, especially the Ivy's.

It is mental illness and abuse.

"WOKE appears to me to be revenge against God for the crime of being, it is the classic Cain and Abel story"
Jordan Peterson.

It is also a yearning for UTOPIA, which is driven by a combination of ignorance and mental illness.

It is also the desperation to re-enchant the world, which has become superficial and threadbare uninspiring because of major mistakes made in the Enlightenment, the discounting of the irrational and the spiritual in favor of an over reliance on reason. The mistake, and more importantly the not fixing the mistake, has driven us insane, and is the cause of the death of the West. The West is now too weak to reinvent itself, to fix its mistakes, so now it dies.
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It’s code for “I hate liberals, cuz I’m too dumb and I hate progress.”
Woke is just the latest iteration of the radical Left searching for a new word that doesn't have nasty and negative connotations attached to it. The radical Left called themselves "liberal" until that became a pejorative. Then they went to "Progressive." That too took on negative connotations. Now it's "Woke." They go to something else soon as woke has already gotten a bad reputation attached to it.
In the trump weasels mind none, but for intelligent people numerous things: FDR, medicare SS to name a few. Also civil rights


Medicare? That was sold during the Johnson administration as a $1 billion cost project ten years down the road. It ballooned to over $100 billion by that point. Hardly cost effective. In fact, it was really FDR that screwed things up on healthcare costs with his implementing wage and price controls during WW 2. What companies did was offer their employees "free" medical care / insurance as wages-in-kind to entice workers to hire with them in a tight labor market. That perk stayed in place and slowly expanded postwar. Had that not happened, medical care would likely be much, much cheaper than it is today. As proof of that, look at how the cost of the one sector of the medical care field that isn't covered by insurance has stayed below inflation: Cosmetic and related elective procedures.

Social Security was supposed to be a safety net, not something people should depend on in retirement. If anything, it has given people reason to not save for retirement foolishly thinking social security will provide. That's just as fucked up as everything else the Left does.
It is also the desperation to re-enchant the world, which has become superficial and threadbare uninspiring because of major mistakes made in the Enlightenment, the discounting of the irrational and the spiritual in favor of an over reliance on reason. The mistake, and more importantly the not fixing the mistake, has driven us insane, and is the cause of the death of the West. The West is now too weak to reinvent itself, to fix its mistakes, so now it dies.

Did you just use one of those online random Paragraph generators? Because that was one load of shit that made no sense!

Dude, the world could be exactly the way you would want it to be, and you would still be the same unhappiest, thankless, hopeless, self-centered, cynical, antagonist on the planet.

Your problems are uniquely yours- caused by your own ignorance and hatefulness- NO ONE ELSE IS TO BLAME FOR THE MISERABLE LIFE YOU MADE FOR YOURSELF.

Life is what you make it- AND YOU OBVIOUSLY FUCKED YOURS UP!

Grow a pair of balls and stop blaming others!
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Did you just use one of those online random Paragraph generators? Because that was one load of shit that made no sense!

Dude, the world could be exactly the way you would want it to be, and you would still be the same unhappiest, thankless, hopeless, self-centered, cynical, antagonist on the planet.

Your problems are uniquely yours- caused by your own ignorance and hatefulness- NO ONE ELSE IS TO BLAME FOR THE MISERABLE LIFE YOU MADE FOR YOURSELF.

Life is what you make it- AND YOU OBVIOUSLY FUCKED YOURS UP!

Grow a pair of balls and stop blaming others!

You have failed the mission.
Jordan Peterson has noticed that the WOKE have heard the call to adventure, this is the yearning for UTOPIA and the desperation to re enchant life that I talk about. They tend to be such miserable fucks that they are willing to die in the effort many of them, which is one way we know that America is going to become a very miserable place. In many ways they are spreading their misery, and we have let them up till now.

We know from history.....I mean we know for sure.....that very often those who go majorly wrong and stay wrong over an extended period as the useful idiots of the Revolution have would very often rather die then get right. The crushing of their egos is a pain they refuse to endure. This is one reason why presenting reality to them does not work....they many of them are gone.....and they are never coming back.

They live in the Dark Side now.

Buckle Up.