What's wrong with the Republicans and how to fix it

You're wrong. That's exactly what the GOP needs to do. Abandon the cultural conservatives who can't deal with 21st century reality and want to drag us back to superannuated social institutions of the 19th century based in a large part on bigotry. It's a tough predicament for the GOP as those clowns represent about 40% of the base. The solution, in the short term, will hurt the GOP but needs to be done. They need to distance themselves from the anti-intellectualism, xenophobia and racism of the cultural conservatives and embrace the main street Rockefeller Republican values that lead Dwight D. Eisenhower to become the greatest Republican politician of the 20th century.

Such sophistry
I agree with you 100% that is why I stopped listening to and watching Oreilly and Hannity a very long time ago. Hannity is a shill for the GOP and is no different than Hissyfit Matthews "GOP good, democrat bad", although Hannity can be objective on a rare occasion and Hissyfit Matthews has his lips firmly planted on Obamas backside.

I knew it was over for the GOP when I saw how they treated Sarah Palin. The truth of the matter is that the GOP was more scared of her than the liberals were. McShamnesty thought he was scoring points to get the woman vote. Then he saw how people responded to her and knew he had a problem on his hands. He couldn't have someone this conservative and a real "maverick" on his team because it would make him look bad if he had won and decided to ditch his "conservative lies" to "work with the deems". So McShamnesty had to destroy her and his chances of winning so the GOP establishment could survive.

What gets me is how a lot of people call O Reilly a conservative.

O Reilly wants to slap price controls on the oil companies and more environmental laws on private industry. He's a global warming guru and calls anybody who doesn't believe in global warming an idiot.

He single handedly put that small group of lunatics called the Westboro church group on the national map with free publicity and made them media super stars.

Fox News is nothing but tabloid junk featuring peak a boo napkin wearing blonds and Geraldo's tabloid nonsense. Hannity does nothing but pimp anybody with an R next to their name.
If the republican party does not stop cheating in elections to win they will never again win another national election.

You cant draw the votes of people who your are caught cheating out of their votes.
You're wrong. That's exactly what the GOP needs to do. Abandon the cultural conservatives who can't deal with 21st century reality and want to drag us back to superannuated social institutions of the 19th century based in a large part on bigotry. It's a tough predicament for the GOP as those clowns represent about 40% of the base. The solution, in the short term, will hurt the GOP but needs to be done. They need to distance themselves from the anti-intellectualism, xenophobia and racism of the cultural conservatives and embrace the main street Rockefeller Republican values that lead Dwight D. Eisenhower to become the greatest Republican politician of the 20th century.

You sound like a Marxist to me.

Eisenhower was a bow tie ivy league wasp with progressive credentials along with the entire Rockefeller eastern republican establishment.

I don't give a rat's ass about the future of the GOP and how they can obtain power at any cost. They are quickly becoming indistinguishable from the socialist dems and one main reason being these progressive candidates they keep running that they get from their eastern progressive pool.
philly rabbit , elections are for voters.

Your little curly top boy with ( oh just look at them) dimples and a days worth of stubble can not draw enough voters to win.
As I have said here many times, there are two types of conservatives, the fiscal conservative and the social conservative.

If the GOP would abandon the social conservatives (they are blatantly anti-freedom and backwards), and push a platform of fiscal conservatism, they could regain relevance.

But allowing the focus of the politics to be anti-gay, anti-woman and anti-everythingthatisn'twhiteamerican, will see them sliding down worse than they are now.
As I have said here many times, there are two types of conservatives, the fiscal conservative and the social conservative.

If the GOP would abandon the social conservatives (they are blatantly anti-freedom and backwards), and push a platform of fiscal conservatism, they could regain relevance.

But allowing the focus of the politics to be anti-gay, anti-woman and anti-everythingthatisn'twhiteamerican, will see them sliding down worse than they are now.

What poppycock. Social conservatism is about morality. You can't be a social conservative and a fiscal conservative. That is the kind of leftist jibberish shallow thinkers spout trying to get te GOP to abandon core principles.

The GOP is not anti Latino, anti gay or whatever other lie you posted. In your world if one does not buy your agenda which always involves some poor afflicted group then you are automatically against that group.

If the GOP caves on gay marriage, the goal post will be moved further

Stop with the nonsense. You not your liberal brethren have any desire to lose voters to the GOP. It is laughable that you even believe that
Yes you will have to abandon your core base.

You will have to turn on them and show pride doing it.

There is ONE great big rub.

You will not win elections for a very long time.

Easily Thirty percent of your voters are killing your party.

They will NEVER change and will NEVER be an asset to you party ever again.

Ronny courted these brain numbed fools to win back in his day.

Now the demographics make them a albatros arround your neck.

The cheating thingy also helped you win elections in the past.

Sorry but now everyone knows you as the party that cheats to win.

The republican party as it exsist today is a dead man walking.

I have NO confidence any of you have the sense to make the party what it once was
Yea right, sure. Libertarians couldn't build a winning coalition if their lives depended on it.

It’s rightfully been said that libertarians are like “herding cats.” But it should also be noted that Democrats & Republicans are like herding idiots from the local asylum over a 10,000 foot cliff, it’s like taking candy from a baby.

The GOP needs to do the following if it wants to succeed at the national level. It needs to broaden it's appeal. The GOP is predominantly a party of plutocrats.

You mean like those famous GOP plutocrats Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, the socialist gun grabber Michael Bloomberg and the Hollywood elite? Oh! That’s right they’re all socialist opposed to actually writing an extra check for the federal treasury and proudly hopeful that the feds will “force” them to pony up with the tax code, huh? Hypocrisy is the left’s middle name!

