What is WOKE according to you?


Being aware of the plight of the downtrodden and less fortunate. That was its original meaning wasn’t it?
Jordan Peterson has noticed that the WOKE have heard the call to adventure, this is the yearning for UTOPIA and the desperation to re enchant life that I talk about. They tend to be such miserable fucks that they are willing to die in the effort many of them, which is one way we know that America is going to become a very miserable place. In many ways they are spreading their misery, and we have let them up till now.


I’d like to see the quote, Peterson does not talk like that.
“Woke” isn’t new, the term has been around since the 60’s.

Doesn't change what I wrote. Progressive has been around since the 20's or so, possibly earlier. The connotation has changed some over the years but with it replacing "liberal" it is gaining the same negative notation liberal has.
I'm listening to Rachel Maddow's podcast, "Ultra" right now. It's really well done. It recounts the history of the Nazis infiltrating our government including law enforcement, the military and local police. The objective was to spread Nazi propaganda and promote divisions among Americans to keep us out of WWII. There was a Nazi militia headed up by a Catholic priest who actually blew up several domestic munition plants and planned to overturn our government. There were US Senators colluding with the Nazis right here during the 1930's and 40's.

Sound familiar?

I see Madcow hasn't changed. She's still as delusional and into conspiracy theories as ever.

Name the priest. List the munitions plants that were blown up for starters.
Dude. You can't deny actual History. Look up this guy.


He was a Senator who was working directly with the Nazi government trying to undermine our democracy right before WWII.

It's all true.

Oh, there were numerous Nazi sympathizers in the US prior to America entering the war. No denying that. I asked two specific questions based on your post below:

I'm listening to Rachel Maddow's podcast, "Ultra" right now. It's really well done. It recounts the history of the Nazis infiltrating our government including law enforcement, the military and local police. The objective was to spread Nazi propaganda and promote divisions among Americans to keep us out of WWII. There was a Nazi militia headed up by a Catholic priest who actually blew up several domestic munition plants and planned to overturn our government. There were US Senators colluding with the Nazis right here during the 1930's and 40's.

Sound familiar?

Name the Catholic priest.

List the munitions plants they blew up.

Your attempt at a red herring defense fails. Ernest Lundeen is neither a Catholic priest nor did he engage in sabotage of US war industry.

I would assume until you provide other evidence that Madcow was referencing Father Charles Coughlin, a radical Leftist who published a regular pamphlet called Social Justice and was declared "Seditious" by the Attorney General and shut down once the war started for the US. But he didn't organize a "militia" nor did he engage in sabotage.

What is woke to me?

The same thing it says in the dictionary!

In fact, I only ever hear Trumptards use the term!

They seem to be sensationalized by the word!

They just keep repeating it and repeating it as if they are talking in their sleep!

the quality of being alert to injustice and discrimination in society, especially racism

Woke is now defined in this dictionary as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice),” and identified as U.S. slang. It originated in African American English and gained more widespread use beginning in 2014 as part of the Black Lives Matter movement. By the end of that same decade it was also being applied by some as a general pejorative for anyone who is or appears to be politically left-leaning.
https://www.merriam-webster.com/wor...as,as part of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The dictionary definition...
the quality of being alert to injustice and discrimination in society, especially racism

Woke is now defined in this dictionary as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice),” and identified as U.S. slang. It originated in African American English and gained more widespread use beginning in 2014 as part of the Black Lives Matter movement. By the end of that same decade it was also being applied by some as a general pejorative for anyone who is or appears to be politically left-leaning.
https://www.merriam-webster.com/wor...as,as part of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The dictionary definition...

I did look up it's history, because when I first heard the WHoopity-do about it, I had no clue what people were referring to.

But as I said, the only time I have heard the term in the last year- was when a Republican brought the subject up or mentioned it first.

Hawkeye's brain is totally festered up with it! He starts a Woke thread every other day here, and mentions it in just about every post he makes!
Oh, there were numerous Nazi sympathizers in the US prior to America entering the war. No denying that. I asked two specific questions based on your post below:

Name the Catholic priest.

List the munitions plants they blew up.

Your attempt at a red herring defense fails. Ernest Lundeen is neither a Catholic priest nor did he engage in sabotage of US war industry.

I would assume until you provide other evidence that Madcow was referencing Father Charles Coughlin, a radical Leftist who published a regular pamphlet called Social Justice and was declared "Seditious" by the Attorney General and shut down once the war started for the US. But he didn't organize a "militia" nor did he engage in sabotage.


The Catholic Priest was a different guy. Charles E. Couglin. He organized the domestic militias. He spread anti-Semitic propaganda with his national radio show. And he wasn't a "leftist". Nice try.


This shit was happening, and no amount of gaslighting from you is going to change it.

"Shift Toward the Far Right
As war approached, Coughlin's politics shifted further toward the right. He promoted fascist dictatorship and authoritarian government as the only cure for the ills of democracy and capitalism. He associated with fascist leaders and known antisemitic thinkers in the Anglo-American world, including:

US auto manufacturer Henry Ford;
Dennis Fahey, professor at Holy Ghost Missionary College of Dublin, Ireland, and supporter of the French fascist movement Action Française, which aimed to establish an anti-modern, authoritarian, and antisemitic regime in France;
Sir Oswald Mosley, the leader of the British Union of Fascists;
Hilaire Belloc, an Anglo-French novelist, poet, and debater whose book The Jews listed Jews as a distinct racial group that could never assimilate in Europe;
and Ezra Pound, a US poet who spouted antisemitic statements and developed an admiration of Italian Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.
The Christian Front
In a 1938 broadcast, Coughlin helped inspire and publicize the creation of a political association called the Christian Front. A militia-like organization, the Front promised to defend the country from communists and Jews.

