What's a Preacher to do?


Loyal to the end
Here's the scenario- you're a preacher in a Christian church in po-dunk Maine or Massachusetts and a couple comes in and asks you to marry them. They know you as a devout Christian who taught them both about the Bible. They tell you that they are both virgins and they are obviously in love and all that and they want a nice church wedding. Oh, and their parents are all big time ACLU trial lawyers, so can afford the biggest and the best.

One big problem though- they're both men. Gay as all hell!

So what the hell do you do? If you say yes you're basically condoning homosexuality. In fact you'd be enabling it. No question you'll be Lucifer's boyfriend in the afterlife for a long, long time. If you refuse, you'll have your sorry ass dragged through court, the church will go bankrupt, not to mention all the vicious crap that goes with publicly dissing homosexuality.

Come on maineman- tell us what you'd do.
Here's the scenario- you're a preacher in a Christian church in po-dunk Maine or Massachusetts and a couple comes in and asks you to marry them. They know you as a devout Christian who taught them both about the Bible. They tell you that they are both virgins and they are obviously in love and all that and they want a nice church wedding. Oh, and their parents are all big time ACLU trial lawyers, so can afford the biggest and the best.

One big problem though- they're both men. Gay as all hell!

So what the hell do you do? If you say yes you're basically condoning homosexuality. In fact you'd be enabling it. No question you'll be Lucifer's boyfriend in the afterlife for a long, long time. If you refuse, you'll have your sorry ass dragged through court, the church will go bankrupt, not to mention all the vicious crap that goes with publicly dissing homosexuality.

Come on maineman- tell us what you'd do.

you clearly do not know what the new Maine law says about the subject.

I do.

When you get yourself educated to the point where you can ask an intelligent question, I'll answer it.
you clearly do not know what the new Maine law says about the subject.

I do.

When you get yourself educated to the point where you can ask an intelligent question, I'll answer it.

I asked you a question that should be simple to answer

Now that they have changed the law in Maine as a preacher if you are asked to marry a gay couple are you obligated to do so?

Simple enough but yet you refuse to answer?
SM.... here is the germane section of the law. I realize that finding it on the internet is hard for you to accomplish:

3. Affirmation of religious freedom. This Part does not authorize any court or other state or local governmental body, entity, agency or commission to compel, prevent or interfere in any way with any religious institution's religious doctrine, policy, teaching or solemnization of marriage within that particular religious faith's tradition as guaranteed by the Maine Constitution, Article 1, Section 3 or the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. A person authorized to join persons in marriage and who fails or refuses to join persons in marriage is not subject to any fine or other penalty for such failure or refusal.
SM.... here is the germane section of the law. I realize that finding it on the internet is hard for you to accomplish:

3. Affirmation of religious freedom. This Part does not authorize any court or other state or local governmental body, entity, agency or commission to compel, prevent or interfere in any way with any religious institution's religious doctrine, policy, teaching or solemnization of marriage within that particular religious faith's tradition as guaranteed by the Maine Constitution, Article 1, Section 3 or the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. A person authorized to join persons in marriage and who fails or refuses to join persons in marriage is not subject to any fine or other penalty for such failure or refusal.

maineman that did answer my question but as a preacher if you are against it and your church agrees with the new law, do you have to marry them?
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LMAO, it was a simple question , I figured even a simple liar could answer,LOL, ooo well if I am on your ignore list I must be doing something right!!!!
Here's the scenario- you're a preacher in a Christian church in po-dunk Maine or Massachusetts and a couple comes in and asks you to marry them. They know you as a devout Christian who taught them both about the Bible. They tell you that they are both virgins and they are obviously in love and all that and they want a nice church wedding. Oh, and their parents are all big time ACLU trial lawyers, so can afford the biggest and the best.

One big problem though- they're both men. Gay as all hell!

So what the hell do you do? If you say yes you're basically condoning homosexuality. In fact you'd be enabling it. No question you'll be Lucifer's boyfriend in the afterlife for a long, long time. If you refuse, you'll have your sorry ass dragged through court, the church will go bankrupt, not to mention all the vicious crap that goes with publicly dissing homosexuality.

Come on maineman - tell us what you'd do.

I beg to differ with the premise of the highlighted part.

I think you are a man of faith SM, but that just goes against the teachings of Christ that I can't believe you would make such a mistake.

If Christ is unwilling to forgive such a sin, then we are all doomed to eternity as Lucifer's butt buddies.

I agree you would be condoning homosexuality and quite frankly, I would not belong to such a church, but Christ came to save the sinners and that would include not only the two gay men in your scenario, but the preacher as well.

I'm not a preacher. However, I am a man of faith. If I were licensed to perform weddings as a preacher and this scenario came upon me, I would have to politely refuse to perform the ceremony and explain the issue to these men if they would listen to me, but, if I were to perform such a ceremony, I do not for an instance believe that I would be condemned to eternity with Lucifer.

Romans 6:23 (New International Version)

23For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Clearly, SouthernMan thinks Jesus is a vindictive prick.

My god is kick back, a live and let live kind of entity. Not needing an ego stroking to prevent people from eternal merciless torture, my god says here is this beautiful univers, and your little pebble to live on. Be cool. Enjoy. Life is good.

