What's wrong with the Republicans and how to fix it


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Once upon a time I thought I knew what a conservative actually was. I thought conservatism was all about preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution, especially the Bill Of Rights. I even thought in my irrational youth that Republicans were the conservatives. As I matured politically, I realized that the Republicans just like the Democrats didn’t give a rat’s ass about the Constitution, the only thing they cared about just like the Democrats was getting elected. I recognized that Republicans were also a BIG government redistribution authoritarian gang of phonies just like Democrats.

Want to really know what’s wrong with the Republican Party?

The Republican neo-cons created the unconstitutional, authoritarian, violent Drug War hostile to the Bill Of Rights.
Republicans along with Democrats created the Special Interest & Wall Street crony capitalist bribery system.

Republicans along with Democrats created the Military Industrial Complex, the World Police Force and equally along with Democrats involved America in undeclared, unconstitutional endless wars, killed and maimed our youth, sent us to the edge of bankruptcy and saddled our future generations with ungodly debt.

To boot, the Republicans have the gull to nominate fucking idiots and stuffed shirt neo-cons like Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney to lead the country as President.

Want to fix the Republican Party? Thank God that the Republicans finally have libertarian minded people infiltrating the party like Rand Paul and others. Back them up! Listen to their rational message. Promote them and nominate them to restore the Republican party. Oppose the crony capitalist system. Oppose the special interest bribery scam. Get rid of the fucking BIG GOVERNMENTneo-cons, the war mongering bastards like John Bolton, Carl Rove, John McCain and even Lindsey Graham who oppose and belittle the constitutionalist in your party. Pay attention to Judge Napolitano and John Stossel on Fox and read between the lines of the neo-cons on Fox like Hannity and O’Reilly. The neo-cons are your political death nail, the libertarians are your political salvation.
Once upon a time I thought I knew what a conservative actually was. I thought conservatism was all about preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution, especially the Bill Of Rights. I even thought in my irrational youth that Republicans were the conservatives. As I matured politically, I realized that the Republicans just like the Democrats didn’t give a rat’s ass about the Constitution, the only thing they cared about just like the Democrats was getting elected. I recognized that Republicans were also a BIG government redistribution authoritarian gang of phonies just like Democrats.

Want to really know what’s wrong with the Republican Party?

The Republican neo-cons created the unconstitutional, authoritarian, violent Drug War hostile to the Bill Of Rights.
Republicans along with Democrats created the Special Interest & Wall Street crony capitalist bribery system.

Republicans along with Democrats created the Military Industrial Complex, the World Police Force and equally along with Democrats involved America in undeclared, unconstitutional endless wars, killed and maimed our youth, sent us to the edge of bankruptcy and saddled our future generations with ungodly debt.

To boot, the Republicans have the gull to nominate fucking idiots and stuffed shirt neo-cons like Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney to lead the country as President.

Want to fix the Republican Party? Thank God that the Republicans finally have libertarian minded people infiltrating the party like Rand Paul and others. Back them up! Listen to their rational message. Promote them and nominate them to restore the Republican party. Oppose the crony capitalist system. Oppose the special interest bribery scam. Get rid of the fucking BIG GOVERNMENTneo-cons, the war mongering bastards like John Bolton, Carl Rove, John McCain and even Lindsey Graham who oppose and belittle the constitutionalist in your party. Pay attention to Judge Napolitano and John Stossel on Fox and read between the lines of the neo-cons on Fox like Hannity and O’Reilly. The neo-cons are your political death nail, the libertarians are your political salvation.

Rand Paul 2016!!!!!!!

The neo-cons control the Republican Party. Fox’s Hannity and O’Reilly will belittle and politically crucify Rand Paul just like they did his father. The neo-con gun grabber & war monger McCain & the war monger Lindsey Graham already have begun that process in the Senate. They both belittled with vitriol Paul’s filibuster of Obama’s drone policy.

