What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

That's beside the point. Net Neutrality is about keeping corporations from censoring.
Nope. Net Neutrality is about the government telling businesses how their products must be and what they are to charge for them ... just for the internet.

Would you want to government to tell Wendy's how it is to make a burger and what it will charge ... in order to ensure that it is "fair" for all customers? When you apply that to speech we call that censorship. I want you and everyone else to be free to express whatever you want to express. I am a firm believer in the 1st Amendment. I do not approve of thought police.

Net Neutrality is an entirely Democrat push and it is more of the same promise of the government giving away free stuff ... except that it is other people's stuff that is being given away. All people who want to live free are opposed to this nonsense. All people to whom promises of "free stuff" wealth-redistribution appeals, which is overwhelmingly Democrat, support this crap.

The FCC can censor broadcasts on TV and radio.
Thank you. I oppose that.

They can't censor things on the internet.
Not yet, hence the push for Net Neutrality. If Democrats get their way I will be among the first censored from expressing myself online. Democrat cowards will quickly craft the "TROLL!" clause: "Any speech which runs counter to what we know is true is obviously subverting the people with willful misinformation and is not to be tolerated. Similarly, those who offend others with political microaggressions are to be placed on the Internet Terrorism Watch List."

They can't even really censor film or music outside of the broadcast itself.
The government would be able to tell content providers what is and what is not permitted ... giving platforms all the legal justification to censor whoever they wish.

One of the best things about America is that the FCC doesn't have the full power to censor anything they want.
Just wait until we are asked to support "Information Neutrality" in order to make things "fair."

Ok, Boomer.

The links you provided ignored the origins of the Left vs Right divide. They're basically trying to redefine the divide as being entirely about "Socialism" while ignoring other forms of Authoritarianism and the history of the Right.
Besides Gentile (fascist socialist) and Max Weber (straight "planned economy" socialist), who else might you be considering?

Utopian Socialists didn't believe in anything related to changing the government.
Yes, they were mostly fascists who wanted a strong leader/party to invoke a revolution to thoroughly change the government. Try to name one socialist government that did not begin in this manner to "thunderous applause."

They were basically just hippies who believed in living on communes,
Vanilla communists. Free love by day, subversives by night.

Conservative philosophy is always about trying to justify the hierarchy,
Nope. Dismissed.

As I said before, Peterson tries to keep this vague and only claims he means social pressure when people press him on it.
Nope. He means "social pressure." When he clarifies what he means, you have to accept him as the authority. You don't get to say that he means something other that what he explicitly states he means.

To be fair, I don't really think Peterson believes in anything.
That's hardly being fair, but you aren't really telling anyone anything about Peterson. You are speaking volumes about yourself. You are claiming to be either a mind reader or you are announcing that you are delusional. Why would you claim to have beliefs about someone not believing what he claims to believe without any evidence to contradict? You certainly haven't presented any.

I think he just dog whistles to the Alt-Right for attention.
Who is the "Alt-Right"? Am I in it?
Nope. Net Neutrality is about the government telling businesses how their products must be and what they are to charge for them ... just for the internet.

Would you want to government to tell Wendy's how it is to make a burger and what it will charge ... in order to ensure that it is "fair" for all customers? When you apply that to speech we call that censorship. I want you and everyone else to be free to express whatever you want to express. I am a firm believer in the 1st Amendment. I do not approve of thought police.

Net Neutrality is an entirely Democrat push and it is more of the same promise of the government giving away free stuff ... except that it is other people's stuff that is being given away. All people who want to live free are opposed to this nonsense. All people to whom promises of "free stuff" wealth-redistribution appeals, which is overwhelmingly Democrat, support this crap.

Where are you getting this from? Everything you've said about Net Neutrality and the FCC has been wrong.

Just wait until we are asked to support "Information Neutrality" in order to make things "fair."

The irony is that this is what the Right does to spread misinformation. "Alternative facts" and "different schools of thought" are used to poison the well.
Basically, the Right is #projecting when they criticize Net Neutrality.

Besides Gentile (fascist socialist) and Max Weber (straight "planned economy" socialist), who else might you be considering?

I already gave you a list of countries that had Fascism but didn't identify themselves with the words Socialism, Communism, Marxism, and so on. Mussolini, Franco, and Dollfuß weren't Socialists.
Your version of Socialism is certainly common in right-wing countries, but it's not a requirement.

Yes, they were mostly fascists who wanted a strong leader/party to invoke a revolution to thoroughly change the government. Try to name one socialist government that did not begin in this manner to "thunderous applause."

