What is your personal destny for you and your family?

Finance for an oil company, accounting and MBA degree's which would transfer should we go into another oil slump.
Are all three of your degrees in the same field, adding diversity is why I got an MBA over a cpa.

Yes, my degrees are all in manufacturing. I know that manufacturing makes the world go around--not services. I never saw NAFTA coming. I only have one life, and I want to follow my passions and live my life as free as possible.
As a child--what did you want to be when you grew up?

Thank you for sharing some of your personal life with us. I don't think you have to worry about a big oil slump, because logic would say that green technologies can not compete in a free market (they all need subsities to just get started)---but--I have been wrong before. :)
global trade has added way more than it has subtracted.

Please explain. Lets see what you got. Is it this "If we help the people in China, they will eventually become consumers of our products, opening up a huge market".

Thats not going to happen--it is a lie.

have you got any more? Because, I would really love to hear how much irresponsibel trade policies are helping us soooo much.

Please reply. I want you to back your statement with some substance. Make me a believer if you can. If you are right, I will believe--so show me how your right.

To answer your question, I have been out of college for about 10 years now. But I just left the machining industry less than a year ago (when I went full time with my business). Because what I do now, can not be done in China or other slave countries, I have protected myself from bad trade deals (we should not have to do that!!!). Now all I have to worry about is the radical environmentalists.

We have not seen the full, direct or indirect negative impact of irresopnsible trade policies yet. I don't believe we have hit bottom because of it, or can even see the bottom. Therefore your statement has a long uphill road to convince me. But, may be your sharp enough to do it.

Give it your best shot. When I see 1 out of 4 homes in forclosure (in my area)--you have a lot of splaining to do Lucy.

My prediction---it will get much worse, before it gets any better. But, like most of our issues today--the issue would not exist if we did not have to elect elitists (like you may be if you support NAFTA) who do not care about us.
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If we repealed NAFTA, it WOULD be WELFARE for you, and it would hurt the rest of the nation.

Care to share how you make your money? Do you ever have any substance to your comments? Please explain your comment--in detail.

I think you are one of the biggest morons on this forum. If you have a problem with that--just let me know. I am for the American people, and I can clerarly see you are our enemy. You are a crappy American. A total piece of shit. Got a problem with the truth?
I work in the software development industry.
However I am comfortably fixed money wise, so can retire anytime.

In short I the future finiancial troubles will not really bother me much.
I am concerned that my grandchildren will have it much rougher than I did though. But they will have a place to live as my property is set up to be taen care of tax wise and such. "Held in perpetuity" I believe is the term for how I had my farm set up.

You may have beaten the clock. I would like to know your opinion of the future of the software industry in this country (decline or incline). I know the Phillipines are pumping out software engineers by the bucket full--and work for less money. I fear that much of your industry will go there. I see you as a good American, as you are taking care of your own children (a seemingly unusual concept today), and doing what you know how to do to survive the attack on the middle class. Congrats--you are a great American, and you have beaten the odds. I wish you were the majority. I hope your children become among the best of critical thnking, so they can fight to take care of their families also.
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Ohh the software industry is on the way our for the USA.
As are most things.
the strange thing is that India -TATA is opening a software programiming outsourcing office in Atlanta. Hiring 85% Indians of course.
I guess we will need more H1B visa slots.
Ohh the software industry is on the way our for the USA.
As are most things.
the strange thing is that India -TATA is opening a software programiming outsourcing office in Atlanta. Hiring 85% Indians of course.
I guess we will need more H1B visa slots.

That is exactly what I fear. Most people think bad trade deals that are irresponsible are only going to effect our manufacturing. Now we ard seeing that is not true. Anything that can leave us---will leave us.

I will once again make my plea.

We are forced to elect the elite only, and they really don't care about us as much as their own personal agendas.

Of course, somebody might chime in here, and say we would all be on welfare without NAFTA and other bad trade deals (meth induced logic). Why should we suffer as a people, just because we earned a more advanced society for ourselfs? I have no problem doing business with ay country that is close to the same level as a society as we earned.

It is probably not that strange that people in India would rather live in Alanta. I wonder how much they will get paid compared to USA standards today? I wonder if they will all be legal citizens of the USA? If I see any software that is made by the company TATA--I will not buy it. (unless I get more information that shows support for the American people) Thanks for the heads up.
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majority you have three degrees and as much a clue as GED educated usc, not a clue.
try 2 percent not one in 4 in foreclosure.
Read sometimes wall street journal or New York times.
The economy is growing at 3 percent.
My dream:

Hot Tub
Flat Screen TV
Small/Moderate House
Cheap Furniture
Fun and Easy Job
Family (Possibly)

That's all I need!
majority you have three degrees and as much a clue as GED educated usc, not a clue.
try 2 percent not one in 4 in foreclosure.
Read sometimes wall street journal or New York times.
The economy is growing at 3 percent.

LMAO--and you believe that? Come to Michigan son--I will show you around.

