What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Take your bigotry, stupidity, and hate and shove it, Nazi. It's amazing that you espouse this bullshit and pretend to be of some genetic and religious master race. Truth is, if you lived in 1938 you would be nothing but bones at the bottom of a pit in one of Hitler's labor camps.

I'm not a Nazi, I don't know where you got that from?

I have Roman Dmowski now as my name, and he was anti-German, and anti-Semitic too.

He predated Hitler.


Dmowski regarded Germany as Poland's main enemy and believed the best way to achieve a unified and independent Poland, was to support the Triple Entente against the Triple Alliance.


n the book Niemcy, Rosja i kwestia polska (‘Germany, Russia & the Polish Question’), published in 1908, he argued that Germany is a much greater threat to the Polish nation than Russia, because in addition to military power and great potential, it has a civilizational advantage, which in a situation where it controls all Polish lands would threaten Polish identity.


Dmowski often communicated his belief in an "international Jewish conspiracy" aimed against Poland.[91] In his essay "Żydzi wobec wojny" (Jews on the War) written about World War I,[92] Dmowski claimed that Zionism was only a cloak to disguise the Jewish ambition to rule the world. Dmowski asserted that once a Jewish state was established in Palestine, it would form "the operational basis for action throughout the world".[93] In the same essay, Dmowski accused the Jews of being Poland's most dangerous enemy and of working hand in hand with the Germans to dismember Poland again.
writing and his wartime activities, there could be little doubt of
Dmowski's belief in the dan
That's true. Those Protestants talk about Capitalism like it's how God sorts out who deserves to be rich and who deserves to be poor.

Early Christianity is definitely more Communist than Capitalist.

Disagreed based upon Matthew 22:21. It's not about material things, it's about one's eternal soul. That said, there are several other passages about giving, charity and helping others.....notice that it's voluntary, not forced upon them by an all powerful government.

Disagreed based upon Matthew 22:21. It's not about material things, it's about one's eternal soul. That said, there are several other passages about giving, charity and helping others.....notice that it's voluntary, not forced upon them by an all powerful government.


The Hebrew Bible and the poor
The Hebrew Bible has extensive regulations that require the wealthy to set aside for the poor a portion of the crops that they grow.

The Bible’s Book of Leviticus states that the needy have a right to the “leftovers” of the harvest. Farmers are also prohibited from reaping the corners of their fields so that the poor can access and use for their own food the crops grown there.

Hebrew Bible. Darren Larson, CC BY-NC-ND
In Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the Bible, there is the requirement that every three years, 10 percent of a person’s produce should be given to “foreigners, the fatherless and widows.”

Helping the poor is a way of “paying rent” to God, who is understood to actually own all property and who provides the rain and sun needed to grow crops. In fact, every seventh year, during the sabbatical year, all debts are forgiven and everything that grows in the land is made available freely to all people. Then, in the great jubilee, celebrated every 50 years, property returns to its original owner. This means that, in the biblical model, no one can permanently hold onto something that finally belongs to God.

Christians and taxes
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Jesus thus joins respect for the poor with respect for God. In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus also states “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s,” which is often interpreted as requiring Christians to pay taxes.

Throughout Christian history, taxation has been considered an essential government responsibility.

The Protestant reformers Martin Luther and John Calvin drew upon Psalm 72 to argue that a “righteous” government helps the poor.

Disagreed based upon Matthew 22:21. It's not about material things, it's about one's eternal soul. That said, there are several other passages about giving, charity and helping others.....notice that it's voluntary, not forced upon them by an all powerful government.


Most of those recieving benefits are the elderly & disabled, in the first place.

People who shouldn't have to work much if at all.
Isn't that what both Lenin and Mao claimed?

Yeah, they were Fascists who hijacked the communist movements.
Look at what they needed to do in the Soviet Union. The Bolsheviks violently overthrew the government after the real Leftists voted on having a liberal democratic government.
Yeah, they were Fascists who hijacked the communist movements.
Look at what they needed to do in the Soviet Union. The Bolsheviks violently overthrew the government after the real Leftists voted on having a liberal democratic government.

That's what the commies always say when everything they promised turns bad.
That's what the commies always say when everything they promised turns bad.

Sure, because Communism can't work on a large scale. But that doesn't change the fact that Stalin and Mao weren't Communists. Lenin might have been, since he did at least try to have collective ownership. Though he later undid that and the USSR became a typical right-wing state.
You're mistaken on Net Neutrality being about the government. It's actually about limiting businesses. And the FCC can only censor broadcasts.
Let's unpack this.

I am spot on about Net Neutrality. It gives the GOVERNMENT the POWER to put businesses in thumbscrews in order to CONTROL the content expressed. I do not want the government having that power.

The FCC can only censor broadcasts ... so the government needs Net Neutrality in order to control expression on the internet and satellite radio as well.

Show me evidence that Mussolini, Franco, and Dollfuß were Socialists.
Dolfuss formed the Christian Socialist government in 1932. Franco disappointed the NAZIs by maintaining traditional socialism which he explained as wanting to aid Spain's poverty-stricken. Mussolini was a huge fan of Karl Marx and was a traditional socialist, becoming editor of the Italian Socialist Party's official newspaper/newsletter ... but while collaborating with Gentile became convinced of Gentile's approach and adopted the word "fascism" to denote the distinction.

Giovanni Gentile established fascism as a refinement of socialism. The only difference is in the appeal, or the "sales pitch" if you will. We have to use the word "fascism" because the word "Gentilism" is already taken by something else. Fascism is Gentile's brand of socialism, and it was amazingly popular because there was never any requirement for pretense of eventually stepping down. Gentile's socialism has the people rallying around a leader in a "cult of personality" as a father figure who unites them all as one family. We're still talking about socialism, just Gentile's socialism that we call "fascism."