Nope. The Utopian Socialists weren't concerned with changing the government. You're thinking of the Marxists who came much later. They also weren't Fascists, though their movement was hijacked by Fascists.

You don't get to say that he means something other that what he explicitly states he means.

Well Peterson is a liar who changes his beliefs depending on who he's talking to. So yes, I do get to say what he really means.

Why would you claim to have beliefs about someone not believing what he claims to believe without any evidence to contradict? You certainly haven't presented any.

When someone changes their ideas depending on who they're talking to, usually when they're pressed and forced to defend their terrible ideas, then they're usually a fake.
Joe Rogan might be kind of dumb, but he doesn't change his stance on issues depending on who his guests are. Regardless of how much I disagree with him, I'll say he is honest.

Who is the "Alt-Right"? Am I in it?

Probably not. Most Alt-Righters would call you a Cuckservative. Though by pretending the Alt-Right doesn't exist, you are helping them. So they'd thank you for that.
Where are you getting this from? Everything you've said about Net Neutrality and the FCC has been wrong.

The irony is that this is what the Right does to spread misinformation. "Alternative facts" and "different schools of thought" are used to poison the well.
Basically, the Right is #projecting when they criticize Net Neutrality.
I have to presume that you agree with me totally because you can't think of a single specific way in which I am mistaken.

Mussolini, Franco, and Dollfuß weren't Socialists.
Yes they were. They were specifically fascist socialists, like Hitler. Fascism is merely a refinement on socialism which is inherently authoritarian. You keep trying to apply the tenets of Utopian communism to socialism.

Your version of Socialism is certainly common in right-wing countries, but it's not a requirement.
Socialism is inherently Leftist. If a country is socialist then it is Leftist.

The Utopian Socialists weren't concerned with changing the government. You're thinking of the Marxists who came much later. They also weren't Fascists, though their movement was hijacked by Fascists.
All socialists were "Utopian." They just differed on their definitions of Utopia.

Well Peterson is a liar who changes his beliefs depending on who he's talking to. So yes, I do get to say what he really means.
Not if you don't provide any support.

Most Alt-Righters would call you a Cuckservative.
I have only been called a "cuckservative" twice ... both times by Leftists. Are "Alt-Right" people Leftists?

Though by pretending the Alt-Right doesn't exist, you are helping them.
Now you are being dishonest ... a second time. I have never claimed they don't exist. I have asked you to define who they are and you REFUSE. You are guilty of using an empty buzzword as a slur and then of falsely accusing others of "denying their existence" when they merely ask you to define your terms.

The judge is penalizing you a half-point.


This is a stupid thing to say. It's the government that we don't want having the power to censor and to control the otherwise free expression of speech. We don't refer to the government's censorship of your speech as "the government preventing you from censoring what you express."

Of course we do. FCC censorship has full power of law. Why do you think Howard Stern moved from radio to satellite radio?

What do you think THIS is?

Does someone need a refresher course in circular definitions?

... then don't post online. This is an internet forum. Words and semantics are all you have. There is nothing other than semantics. I realize that you were taught to quip "you're just arguing semantics" as a way to blame others for your own inability to say what you mean and to mean what you say, or when you are corrected for having spoken on a topic about which you know nothing ... but that doesn't work with me. You have to either say "I don't know how to express this point" or "I really don't know what I'm talking about."

No. Let's just agree that Trump wants to make our republic great again and then to keep our republic great. Easy. Simple. Gets the job done.

Authoritarians are on the Left. I gave you three links to full debunks. You need to read up on Giovanni Gentile, the father and creator of fascism, who refined socialism to be the Utopian step. Mussolini and Hitler actually put the ideology into practice. The NAZIs were a socialist party and Mussolini had to split from Italy's National Socialist Party in order to go implement Gentile's form of socialism.

The NAZIs had leftist ideas. They were socialists, in particular fascist socialists per Gentile's refinement of Marx's socialism.

Examples, please.

This is because that is what he means. Society benefits from monogamy so society should be pressuring married men and women to remain monogamous. He does not mean the government should enforce monogamy laws. Perhaps the word "enforced" is inaccurate and the word "socially pressured" would be better.

Trump wants to make himself great and keep himself great. Nothing else matters.

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They think guns and Capitalism are compatible with Christianity, but they don't claim that these things are Christian values.
That's what makes me so curious about what they mean when they say we need "Christian values." They never actually explain what those are. If they actually do mean guns and kicking people off food stamps, that just makes them even more ignorant of their own religion.
There actually is a supply side tax cuts for Jesus ideology in the modern American Calvinist tradition.

