What is your personal destny for you and your family?

ustrailortrash aside economics is clearly over his head.
Majority, you live in one of the most hard hit states in the Nation with the suckass auto industry crawling on it knees knocked down by greedy unions.
If you have three degrees you'd think you'd be smart enough to learn a marketable skill.
When I, or other learned people say economy they mean the entire country you moron.
I lived through much worse times than you are in, the 80's were devastating for South Louisiana and the oil industry. I went back to school and got another degree instead of crying in "working mans bar" about how it's everybody else's fault.
Auto's and Housing suck
Tech is booming, google, apple, intel,
Alt energy Sunpower, Ener, ADM
Oil companies exxon, chevron, shell
Wallmart, coach, gap, starbucks, mcdonalds.
You two idiots could get rich just picking half these companies.

I am not going to try to humor myself by insulting you, or lie to myself thinking everything is OK. But, I do notice you mention service is doing well, and you did not mention any company that actually produces product in this country. You simply do not understand how important manufaturing is (it is making China a very powerfull nation right now--thats not scary at all--now is it). If you think service will keep our people prosperious---show me one country where that is true. My intuitution is more wise than your conditioning. (Degrees do not make you wise) You think we have hit bottom already. We are no where near. If your conficent that I am wrong---how would you like to put may be a $500.00 dollar bet on it. My best investment may be betting people like you---but you won't bet--will you. I bet you would not even honor it if I win. $500.00 says the nation will be officially in a ression in 15 years or less. Wanna put your money where your mouth is? Lets write legal a contract for the bet.

And don't dis what I do for a living now. If it was not marketable, I would not be able to support myself---and make three times the money that my degrees would ever do for me (buying my first CNC milling machine next month to increase production for a manufacturing service that is not marketable I guess).

You never mentioned how you make your money. How many shirt tails you hang on? Have you got something to hide?

I believe michigan has the 4th higest home forclosure rate right now---so it is spreading. Who can support a family working for most of those service companies you mention. The small team of developemnt and marketing--and the huge team making the products elsewhere. I wonder what the ratio of employees is between manufacturing, and all the other related jobs to get a product on the market. I am sure there is a nominal ratio out there. My guess the ratio is close to 10 manufacturing jobs, to one job of development and marketing. If the auto industry is so suck ass---ride your bicycle to work---like a stupid hippy green does on sunny days only. That suck ass auto industry allowed almost all of their people to raise a family, and put all their kids through college. Your lovely service industries can not do that for most of the people who work for them--directly or indirectly. Working at McDonalds is not just for kids anymore---look around MR. Get out of the house and away from your international daily trading for a bit, and ask that 55 year old woman why she had to take a job in the service industry for McDonalds. Ask that 60 year old greeter at Wall Mart what they used to do for a living. Try seeing some ripple effect because we fractured our manufacturing base. Can you understand that people in the mortage indusrty are now being laid off, because the people can't afford their home anymore, and they are not selling.

If you can give me one valid point, on why globalazation and oursourcing is good for the majority of the people in this country--I am all ears. You have got nothing---just like the tens of thouands that lost and are losing their jobs. Somebody is going to have to take care of those people now (If you think liberial), because unlike me--they did not have anything worthwhile (working for walmart?) to fall back on----but people like you don't care---as long as your shares go up. Tell me I am wrong---but have some substance in your answer this time. I dare you to try to prove me wrong on this one. You go to insults---because you have nothing substancial to back your self justified opinions. Your not sharp enough to debate the facts. Tell me again--back up your words with substance, and tell me how globalization and oursourcing is going to help the people that are citizans of the USA---because--I REALLY WANT TO KNOW!!
He can't give a good argument. This is a war on the american people conducted by an elitist group of traitors, jacked up on a head full of fascist lies and white guilt.
It may strike you that way because you're an idiot.

Believing that economic growth should trump even the employment needs of citizens or other considerations such as national security is a new form of idiotic and destructive radicalism.

We just recently took provisions against slave labor out of our trade agreements. God bless the the new world order.

Too add to that thoughtfull humistic value---for our own people---

What we have now is not responsible free international trade. Free trade only works when the countries doing the trading are close to a equal level as a society (like we asked Japan to do when we helped rebuild them after the bombs). We are not free labor, free from business tax, and free from expensive regulation like the slave contries today. And we are making those slave countries very powerfull by letting them do as much manufacturing as possible for the shareholders. If we continue to do this so called "free trade" like we are doing irresponsibly---we are doomed as a prosperious people. If you think we hit bottom with the track we are on---you got your head in the sand, and your azz in the air. My money says (because I know how important manufacturing is for any prosperious country), we will be in a offical ressission in this country---before most of us retire. I don't see the sky falling from global warming (which now they call "The fight against climate change"---may be because the Earth has been cooling again, for the last 3 or so years--from reports I don't see on the major media)--but I do see the bottom falling out of our peoples economy. Mark my words---your 30 year old grandchildren will be living with you. :)
Too add to that thoughtfull humistic value---for our own people---

