Whatever happened to the claim the FBI planted all those boxes of loot at Mar-a-Lardo

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
During the special master case, the appointed special master, Judge Raymond Dearie, sent some questions to Trump's lawyers. Included in the questions were which documents Trump claimed were planted by the FBI. Trump's lawyers were in a bind. Trump has the right to say whatever lie he wants to in public. However, as the Miranda rights tell you, “anything you say can be used against you in a court of law”. Trump opened his mouth and now the words he said were being used in court. Trump's lawyers have an ethical responsibility not to lie to a judge. Doing so will get you disbarred. The lawyers had to either admit their client was lying or throw their legal careers away for good. (MAGA - Make Attorneys Get Attorneys).

To avoid losing their licenses to practice law, the lawyers had to admit to Judge Dearie that, in spite of their clients' claims, there was no evidence that the FBI had planted documents.
During the special master case, the appointed special master, Judge Raymond Dearie, sent some questions to Trump's lawyers. Included in the questions were which documents Trump claimed were planted by the FBI. Trump's lawyers were in a bind. Trump has the right to say whatever lie he wants to in public. However, as the Miranda rights tell you, “anything you say can be used against you in a court of law”. Trump opened his mouth and now the words he said were being used in court. Trump's lawyers have an ethical responsibility not to lie to a judge. Doing so will get you disbarred. The lawyers had to either admit their client was lying or throw their legal careers away for good. (MAGA - Make Attorneys Get Attorneys).

To avoid losing their licenses to practice law, the lawyers had to admit to Judge Dearie that, in spite of their clients' claims, there was no evidence that the FBI had planted documents.

It helps explain why Trump is going through so many lawyers, no matter how much he pays them.

Trump may or may not do actual prison time, but he's going to be a lot poorer after this.
I never heard of this.

That's because you were too busy looking for mermaids and busting ghosts.

Judge spares Trump from having to back up claims of planted evidence at Mar-a-Lago
Aileen Cannon, who was appointed by the former president, overruled the special master's directive to soon identify any documents allegedly planted by the FBI at Mar-a-Lago.

A judge appointed by former President Donald Trump ruled Thursday that Trump does not have to submit a sworn statement identifying any evidence he believes the FBI might have planted when federal agents executed a search warrant at his Florida estate last month.

The decision by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon effectively overrules a directive from the special master she named to review evidence the FBI seized in the search Aug. 8. The special master, Senior U.S. District Judge Raymond J. Dearie of New York, last week ordered Trump’s team to submit a “declaration or affidavit” about whether anything on the FBI's list of items removed from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach had not been “seized from the Premises,” meaning items that were put there by someone else.

Trump has publicly insinuated several times without offering any proof that federal agents planted evidence during their search, which the Justice Department has said turned up 100 classified, secret and top-secret documents, as well as thousands of other documents it says belong to the government.

Dearie, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan, initially gave Trump's team a deadline of this Friday to submit a sworn statement about the issue, but he pushed the deadline back to next week after there was a delay in getting a vendor who could share the documents with both parties in the case. Before Thursday, he had been expected to push the deadline back again....
Not sure about GA, but that is not what Minimum Mandatory means in Florida.

Agreed. However, due to security concerns, I suspect Trump will be put in a special prison. It'd be cheaper to buy a house than to close off a wing of a prison.
That doesn't mean it has to be served in a prison you know.

Besides it's up to the secret service who overrules Georgia law under the tenth amendment.

Trump essentially has a permanent get out of jail free card.

The Secret Service cannot override state law. Study your Constitution and the limits of Federal Power.