Since the 19th century, the Prosperity Gospel is a revival movement in fundamentalist American Protestantism and the Protestant Mega Churches. Their premise is that God rewards true believers with earthly rewards. This is the Republican base.

I personally think the early Christians were quasi-Marxists. The Gospel of Luke and Acts can be interpreted as the world's first communist manifesto.
They think guns and Capitalism are compatible with Christianity, but they don't claim that these things are Christian values.
That's what makes me so curious about what they mean when they say we need "Christian values." They never actually explain what those are. If they actually do mean guns and kicking people off food stamps, that just makes them even more ignorant of their own religion.
There actually is a supply side tax cuts for Jesus ideology in the modern American Calvinist tradition.

Since the 19th century, the Prosperity Gospel is a revival movement in fundamentalist American Protestantism and the Protestant Mega Churches. Their premise is that God rewards true believers with earthly rewards. This is the Republican base.

I personally think the early Christians were quasi-Marxists. The Gospel of Luke and Acts can be interpreted as the world's first communist manifesto.
I rewatched a great movie about the greed, atheists and Christians titled "There Will Be Blood". I'd watched it in the theater when it first came out 13 years ago but didn't like it much at the time. I appreciated it much more yesterday. Truly despicable, deplorable people....and atheists are murderers. ;)
I rewatched a great movie about the greed, atheists and Christians titled "There Will Be Blood". I'd watched it in the theater when it first came out 13 years ago but didn't like it much at the time. I appreciated it much more yesterday. Truly despicable, deplorable people....and atheists are murderers. ;)
I do not think I have seen that movie.

Living the authentic life takes commitment and a lot of work, whether one is a person of faith or a disbeliever. I have a feeling that saying all people of faith are bad - as the State Atheism of the USSR proclaimed- or the oppression of heretics and non believers by certain Christian denominations is incompatible with living a life of meaning and integrity.

The Prosperity Gospel of Protestant fundamentalists really stands out to me as a corruption of anything Jesus of Nazareth supposedly stood for
I do not think I have seen that movie.

Living the authentic life takes commitment and a lot of work, whether one is a person of faith or a disbeliever. I have a feeling that saying all people of faith are bad - as the State Atheism of the USSR proclaimed- or the oppression of heretics and non believers by certain Christian denominations is incompatible with living a life of meaning and integrity.

The Prosperity Gospel of Protestant fundamentalists really stands out to me as a corruption of anything Jesus of Nazareth supposedly stood for
It's very good but very dark. Truly deplorable people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/There_Will_Be_Blood

It's based on the book "Oil!" by Upton Sinclair. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil!

If "Living an authentic life" means this, then I agree: https://psychcentral.com/lib/ways-of-living-an-authentic-life/

Agreed it's wrong to broad brush strangers.

Agreed "Prosperity Christianity" is a corruption of Christianity. Worse, it's the antithesis of what Jesus preached.
There actually is a supply side tax cuts for Jesus ideology in the modern American Calvinist tradition.

Since the 19th century, the Prosperity Gospel is a revival movement in fundamentalist American Protestantism and the Protestant Mega Churches. Their premise is that God rewards true believers with earthly rewards. This is the Republican base.

I personally think the early Christians were quasi-Marxists. The Gospel of Luke and Acts can be interpreted as the world's first communist manifesto.

Protestants & Jews are traitors of the Catholic faith.

They now worship Satan, or might as well.

That's why they're so materialistic, greedy, volatile, etc. etc.
I rewatched a great movie about the greed, atheists and Christians titled "There Will Be Blood". I'd watched it in the theater when it first came out 13 years ago but didn't like it much at the time. I appreciated it much more yesterday. Truly despicable, deplorable people....and atheists are murderers. ;)

Stalin, and Mao were definitely Atheists, but lesser known is Hitler may have been too.

Reformations are supposed to be made in the 1 true Church, the Catholic faith.

As for Jews they go a step further, and believe Jesus is boiling in Gehenna in excrement.

The bottomline is Protestants & Jews have been Unholy & have killed a lot of 1 true Church, the Catholic faith.
Reformations are supposed to be made in the 1 true Church, the Catholic faith.

As for Jews they go a step further, and believe Jesus is boiling in Gehenna in excrement.

The bottomline is Protestants & Jews have been Unholy & have killed a lot of 1 true Church, the Catholic faith.

I am not interested in posters who believe their trolling is clever. I will just let Solzhenitsyn speak for me.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: "Of course, one cannot declare that only my faith is correct and all other faiths are not. Of course God is endlessly multi-dimensional so every religion that exists on earth represents some face, some side of God. One must not have any negative attitude to any religion but nonetheless the depth of understanding God and the depth of applying God's commandments is different in different religions. In this sense we have to admit that Protestantism has brought everything down only to faith."
I am not interested in posters who believe their trolling is clever. I will just let Solzhenitsyn speak for me.