No, Utopian Socialism was different from Anarchist Socialism and Marxist Socialism.
That's what I wrote. They are all socialism, they just define "Utopia" differently.

You denied that both White Nationalism and the Alt-Right exist because ...
I'm going to stop you right there. This is the same dishonesty from you for a third time. I haven't denied anyone exists. You continue to REFUSE to define them. You are throwing around empty buzzwords and you become totally dishonest when I simply ask you to define what you mean.

I'll ask again.

What defines a white nationalist if not a Caucasian patriot? I'm all ears. The floor is yours.
How do you refer to a "white" person who is nationalistic? I'm all ears. The floor is yours.
What defines someone who is "Alt-Right" in a substantive way that amounts to more than merely a slur? I'm all ears. The floor is yours.

I will be ignoring all claims that I am somehow denying existences until you satisfactorily answer the above.

The Alt-Right is a modern form of Fascism involving White Nationalism.
Great. So all we need at the moment is your definitions above that will give meaning to this statement.

I do find it funny that you claim you never denied they exist,
...because I never did. You just made that claim out of the blue. Then I stated that I never said that ... but you insisted that I did. We went back and forth on that point. At some point you have to let me be the authority on my position.

... but then you call it an empty buzzword being used as a slur.
Now you're being a total sleexiliff.
Sure, because Communism can't work on a large scale. But that doesn't change the fact that Stalin and Mao weren't Communists. Lenin might have been, since he did at least try to have collective ownership. Though he later undid that and the USSR became a typical right-wing state.

Thanks for the admission and agreed, it doesn't work on a large scale. "Large scale" being defined as larger than a tribe or village. Larger than that and it falls to the prey of human corruption.
Thanks for the admission and agreed, it doesn't work on a large scale. "Large scale" being defined as larger than a tribe or village. Larger than that and it falls to the prey of human corruption.

The only thing worse than State Capitalist Socialism s Libertarianism Laissez Faire Capitalism.
Thanks for the admission and agreed, it doesn't work on a large scale. "Large scale" being defined as larger than a tribe or village. Larger than that and it falls to the prey of human corruption.

And that's why Communism as an ideology doesn't really exist in the West anymore. It's pretty much just a scare tactic at this point. Anything from having Saturdays off to having affordable healthcare is Communism. It's similar to how anything left-wing in the culture war is Cultural Marxism.
Dolfuss formed the Christian Socialist government in 1932. Franco disappointed the NAZIs by maintaining traditional socialism which he explained as wanting to aid Spain's poverty-stricken. Mussolini was a huge fan of Karl Marx and was a traditional socialist, becoming editor of the Italian Socialist Party's official newspaper/newsletter ... but while collaborating with Gentile became convinced of Gentile's approach and adopted the word "fascism" to denote the distinction.

Dollfuß formed the "Christian Social" government. Not Socialist, but Social. I hope this was an honest mistake on your part, but I'm guessing it wasn't.
No, Franco never declared himself or Spain to be Socialist. I'm sure you can find some regulations to serve as "evidence" that Francoist Spain was Socialist, though.
Mussolini used to be Socialist, but later denounced Socialism and became a Fascist. Fascist Italy was never declared a Socialist state and the economy was Capitalist.

Giovanni Gentile established fascism as a refinement of socialism. The only difference is in the appeal, or the "sales pitch" if you will. We have to use the word "fascism" because the word "Gentilism" is already taken by something else. Fascism is Gentile's brand of socialism, and it was amazingly popular because there was never any requirement for pretense of eventually stepping down. Gentile's socialism has the people rallying around a leader in a "cult of personality" as a father figure who unites them all as one family. We're still talking about socialism, just Gentile's socialism that we call "fascism."

After the Right failed to keep Democracy out of France, they decided they could use Capitalism to maintain a strict hierarchy. That's basically what Gentile did with Socialism. The same way earlier Authoritarians created a right-wing version of Capitalism, Gentile created a right-wing version of Socialism. Later on, other Authoritarians created forms of Fascism that were more Capitalist in nature, such as Nazism, but the basic tenets were the same. A strict hierarchy with minimal civil rights. And it's the same kind of right-wing politics we're now having in America, Russia, Hungary, the Philippines, and so on.

You continue to REFUSE to define them. You are throwing around empty buzzwords and you become totally dishonest when I simply ask you to define what you mean.

Nice try, but I defined the Alt-Right in my last post. I said "The Alt-Right is a modern form of Fascism involving White Nationalism."

What defines a white nationalist if not a Caucasian patriot? I'm all ears. The floor is yours.
How do you refer to a "white" person who is nationalistic? I'm all ears. The floor is yours.
What defines someone who is "Alt-Right" in a substantive way that amounts to more than merely a slur? I'm all ears. The floor is yours.

A White Nationalist in someone who wants an ethnostate for white people. White Nationalists in America, such as Richard Spencer, David Duke, Jared Taylor, and such want to ban non-white immigration to America. I gave you a link to the Wikipedia article, but you pretended Wikipedia is controlled by Marxists because you want to deny that White Nationalism exists.
You mean Civic Nationalist as opposed to Ethnic Nationalist? I guess I'd use the word "patriot."
As I said, the Alt-Right is a new movement that combines Fascism and White Nationalism. Richard Spencer and Mike Enoch, but their own admission and politics, are part of the Alt-Right.
And that's why Communism as an ideology doesn't really exist in the West anymore. It's pretty much just a scare tactic at this point. Anything from having Saturdays off to having affordable healthcare is Communism. It's similar to how anything left-wing in the culture war is Cultural Marxism.
Agreed, just like Left Wing uses Nazis as a boogeyman. Anyone who really thinks either Communism or Nazism could take over the US is a fucking moron.