The heart and soul of the Republican Party must be renewed by the libertarian thinking Republicans or the country will suffer with just more of the duopoly BIG government crony capitalist scam of the neo-liberal, neo-communist left & the neo-con neo-fascist right.
The neo-cons control the Republican Party. Fox’s Hannity and O’Reilly will belittle and politically crucify Rand Paul just like they did his father. The neo-con gun grabber & war monger McCain & the war monger Lindsey Graham already have begun that process in the Senate. They both belittled with vitriol Paul’s filibuster of Obama’s drone policy.

The heart and soul of the Republican Party must be renewed by the libertarian thinking Republicans or the country will suffer with just more of the duopoly BIG government crony capitalist scam of the neo-liberal, neo-communist left & the neo-con neo-fascist right.

I agree with you 100% that is why I stopped listening to and watching Oreilly and Hannity a very long time ago. Hannity is a shill for the GOP and is no different than Hissyfit Matthews "GOP good, democrat bad", although Hannity can be objective on a rare occasion and Hissyfit Matthews has his lips firmly planted on Obamas backside.

I knew it was over for the GOP when I saw how they treated Sarah Palin. The truth of the matter is that the GOP was more scared of her than the liberals were. McShamnesty thought he was scoring points to get the woman vote. Then he saw how people responded to her and knew he had a problem on his hands. He couldn't have someone this conservative and a real "maverick" on his team because it would make him look bad if he had won and decided to ditch his "conservative lies" to "work with the deems". So McShamnesty had to destroy her and his chances of winning so the GOP establishment could survive.
The way I see it, and the reason why I think Reagan was very successful in bitchslapping the Left, is that at that time, the GOP did not pander to this group and that group. It's a concept the Left love to employ called identity politics, or victimization politics. The GOP does not need to shed Social Conservatives as we still make up a rather large bloc of voters. Alienate us and it's buh-bye. And you know the Dumassocrats are persona non grata as far as we are concerned.
Once upon a time I thought I knew what a conservative actually was. I thought conservatism was all about preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution, especially the Bill Of Rights. I even thought in my irrational youth that Republicans were the conservatives. As I matured politically, I realized that the Republicans just like the Democrats didn’t give a rat’s ass about the Constitution, the only thing they cared about just like the Democrats was getting elected. I recognized that Republicans were also a BIG government redistribution authoritarian gang of phonies just like Democrats.

Want to really know what’s wrong with the Republican Party?

The Republican neo-cons created the unconstitutional, authoritarian, violent Drug War hostile to the Bill Of Rights.
Republicans along with Democrats created the Special Interest & Wall Street crony capitalist bribery system.

Republicans along with Democrats created the Military Industrial Complex, the World Police Force and equally along with Democrats involved America in undeclared, unconstitutional endless wars, killed and maimed our youth, sent us to the edge of bankruptcy and saddled our future generations with ungodly debt.

To boot, the Republicans have the gull to nominate fucking idiots and stuffed shirt neo-cons like Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney to lead the country as President.

Want to fix the Republican Party? Thank God that the Republicans finally have libertarian minded people infiltrating the party like Rand Paul and others. Back them up! Listen to their rational message. Promote them and nominate them to restore the Republican party. Oppose the crony capitalist system. Oppose the special interest bribery scam. Get rid of the fucking BIG GOVERNMENTneo-cons, the war mongering bastards like John Bolton, Carl Rove, John McCain and even Lindsey Graham who oppose and belittle the constitutionalist in your party. Pay attention to Judge Napolitano and John Stossel on Fox and read between the lines of the neo-cons on Fox like Hannity and O’Reilly. The neo-cons are your political death nail, the libertarians are your political salvation.
That's a fucking laugh, how many times do you have to see libertarian ideology fail? Libertarianism, when it comes to governance, is a synonym for incompetence and a self full filling prophecy for failed government. Every time libertarianism and right wing authoritarianism fail ya'll keep making the same damned excuses but just simply won't accept the fact that it's your flawed ideology that is responsible for your failures.
The neo-cons control the Republican Party. Fox’s Hannity and O’Reilly will belittle and politically crucify Rand Paul just like they did his father. The neo-con gun grabber & war monger McCain & the war monger Lindsey Graham already have begun that process in the Senate. They both belittled with vitriol Paul’s filibuster of Obama’s drone policy.

