What was the first major religion in the world?


New member
I'm sure all groups of little societies had their own beliefs but which was the first one to actually start spreading around the world?
depends on what you mean by "major".....I imagine that as the Babylonian Empire spread; their religion came with them.......same with the Aztecs......there was a Caesar who decided the whole empire should worship him.....
I'm sure all groups of little societies had their own beliefs but which was the first one to actually start spreading around the world?
The first major religion preceded humans. It was the first round of Islam, and it caused the first mass extinction due to starvation. Suddenly the dinosaurs couldn't eat the Jurassic pork.
This is an idiotic thread, we have no way to know what happened before writing.


It's funny you should mention this. Do you believe the earth's average global temperatures for the past tens of thousands of years are known? Do you believe there is a "climate record" that goes back a million years? Do you believe in Climate Change and Global Warming? I bet you think that geologists (as a class) are able to somehow divine the distant, unobserved past and measure past temperatures that nobody can even compute today.

Great point.

It's funny you should mention this. Do you believe the earth's average global temperatures for the past tens of thousands of years are known? Do you believe there is a "climate record" that goes back a million years? Do you believe in Climate Change and Global Warming? I bet you think that geologists (as a class) are able to somehow divine the distant, unobserved past and measure past temperatures that nobody can even compute today.

Great point.

I suspect you have me confused with someone else, in any case I have no interest in your proposed tangent.
Well, Hawkeye10 pretty much killed "Climate Science." Well done.

I suspect you have me confused with someone else, in any case I have no interest in your proposed tangent.
In other words, I'm spot on, as are you. You made a great point about there being no way to know anything before writing, to include conditions anywhere on earth at any time. High-five, bro.


The next time someone tries to quote the "climate record" or the "geological record" or the "proxy measures" ... I'll just kill it right then and there by citing the point you just made with amazing alacrity. Great job.


Well, Hawkeye10 pretty much killed "Climate Science." Well done.

In other words, I'm spot on, as are you. You made a great point about there being no way to know anything before writing, to include conditions anywhere on earth at any time. High-five, bro.
I have said that Climate change is a fraud and that WOKE is Anti-Human our suffering is a feature not a bug, but not in this thread and that is not relevant to this thread. You are therefor wasting my time, which I do not appreciate.
I have also said that bosses that cant/wont even come close to managing a pandemic correctly are not going to manage the planets weather correctly, they are not to be trusted with the tasK, it is obviously well outside of their competency.
I have said that Climate change is a fraud and that WOKE is Anti-Human
Great. You have hammered a huge nail in the Climate Change coffin. Great job. Now just shut the fuck up.

, but not in this thread and that is not relevant to this thread.
Wait. Don't suddenly pretend that you give a shit about this thread. You referred to it as an idiotic thread. So shut up and take your whining somewhere else.

My point also happens to be totally relevant. Learn to fucking read. The thread is about the first religion, and I pointed to your comment about not knowing the first religion as to why we know that the most recent religion is dead. Learn ... to ... fucking ... read.

Also, I'll make the determination of what I find relevant. Thank you very much. I'll let you know when I need your help.

Great. You have hammered a huge nail in the Climate Change coffin. Great job. Now just shut the fuck up.

Wait. Don't suddenly pretend that you give a shit about this thread. You referred to it as an idiotic thread. So shut up and take your whining somewhere else.

My point also happens to be totally relevant. Learn to fucking read. The thread is about the first religion, and I pointed to your comment about not knowing the first religion as to why we know that the most recent religion is dead. Learn ... to ... fucking ... read.

Also, I'll make the determination of what I find relevant. Thank you very much. I'll let you know when I need your help.

