When did a 20% tip become standard?


New member
I usually pay 15% but I see more and more restaurants and hotels asking for 20%.....

This is probably one of the reasons why people go out for dinner less often....

Probably because of cheap liberal bastards who don't tip. To compensate for them, the rest of us have to pay an extra 5%. I always tip 20% or more, if service is acceptable. I realize that is a vague caveat, but I am very understanding on service if the place is packed out or short staffed. I don't usually send food back, unless it is really bad, a little over/under cooked, I live with it, and I don't hold it against the waiter/waitress. What I hate is, when they add the gratuity into the check! Again, this is probably due to cheapskate liberals who don't tip.
what a patisan idiot you are dicksee.

It changed years ago you clown CK.

I always tip 20% or more and have done so for years.
what a patisan idiot you are dicksee.

It changed years ago you clown CK.

I always tip 20% or more and have done so for years.

Coming from Desh who just got part of a $700 Billion dollar tip from the Government for doing nothing but sitting on her fat ass collecting rental checks....

It's been a decade or more at least since it was pretty standard to give 20%.

15% is for a bad experience and less if it is even worse.
"Probably because of cheap liberal bastards who don't tip"

I'd love to see some evidence on that.

I have to be honest here and say that I have seen more liberals (like desh) tip better than conservatives. It speaks to their compassion....why a lot of liberals are democrats.

I am more compassionate than say, my brother-in-law. I think this way: Most don't get paid even the minimum wage so I am going to help compensate. I rarely ever withhold a tip for bad service and never for bad food (not the waiter's fault). I figure they need what they can get or wouldn't be working here. I make doubly sure to tip at SONIC because I have kids (students) who work there and I know how they pay.

Now my brother-in-law has to have everything perfect to give a tip at all and he never approaches 20%. He is still stuck in the days of a 10% gratuity.

All of that being said, I do hate it when they attach the tip to the check. I still like to determine that myself.
People keep saying that bad food isn't the waiter's fault. You do know it is their job to visually inspect the food, right? Most of the time it is bad, you can see it before it hits the table. If you know just by looking at it that it is bad, you should blame the waiter, they didn't do their job.
I got out of school 2 years ago and there is no way in hell I'm tipping 20%....people who work at restaurants need to learn to ask their bosses for raises....

Few waiters are allowed time to do their jobs properly.

And it is all becuase of that darned minimum wage which does not apply to waiters.
Now my brother-in-law has to have everything perfect to give a tip at all and he never approaches 20%. He is still stuck in the days of a 10% gratuity.

My ex-wife was that way. She would almost ALWAYS send something back, complain about this or that, and then bitch at me for leaving a big tip. One of the biggest fights we ever had was when I told her once, they deserve every penny of it for putting up with you! lol

I worked in a restaurant when I was in college, and I don't know that liberals or conservatives matter with tips, but I can tell you this, wealthy women are usually the worst of the worst. My best tips usually came from those you'd least expect.

I think people who have worked in the business are more generous.
My ex-wife was that way. She would almost ALWAYS send something back, complain about this or that, and then bitch at me for leaving a big tip. One of the biggest fights we ever had was when I told her once, they deserve every penny of it for putting up with you! lol

I worked in a restaurant when I was in college, and I don't know that liberals or conservatives matter with tips, but I can tell you this, wealthy women are usually the worst of the worst. My best tips usually came from those you'd least expect.

I think people who have worked in the business are more generous.

I can agree with a lot of this. My mother-in-law is the same way. She is almost never satisfied. To her credit she will go ahead and tip liberally in most cases.
People keep saying that bad food isn't the waiter's fault. You do know it is their job to visually inspect the food, right? Most of the time it is bad, you can see it before it hits the table. If you know just by looking at it that it is bad, you should blame the waiter, they didn't do their job.

Most of the time my complaints are more in the realms of an over-cooked steak. Can't usually see that on the surface. Most of the time I will eat it anyway just the way it is.....unless of course it is shoe leather. I am 42 and can count on one hand the number of times I've sent something back.