The heart and soul of the Republican Party must be renewed by the libertarian thinking Republicans or the country will suffer with just more of the duopoly BIG government crony capitalist scam of the neo-liberal, neo-communist left & the neo-con neo-fascist right.
Yea right, sure. Libertarians couldn't build a winning coalition if their lives depended on it.

The GOP needs to do the following if it wants to succeed at the national level. It needs to broaden it's appeal. The GOP is predominantly a party of plutocrats. They need to build a message of economic growth that is broad and inclusive and is reality based. To do that they need to abandon cultural conservatives who are to far out of the mainstream, they need to abandon the southern strategy and the racism that is endemic to it and they need to abandon supply side economic policies that are to lopsided in favor of the plutocracy. Libertarians? Throw them a bone but by and large ignore them, try to keep them on your side but don't put any of them in a position of responsibility since they could fuck up a wet dream. In other words, I wouldn't worry about Libertarians since they never accomplish anything anyways.
That's a fucking laugh, how many times do you have to see libertarian ideology fail? Libertarianism, when it comes to governance, is a synonym for incompetence and a self full filling prophecy for failed government. Every time libertarianism and right wing authoritarianism fail ya'll keep making the same damned excuses but just simply won't accept the fact that it's your flawed ideology that is responsible for your failures.

Where has it been tried?
The way I see it, and the reason why I think Reagan was very successful in bitchslapping the Left, is that at that time, the GOP did not pander to this group and that group. It's a concept the Left love to employ called identity politics, or victimization politics. The GOP does not need to shed Social Conservatives as we still make up a rather large bloc of voters. Alienate us and it's buh-bye. And you know the Dumassocrats are persona non grata as far as we are concerned.

You are an idiot. The social conservatives lost every race in the country you fucking retard.
The way I see it, and the reason why I think Reagan was very successful in bitchslapping the Left, is that at that time, the GOP did not pander to this group and that group. It's a concept the Left love to employ called identity politics, or victimization politics. The GOP does not need to shed Social Conservatives as we still make up a rather large bloc of voters. Alienate us and it's buh-bye. And you know the Dumassocrats are persona non grata as far as we are concerned.
You're wrong. That's exactly what the GOP needs to do. Abandon the cultural conservatives who can't deal with 21st century reality and want to drag us back to superannuated social institutions of the 19th century based in a large part on bigotry. It's a tough predicament for the GOP as those clowns represent about 40% of the base. The solution, in the short term, will hurt the GOP but needs to be done. They need to distance themselves from the anti-intellectualism, xenophobia and racism of the cultural conservatives and embrace the main street Rockefeller Republican values that lead Dwight D. Eisenhower to become the greatest Republican politician of the 20th century.
The way I see it, and the reason why I think Reagan was very successful in bitchslapping the Left, is that at that time, the GOP did not pander to this group and that group. It's a concept the Left love to employ called identity politics, or victimization politics. The GOP does not need to shed Social Conservatives as we still make up a rather large bloc of voters. Alienate us and it's buh-bye. And you know the Dumassocrats are persona non grata as far as we are concerned.

The “success” of Reagan depends on how you define success. Yes, he was successful at getting elected twice and kissing the ass of Democrat House Speaker Tip O’Neal and along with his Irish drinking buddy O’Neal he was successful at damn near tripling the national debt. If we face the real facts he got elected twice because the vivid memory of the fucking disaster Jimmy Carter was still awash in voter’s minds. Exactly the same reason the neo-communist Obama has capitalized on the voters memory of G. W. Bush.
That's a fucking laugh, how many times do you have to see libertarian ideology fail? Libertarianism, when it comes to governance, is a synonym for incompetence and a self full filling prophecy for failed government. Every time libertarianism and right wing authoritarianism fail ya'll keep making the same damned excuses but just simply won't accept the fact that it's your flawed ideology that is responsible for your failures.

All your post proves is that you consider the Constitution and especially the Bill Of Rights to be a ”failure” because that’s what true libertarianism, (small l), is all about. In your assessment of that, you’re becoming more and more correct as time and the duopoly tortures freedom to death.
BTW genius, how many fucking times does communism have to fail before y’all fucking leftist bribery groupies give it up????