Protestants are garbage, first off how degenerate are they? In Europe they support Abortion & Gay Marriage, in the USA they support War & policies that harm the poor.

How many of the 1 true Church the Catholic faith did Protestants kill?

Cromwell in Ireland killed 25% of Ireland's population & 1 million were killed by British Protestants during the Potato Famine Genocide.

In the Deluge Protestant Sweden killed millions of Polish Catholics, and Nazi Germany also majority Protestant killed millions of Polish Catholics too.

In the 30 Year War millions of German Catholics were killed by Protestant Sweden & Protestant Germans.
Reformations are supposed to be made in the 1 true Church, the Catholic faith.

As for Jews they go a step further, and believe Jesus is boiling in Gehenna in excrement.

The bottomline is Protestants & Jews have been Unholy & have killed a lot of 1 true Church, the Catholic faith.

Take your bigotry, stupidity, and hate and shove it, Nazi. It's amazing that you espouse this bullshit and pretend to be of some genetic and religious master race. Truth is, if you lived in 1938 you would be nothing but bones at the bottom of a pit in one of Hitler's labor camps.
Take your bigotry, stupidity, and hate and shove it, Nazi. It's amazing that you espouse this bullshit and pretend to be of some genetic and religious master race. Truth is, if you lived in 1938 you would be nothing but bones at the bottom of a pit in one of Hitler's labor camps.

Bigotry isn't stupid, but rather people who cry prefusely about bigotry are stupid.

Bigotry is how we understand the World.

Those without bigotry are naive, ignorant goofballs.

Western Europeans in general are the Disaster Race.

How could a people go so fast from looting & shooting the World in racist genocide.
Flip a 180
Start letting third-World riff raffs looting & shooting their own Nations in anti-Racist suicide.

Western Europeans are dumb goofballs.
Take your bigotry, stupidity, and hate and shove it, Nazi. It's amazing that you espouse this bullshit and pretend to be of some genetic and religious master race. Truth is, if you lived in 1938 you would be nothing but bones at the bottom of a pit in one of Hitler's labor camps.

1938? How did you come to that conclusion?

Poland wasn't invaded by Nazi Germany in 1938, but rather September 1st of 1939.

It's amazing how spiteful, insensitive, and out of character your claims of Poles in Hitler's camps phrase is, in the first place.

You people just understand what you understand, which isn't a heck of a lot.

Of course it would be more miraculous if Poland with 25 million Poles had beat Nazi Germany with 85 million Germans, that's with Nazis having help from Slovakia & Soviets.

Is that some fair fight?
There actually is a supply side tax cuts for Jesus ideology in the modern American Calvinist tradition.

Since the 19th century, the Prosperity Gospel is a revival movement in fundamentalist American Protestantism and the Protestant Mega Churches. Their premise is that God rewards true believers with earthly rewards. This is the Republican base.

I personally think the early Christians were quasi-Marxists. The Gospel of Luke and Acts can be interpreted as the world's first communist manifesto.

That's true. Those Protestants talk about Capitalism like it's how God sorts out who deserves to be rich and who deserves to be poor.

Early Christianity is definitely more Communist than Capitalist.
I have to presume that you agree with me totally because you can't think of a single specific way in which I am mistaken.

You're mistaken on Net Neutrality being about the government. It's actually about limiting businesses. And the FCC can only censor broadcasts.

Yes they were. They were specifically fascist socialists, like Hitler. Fascism is merely a refinement on socialism which is inherently authoritarian. You keep trying to apply the tenets of Utopian communism to socialism.

Show me evidence that Mussolini, Franco, and Dollfuß were Socialists.

All socialists were "Utopian." They just differed on their definitions of Utopia.

No, Utopian Socialism was different from Anarchist Socialism and Marxist Socialism.

Now you are being dishonest ... a second time. I have never claimed they don't exist. I have asked you to define who they are and you REFUSE. You are guilty of using an empty buzzword as a slur and then of falsely accusing others of "denying their existence" when they merely ask you to define your terms.

You denied that both White Nationalism and the Alt-Right exist because you don't want to admit that racial politics is common on the Right.

The Alt-Right is a modern form of Fascism involving White Nationalism. I do find it funny that you claim you never denied they exist, but then you call it an empty buzzword being used as a slur. So which is it? Is the Alt-Right real or is it just a buzzword?