When did a 20% tip become standard?

I usually give 20% on top of the tax so people usually end up getting a little more than 20% w/ me. Unless the service is really bad.

I once left a waitress a dirty penny. She was a nightmare.

When the tip is already included (usually ~18%) I have to confess I don't bother making up the difference I'd normally give.
I got out of school 2 years ago and there is no way in hell I'm tipping 20%....people who work at restaurants need to learn to ask their bosses for raises....


Most waiters and waitresses make less than minimum wage. They depend on tips because this is how you measure the value of a waiter or waitress. If their bosses gave them big fat pay checks, and they didn't have to depend on your tip, what incentive would they have to make sure you are accommodated? They wouldn't really give a fuck, and if you didn't come back, no worries, that's even better! The gratuity system works because it rewards diligent efforts... for the most part... of course, pricks like you, make them have to ask for 20% to compensate.

You should always tip 20%, unless you just have atrocious service. There have been times, when I was treated rudely or completely ignored, that I didn't bother leaving a tip, but that has been very rare... maybe twice in my life, that I can recall. I'm like Damo, even if the service is sub-par, I'll leave something.

The biggest tip I ever left was $100. I think the check was like $175... the waitress came running out into the parking lot as we were leaving, and hugged my neck... said it was the biggest tip she had ever gotten, and was very appreciative. I just though she did a super job, and I was impressed with her attention to detail.
He never has been a liberal.

He is a troll posing as a liberal and anyone who doesnt already know that is a fool.

BS, he spent hours every day arguing the Liberal point of view against Stories in 2003. He just wants to bug you guys now, but he still has Liberal views.

This is the same mindset that tries to portray Nader as not a Liberal because he razzes Dems.
Interesting to note that people are more generous and charitable when not FORCED to pay tips. There's a lesson in there for why less government really can work and people will become more charitable when not forced to be.
Most of the time my complaints are more in the realms of an over-cooked steak. Can't usually see that on the surface. Most of the time I will eat it anyway just the way it is.....unless of course it is shoe leather. I am 42 and can count on one hand the number of times I've sent something back.

Same here. When they ask me how I would like my steak cooked... I say, "perfectly." (I will settle for 'in the ballpark' of perfect.) Medium rare, is how I like it, and I realize it's hard to hit it. I have maybe sent back two steaks in my life, most of the time, I just eat what I get.

Another thing I try to remember to do, which I don't think many consider, I usually give my waiter/waitress their tip personally, and then I leave a dollar or two on the table for the busboy.
The standard is 20%. If you get the standard of service for that level of restaurant then you leave a 20% tip.

This does not mean you expect the same level of service from a Waffle House waitress that you do from a waitress at a 5 star restaurant.

And if you get better than expected service, you increase the tip. If service is less than what you expect you tip less.

I always leave a tip. There have been a few times I left a couple of pennies, but that was so the waitress would know I didn't forget, but that she didn't get one.
Now if i was making millions like Topspin and Chapdog allegedly do... than i would tip 20%....


If you were making millions you should eat at better places.

If you cannot afford 20% but you can afford 15% then you should be looking for a cheaper place to eat.

Its part of the cost of going out to eat.
Why should the percentage increase over time? That doesn't even make sense. Keeping at the same percentage would make it increase with inflation. Having the percentage goes up makes the increase super-inflationary and unnecessary. You're just subsidizing the employers for paying their employees nothing.
Why should the percentage increase over time? That doesn't even make sense. Keeping at the same percentage would make it increase with inflation. Having the percentage goes up makes the increase super-inflationary and unnecessary. You're just subsidizing the employers for paying their employees nothing.

Yep, why it went from 10% to 15% to 20%.

Hidden price increases.
outstanding service = 20+%
good service = 15%
avg service = 10%
shit service = 0%

usually i never have to go lower then 15 but i don't hesitate to if the waiter/waitress sucks ass.
My ex-wife was that way. She would almost ALWAYS send something back, complain about this or that, and then bitch at me for leaving a big tip. One of the biggest fights we ever had was when I told her once, they deserve every penny of it for putting up with you! lol

I worked in a restaurant when I was in college, and I don't know that liberals or conservatives matter with tips, but I can tell you this, wealthy women are usually the worst of the worst. My best tips usually came from those you'd least expect.

I think people who have worked in the business are more generous.

I thought only liberals got divorced...?