SouthernMan's god says "kiss my ass royally, or you will burn forever, don't ever do anything that is too pleasurable, and if you're born gay, learn to be straight, or the lake of fire for you, or anyone who isn't bothered by it."

I prefer my god.
maineman that did answer my question but as a preacher if you are against it and your church agrees with the new law, do you have to marry them?

That's a church policy thing. Why would a homophobe preach for a church that isn't homophobic? He's got free will. He can go find plenty of churches that are still terrified of freedom.
SM.... here is the germane section of the law. I realize that finding it on the internet is hard for you to accomplish:

3. Affirmation of religious freedom. This Part does not authorize any court or other state or local governmental body, entity, agency or commission to compel, prevent or interfere in any way with any religious institution's religious doctrine, policy, teaching or solemnization of marriage within that particular religious faith's tradition as guaranteed by the Maine Constitution, Article 1, Section 3 or the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. A person authorized to join persons in marriage and who fails or refuses to join persons in marriage is not subject to any fine or other penalty for such failure or refusal.

does this ONLY apply to religious institutions? I am being hypothetical now...

"A person authorized to join persons in marriage and who fails or refuses to join persons in marriage is not subject to any fine or other penalty for such failure or refusal."

Would this include magistrates?
That's a church policy thing. Why would a homophobe preach for a church that isn't homophobic? He's got free will. He can go find plenty of churches that are still terrified of freedom.

I personally don't agree with same sex marriages , but that is a all together different thread, my question was , how a preacher would deal with it, cause yes I am sure there are allot of preachers especially older ones that were taught homo sex is wrong, what would the church do if they refused to marry them?

being I am not a preacher I am not sure is it like a regular job, are you fired if you refuse? that was the question I had.
I gather that no church will be forced to marry a same sex couple under the law. At least not until the first lawsuit against a church for refusing, and I'm sure it will be only a matter of time until there is one.
does this ONLY apply to religious institutions? I am being hypothetical now...

"A person authorized to join persons in marriage and who fails or refuses to join persons in marriage is not subject to any fine or other penalty for such failure or refusal."

Would this include magistrates?

good question. I would say that religious institutions are the only exemptions.
My Answer

Here's the scenario- you're a preacher in a Christian church in po-dunk Maine or Massachusetts and a couple comes in and asks you to marry them. They know you as a devout Christian who taught them both about the Bible. They tell you that they are both virgins and they are obviously in love and all that and they want a nice church wedding. Oh, and their parents are all big time ACLU trial lawyers, so can afford the biggest and the best.

One big problem though- they're both men. Gay as all hell!

So what the hell do you do? If you say yes you're basically condoning homosexuality. In fact you'd be enabling it. No question you'll be Lucifer's boyfriend in the afterlife for a long, long time. If you refuse, you'll have your sorry ass dragged through court, the church will go bankrupt, not to mention all the vicious crap that goes with publicly dissing homosexuality.

Come on maineman- tell us what you'd do.

The difference between a civil union and a religious one should be noted. INHO there should be no bar at all to the civil union of two people what ever their sexual orientation.

A preacher’s decision will be based on his personal feelings and those of his congregation and/or his denominational hierarchy. In some denominations each congregation can make up its own mind on the subject. In that case it’s up to the individual Pastor.

In no case should a minister ever be criticized or sued for refusing to perform a religious ceremony and despite the alarms of some, I don’t think this will occur in the foreseeable future.

If I were a minister, I would marry them unless my denominational responsibilities forbade it or the harm that would be caused to my congregation would outweigh the good achieved by the act of marrying them.

What is important is that two people love each other. Their joining together does not effect me or the strength of my marriage.
SM.... here is the germane section of the law. I realize that finding it on the internet is hard for you to accomplish:

3. Affirmation of religious freedom. This Part does not authorize any court or other state or local governmental body, entity, agency or commission to compel, prevent or interfere in any way with any religious institution's religious doctrine, policy, teaching or solemnization of marriage within that particular religious faith's tradition as guaranteed by the Maine Constitution, Article 1, Section 3 or the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. A person authorized to join persons in marriage and who fails or refuses to join persons in marriage is not subject to any fine or other penalty for such failure or refusal.
Great, but you didn't answer the question. Would you, or wouldn't you perform the ceremony? :pke:
Great, but you didn't answer the question. Would you, or wouldn't you perform the ceremony? :pke:

if my church council let me, I would gladly do so.

Will YOU admit that you were totally ignorant as to the law in Maine?

of course not. you are a redneck pedo who would never admit to your own failings.
I gather that no church will be forced to marry a same sex couple under the law. At least not until the first lawsuit against a church for refusing, and I'm sure it will be only a matter of time until there is one.

This is absurd sensationalism, Norman, and you shouldn't flame it. If they try to force people to marry against their will, I will stand with you, even as huge a pro-gay marriage campaigner as I am. I haven't even heard of anyone propose that preachers be forced to marry against their will.

IMHO, the preachers word shouldn't even be legally binding. People should go and have a wedding at the church, and then have their marriage certificate signed by a magistrate. Or they can skip the wedding. It should be their choice.