I love the insults--it is all you have, along with biased information.

You arn't hearing any news of the fear of a nation wide recession on your media now? It is on the major media now. Try some different media that does not BS you--and don't be so darn gullable. personally, I don't enjoy reading the trash and lies in those publications. They keeps people stupid--where they want us to be.

Unemployment may show lower numbers at times. Unemployemnt has been over 7% for several years in Michigan, and we can't balance our budget with out a threat (or treat) of state government shut down. but those numbers do not include the people who ran out of benifits. The times did not tell you that--did they? Believe me--Michigan may well have over 10% actual unemployment. But many are moving out. I plan on moving out also.

And employment may look like it is growing--but that is because many people now have three low paying jobs. I personally meet people of all ages that have three low paying jobs, every time I go out and talk with people. You need to get out more---and I am not talking about your country club. Go to some real working mans bars, and talk with them. Please, educate yourself, instead of letting the notoriously liberial New York Times keep you stupid.

When you say the economy is growing at 3% right now---whos economy are you talking about? Is that just the DOW? Come to Michigan son--I will show you around. I predicted that Michigans economy will spread through the states, and it is happening. I think a recession is enevitable at this point---but I am really hoping for a full blown depression--so dupes like you wake up. May be I should support a socialized health care plan--to help speed up your learning curve.

Come to michigan--I will gladly open your eyes---duped one. Notice, I did not call you stupid---you have been duped. Don't let it happen again. :)
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Umm topspin did vote for bush 2 twice....
No reason to pay any attention to what he says. He has shown to not be able to differentiate his anus from an excavation.
I predicted that Michigans economy will spread through the states, and it is happening. I think a recession is enevitable at this point---but I am really hoping for a full blown depression--so dupes like you wake up. May be I should support a socialized health care plan--to help speed up your learning curve.


He still won't care. He just thinks anyone who loses their livelihood doesn't really deserve to live.

Globalism = Dehumanization
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ustrailortrash aside economics is clearly over his head.
Majority, you live in one of the most hard hit states in the Nation with the suckass auto industry crawling on it knees knocked down by greedy unions.
If you have three degrees you'd think you'd be smart enough to learn a marketable skill.
When I, or other learned people say economy they mean the entire country you moron.
I lived through much worse times than you are in, the 80's were devastating for South Louisiana and the oil industry. I went back to school and got another degree instead of crying in "working mans bar" about how it's everybody else's fault.
Auto's and Housing suck
Tech is booming, google, apple, intel,
Alt energy Sunpower, Ener, ADM
Oil companies exxon, chevron, shell
Wallmart, coach, gap, starbucks, mcdonalds.
You two idiots could get rich just picking half these companies.
He still won't care. He just thinks anyone who loses their livelihood doesn't really deserve to live.

Globalism = Dehumanization
You're forgetting the most important part of that equation.

Capitalism = corporatism = unrestrained globalism = alienation*

You see a problem but then want to address it by retreating into childish fantasy and wishful thinking. One can't effectively combat AIDS without recognizing that it is spread primarily by sexual activity. One can't effectively combat the negative aspects of globalism without recognizing that any capitalist economy will inevitably evolve globalism. No other course is logical or even possible for profit-driven corporations.

*the proper name of what is romantically called "dehumanization".
You're forgetting the most important part of that equation.

Capitalism = corporatism = unrestrained globalism = alienation*

You see a problem but then want to address it by retreating into childish fantasy and wishful thinking. One can't effectively combat AIDS without recognizing that it is spread primarily by sexual activity. One can't effectively combat the negative aspects of globalism without recognizing that any capitalist economy will inevitably evolve globalism. No other course is logical or even possible for profit-driven corporations.

*the proper name of what is romantically called "dehumanization".

No. It's not inevitable that any capitalist system will inevitably lead to exactly the kind of system which profitizes slave labor, or purposefully degrades the standard of living of entire nations. It is possible to craft policies which do not degrade the standards of living of humanity. We can reform the currency system and make it NON fiat, so the entire economy isn't perverted by the agenda of the military industrial complex. We can reject the insidious nihilstic agenda of the anti-human, population control/enviro wacko crowd.

We can build a fence.

We can deport 12 million people.
that's funny tell us what book you wrote I need a good laugh.
Stacking boxes of paper clips at office Depot?
For some reason, everyone who rails against free trade strike me as people who think they are owed something. Protectionism goes against the concepts of liberty, freedom of choice and of course, capitalism. Whether you like free trade or not, it is very much in line with traditional political and economic values.
For some reason, everyone who rails against free trade strike me as people who think they are owed something. Protectionism goes against the concepts of liberty, freedom of choice and of course, capitalism. Whether you like free trade or not, it is very much in line with traditional political and economic values.

It may strike you that way because you're an idiot.

Believing that economic growth should trump even the employment needs of citizens or other considerations such as national security is a new form of idiotic and destructive radicalism.

We just recently took provisions against slave labor out of our trade agreements. God bless the the new world order.