What we have now is not responsible free international trade. Free trade only works when the countries doing the trading are close to a equal level as a society (like we asked Japan to do when we helped rebuild them after the bombs). We are not free labor, free from business tax, and free from expensive regulation like the slave contries today. And we are making those slave countries very powerfull by letting them do as much manufacturing as possible for the shareholders. If we continue to do this so called "free trade" like we are doing irresponsibly---we are doomed as a prosperious people. If you think we hit bottom with the track we are on---you got your head in the sand, and your azz in the air. My money says (because I know how important manufacturing is for any prosperious country), we will be in a offical ressission in this country---before most of us retire. I don't see the sky falling from global warming (which now they call "The fight against climate change"---may be because the Earth has been cooling again, for the last 3 or so years--from reports I don't see on the major media)--but I do see the bottom falling out of our peoples economy. Mark my words---your 30 year old grandchildren will be living with you. :)

Yes. It's all quite insidious. They know full well what they're doing, and they've already predrawn the acceptable lines of hate and cruelty people should follow as they begin to turn on each other. Let the "great culling" begin.
And this is why .....

Too add to that thoughtfull humistic value---for our own people---

What we have now is not responsible free international trade. Free trade only works when the countries doing the trading are close to a equal level as a society (like we asked Japan to do when we helped rebuild them after the bombs). We are not free labor, free from business tax, and free from expensive regulation like the slave contries today. And we are making those slave countries very powerfull by letting them do as much manufacturing as possible for the shareholders. If we continue to do this so called "free trade" like we are doing irresponsibly---we are doomed as a prosperious people. If you think we hit bottom with the track we are on---you got your head in the sand, and your azz in the air. My money says (because I know how important manufacturing is for any prosperious country), we will be in a offical ressission in this country---before most of us retire. I don't see the sky falling from global warming (which now they call "The fight against climate change"---may be because the Earth has been cooling again, for the last 3 or so years--from reports I don't see on the major media)--but I do see the bottom falling out of our peoples economy. Mark my words---your 30 year old grandchildren will be living with you. :)

You should join Huckabee or Hunters camp...they believe in Fair Trade not Free trade...this would eliminate the unfair trade with China et al!
Majority, you like a lot of business illiterate posters on this board tend to project your personal hardship on the country as a whole.
In case you haven't noticed the economy has been a service oriented majority for decades.
4% growth is very good.:clink:
Majority, you like a lot of business illiterate posters on this board tend to project your personal hardship on the country as a whole.
In case you haven't noticed the economy has been a service oriented majority for decades.
4% growth is very good.:clink:

You have no idea what your talking about----and there are plenty of home forclosures to prove it. The numbers are going up billy bob liberial--open your stinking eyes. my hardhips are not bad. In fact, I am doing better now than I have been my whole life. It is other people I look at, whose shoes I used to stand in (tyring to make somethig with nothing in this American dream country)---and there are a lot of them. But you never had any hardhsips where these people in masses stand---have you? Niether does Washington and the big businesses that pushed crappy trade deals through.
Really man----you have to get out more. As far as the country being service oriented for decades--that is simply not true---and you can not prove it. But it is becoming that way--as we get more poor in the process (again--look around--today is case in point). Your grand father did not raise a family of 7, and put all the kids through college (no assistance mind you libs) working for Walmart or selling cell phones. They did it in manufacturing. Manufacturing makes the world go around. It will always be that way, we fractured our manufacturing base (for starters--more happeing and more down the road, I am sure)---and now the lower middle class, and poor classes (and that is more people than a stinking s-chip program) are suffering. If you deny that again---you simply don't get out much. Poindexter.

I want to know what you do for money also. How did you get to a point where you can afforad any more socialism? I want to know why you hate the philosphies that made our people the most free and prosperious in the world? And how can you support the philosiphies that keep hard working, honest, talented people poor, or giving up every spare dime they work for? What kind of American dream is that?

Shame on you!! Why should anybody give up their American dream for socialism? What gives you Liberials the right to steel our American dream-----you BASTARDS!!!! Why must you keep a huge class of people peasents---you STINKING, LIVING IN LA LA LAND-- BASTARDS!!!!!

Hey Topspin----kiss my hard working, productive azz. I will bet anything you make your money off of productive workers, and your non productive overhead---like sales for China products of a government employee---am I right? You don't have one ounce of entrepreneur spirt in you do you? You don't have the guts!!! You want welfare!!! I want you to see all the people out of work and in a hardship--so get out of the stinking house. Luckly I am not one of them. I am content making a lot less money than you do---and I am not draining anybody elses pocket book. I am very proud of that fact---so you can kiss my azz.
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