The Front organized “Buy Christian” rallies throughout the country. In New York City, police arrested several militiamen from the organization for harassing Jews on the street. Many of these Jews were seniors, women, and children. With time, the Christian Front’s language became increasingly violent. It made national news in 1940 when the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested 18 members in Brooklyn, New York, on suspicion of conspiring to overthrow the government. Its members continued to attract headlines during the early 1940s for violent acts against Jews."
The Catholic Priest was a different guy. Charles E. Couglin. He organized the domestic militias. He spread anti-Semitic propaganda with his national radio show. And he wasn't a "leftist". Nice try.


That's the same guy. He was a radical Leftist. From your source:

In 1936, Coughlin founded a journal entitled Social Justice. The publication provided another venue to promote his populist ideology. The NUSJ tabled 16 principles as guidelines for their program for the United States. These included:

liberty of conscience and education;
nationalization of resources too important to be held by individuals;
abolition of the Federal Reserve Board;
return to Congress the right to coin and regulate money;
rights of workers to organize unions;
requisition of wealth and conscription of men in times of war;
and the principle that human rights should outweigh property rights.

Those are all clearly radical leftist positions.

He also didn't organize any domestic militias. Again, from your link.

In a 1938 broadcast, Coughlin helped inspire and publicize the creation of a political association called the Christian Front. A militia-like organization...

He might have inspired this group, but he didn't create it nor did he lead it. There is also nothing about destruction of munitions plants in any of that.
That's the same guy. He was a radical Leftist. From your source:

In 1936, Coughlin founded a journal entitled Social Justice. The publication provided another venue to promote his populist ideology. The NUSJ tabled 16 principles as guidelines for their program for the United States. These included:

liberty of conscience and education;
nationalization of resources too important to be held by individuals;
abolition of the Federal Reserve Board;
return to Congress the right to coin and regulate money;
rights of workers to organize unions;
requisition of wealth and conscription of men in times of war;
and the principle that human rights should outweigh property rights.

Those are all clearly radical leftist positions.

He also didn't organize any domestic militias. Again, from your link.

In a 1938 broadcast, Coughlin helped inspire and publicize the creation of a political association called the Christian Front. A militia-like organization...

He might have inspired this group, but he didn't create it nor did he lead it. There is also nothing about destruction of munitions plants in any of that.

LOL.. you are so desperate to gaslight. The truth is, history is repeating itself. The current trumptard MAGA's embrace fascists like Putin and Orban - shit, Tucker's broadcasted from Hungary. Back in the 1940's the same thing was happening - the Nazi's got right-wing nuts like Coughlin and US Senators to spew Nazi propaganda, just like Tucker and the GOP are embracing Russia and trying to stop us from helping Ukraine.

You swim in a sewer of propaganda my friend. I wish I could help you.
the quality of being alert to injustice and discrimination in society, especially racism

Woke is now defined in this dictionary as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice),” and identified as U.S. slang. It originated in African American English and gained more widespread use beginning in 2014 as part of the Black Lives Matter movement. By the end of that same decade it was also being applied by some as a general pejorative for anyone who is or appears to be politically left-leaning.
https://www.merriam-webster.com/wor...as,as part of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The dictionary definition...

The dictionary lies, we can easily know because we see that what they claim is not how the word is used. Not that authorities lying is at all unusual now.
LOL.. you are so desperate to gaslight. The truth is, history is repeating itself. The current trumptard MAGA's embrace fascists like Putin and Orban - shit, Tucker's broadcasted from Hungary. Back in the 1940's the same thing was happening - the Nazi's got right-wing nuts like Coughlin and US Senators to spew Nazi propaganda, just like Tucker and the GOP are embracing Russia and trying to stop us from helping Ukraine.

You swim in a sewer of propaganda my friend. I wish I could help you.

I'm not the one gaslighting, you are:


Your response is to conflate modern Leftist hate with occurrences in the 1930's and 40's, mixing the two into a hate rant on who-knows-what.

I have clearly pointed out that Rachel Madcow has no fucking idea what she's talking about and that her podcast Ultra, which I admit I haven't listened to, is likely nothing but counterfactual nonsense that fits a radical Leftist agenda. I already acknowledged there were politicians and others in the US who were pro-Nazi, but they are distinct minority, not some massive majority.
I'm not the one gaslighting, you are:


Your response is to conflate modern Leftist hate with occurrences in the 1930's and 40's, mixing the two into a hate rant on who-knows-what.

I have clearly pointed out that Rachel Madcow has no fucking idea what she's talking about and that her podcast Ultra, which I admit I haven't listened to, is likely nothing but counterfactual nonsense that fits a radical Leftist agenda. I already acknowledged there were politicians and others in the US who were pro-Nazi, but they are distinct minority, not some massive majority.

Yes you are. Admitting the truth would be admitting you're on the side of fascism. You can't change history.