They need to build a message of economic growth that is broad and inclusive and is reality based.

Why would they do that when they plainly see the political success the left has with wrecking the economy with social programming, special interest alliances and crony capitalism? Of course the only real reason the left is wallowing in political success now is because of the G. W. Bush disaster and his unconstitutional wars that Obama refuses to take responsibility for and the fact that Democrats have been successful at blaming ALL of the housing/banking bubble bursting on the Republicans when in fact they’ (the left), share at least half the blame for that.

To do that they need to abandon cultural conservatives who are to far out of the mainstream,

It’s only a matter of time and a pretty short time at that, that the Democrat’s Achilles heel. gun control & the crummy economy will catch up with them and they’ll be the party scrambling for realignment. The proof is in the pudding. Carter got Reagan elected, Bush one got Clinton elected, Clinton got G. W. Bush elected and G. W. Bush got Obama elected. The voting idiot minions are always looking for somebody to replace the idiot that’s in the White House and the Congress. Only the brain-dead incurable partisans remain loyal to their respective duopoly parties. After 8 years of Obama the Republicans could likely run Goober for President and win. It’s all a matter of timing in corrupt American politics.

They need to abandon the southern strategy and the racism that is endemic to it

Without the south the Republicans couldn’t win a race for dog catcher! They can’t afford to “abandon” anybody except the fucking neo-cons in the party at this point in time. What they need is to bring back the Barry Goldwater’s of the party like the Rand Paul’s and several of the Tea Party favorites in the Congress that have the balls to stand their ground in the face of defeat to oppose Washington’s ungodly spending and debt. They need to embrace homosexual’s constitutional rights, defy the idiot Drug War, defy the American idiot foreign policy, the World Police Force and promote the downsizing of the stupid Military Industrial Complex and oppose the unconstitutional wars. They need to propose and promote a sane immigration policy.

and they need to abandon supply side economic policies that are to lopsided in favor of the plutocracy.

One of their problems is that they already have abandoned supply side economics They need to reinstitute it like Clinton and the Republican Congress did when Bush One abandoned it.

Libertarians? Throw them a bone but by and large ignore them, try to keep them on your side but don't put any of them in a position of responsibility since they could fuck up a wet dream. In other words, I wouldn't worry about Libertarians since they never accomplish anything anyways.

Unless they become way, way more ”libertarian,” They will forever remain just another carbon copy of the socialist bribery leftist scam. It has been duly noted that the vast majority of Americans by and large are socially liberal, (not socially leftist), and fiscally conservative. That, genius is ”LIBERTARIANISM.
Yes you will have to abandon your core base.

You will have to turn on them and show pride doing it.

There is ONE great big rub.

You will not win elections for a very long time.

Easily Thirty percent of your voters are killing your party.

They will NEVER change and will NEVER be an asset to you party ever again.

Ronny courted these brain numbed fools to win back in his day.

Now the demographics make them a albatros arround your neck.

The cheating thingy also helped you win elections in the past.

Sorry but now everyone knows you as the party that cheats to win.

The republican party as it exsist today is a dead man walking.

I have NO confidence any of you have the sense to make the party what it once was

It is amazing the lies you have allowed yourself to believe.

Here is a clue sweetie. Demographics don't trump economics.
when in history has austerity ever ended an economic downturn?

the Austrian school of economics is the short buss school of economics.

Didnt you know that?
Look at the poster above working SOOOO hard NOT to Get it

The thing is that the things that you think you "get" are completely wrong. "Getting" the wrong thing doesn't make you smart sweetie. It just make you a blowhard. It isn't what people don't know that makes them a danger. It is the things they think they know that are actually wrong that makes them dangerous. This encompasses you to a tee. I am sure you are very nice in a Patry Hearst sorta way
Exactly how is Somalia libertarian?

Just consider the source. The fucking partisan idiots on both the left and right can’t define the difference between anarchy and constitutional liberty That’s why they fuck over the Constitution like the crooks and thieves they are. They think the Bill Of Rights is all about anarchy.
when in history has austerity ever ended an economic downturn?

the Austrian school of economics is the short buss school of economics.

Didnt you know that?

What is this austerity you speak of. Gobblement spending is increasing. Not increasing.

My guess is that you have zero understanding of Austrian economics. What you don't know could fill a book.
Just consider the source. The fucking partisan idiots on both the left and right can’t define the difference between anarchy and constitutional liberty That’s why they fuck over the Constitution like the crooks and thieves they are. They think the Bill Of Rights is all about anarchy.

True they are an absolutist bunch. When one says the government is too large they squeal in their derision.

You and I are on board with about 99%. We disagree in drugs and gay marriage. But I do agree that the federal government should not be involved in either and they should be states rights issues. Marriage is not a right. Never had been never should be. That does not mean the gays should not be able to live together.
Just consider the source. The fucking partisan idiots on both the left and right can’t define the difference between anarchy and constitutional liberty That’s why they fuck over the Constitution like the crooks and thieves they are. They think the Bill Of Rights is all about anarchy.

And ONLY you know the truth.

the libertarian mindset is just so young angry man centered
hating the government out founders designed is not very American of you

So you are going to jump from one nonsequitor to the next?

We don't even remotely practice the government the founders designed. It isn't even close.

On a side note, I want to commend you for improving your spelling. While you are still incoherent it is less painful reading your gibberish. Thanks for the effort