When Republicans Die


Can some squeaky republican please write out the protocol for these occasions? Because with the average age of republicans, and republican voters, being so old, they are dying off left and right, and I never know what the fuck the ones left behind are expecting of me?

I remember when Reagan finally kicked the bucket, and by the time he did, his brain scan looked like a cauliflower after you boil it. And people were just so upset. “Did you even know he was still alive” I finally asked one of them. “Nooo,” they wailed, “but now that he’s dead I just feel as if I have lost a family member, I don’t know what it is, but I was much happier when I didn’t know he was still alive, than I am now that I know he has died, died, this very week!”

And Ford kicked off, and everyone said he seemed like a decent enough fella, and didn’t we all feel bad? But I had forgotten, not only that he was alive, but that he had ever lived, until he reminded me by dying, and the news didn’t slow me down any.

Now Heston. What do all of these cranky looking old men have in common? Um, they’re old? Most won’t live to be in their 80's or 90's. Of the people reading this, many of you are going to die long before you hit 90, you can bet on it. That’s what life has in store for you, death ok?

So I am wondering what the fuck are we supposed to be rooting for with these elderly republicans? Immortality? And if I think someone is a prick when they are alive, do they somehow get unpricked by doing that most ordinary of all things - dropping dead?

Must I wail about and sob, and wonder how I will get through the week now that some old fuck who I forgot was alive has died?

Please tell me because another one of them are bound to kick-off any day now, and I seem to upset the apple cart every single time by not saying the proper thing. I will check back in the morning to see how many of you squeakers have anted up. Thanks.
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He was great in "Planet of the Apes." I loved that at the end..."damn you all to hell!"

Very anti-establishment character for him, when you think about it.
Yeah but he was still a mediocre actor

He's definitely no Depp.

I always considered him kind of a nut; offensive, but not dangerous (unlike, say, a Limbaugh, who I consider dangerous & way too influential). Heston really went around the bend when he said something like "this crowd looks like they're ready for a good ol' fashioned lynching" when he was out campaigning against Gore...
He's definitely no Depp.

I always considered him kind of a nut; offensive, but not dangerous (unlike, say, a Limbaugh, who I consider dangerous & way too influential). Heston really went around the bend when he said something like "this crowd looks like they're ready for a good ol' fashioned lynching" when he was out campaigning against Gore...

I never really saw any of his movies, other than planet of the apes, but it was a long time ago and I don't remember much of it. And when I was a kid I saw Moses. All I know of him is in more recent times, and I have the same impression of him as you describe here.
Can some squeaky republican please write out the protocol for these occasions? Because with the average age of republicans, and republican voters, being so old, they are dying off left and right, and I never know what the fuck the ones left behind are expecting of me?

I remember when Reagan finally kicked the bucket, and by the time he did, his brain scan looked like a cauliflower after you boil it. And people were just so upset. “Did you even know he was still alive” I finally asked one of them. “Nooo,” they wailed, “but now that he’s dead I just feel as if I have lost a family member, I don’t know what it is, but I was much happier when I didn’t know he was still alive, than I am now that I know he has died, died, this very week!”

And Ford kicked off, and everyone said he seemed like a decent enough fella, and didn’t we all feel bad? But I had forgotten, not only that he was alive, but that he had ever lived, until he reminded me by dying, and the news didn’t slow me down any.

Now Heston. What do all of these cranky looking old men have in common? Um, they’re old? Most won’t live to be in their 80's or 90's. Of the people reading this, many of you are going to die long before you hit 90, you can bet on it. That’s what life has in store for you, death ok?

So I am wondering what the fuck are we supposed to be rooting for with these elderly republicans? Immortality? And if I think someone is a prick when they are alive, do they somehow get unpricked by doing that most ordinary of all things - dropping dead?

Must I wail about and sob, and wonder how I will get through the week now that some old fuck who I forgot was alive has died?
Please tell me because another one of them are bound to kick-off any day now, and I seem to upset the apple cart every single time by not saying the proper thing. I will check back in the morning to see how many of you squeakers have anted up. Thanks.

Yes, you must.

Both sobbing and wailing are required.

Teeth-gnashing is encouraged but not mandatory.
If you do not care, do nothing. Prominent and famous people die all the time. Some I regret their passing, some I really do not care except to pray that any family be comforted in their loss.

But it seems to me the liberals are the ones making the biggest deal out of the deaths of prominent republicans. Of course, if the average republican reacted to the death of a prominent liberal the way you treat the death of men like Charlton Heston, you'd be all over them like stink on a skunk. But, of course, hatred from the left is justified.

Liberalism was once the political philosophy of tolerance. Turns out todays philosophy of tolerance only includes those who agree with you. All others can burn in hell.

I am SO glad I left the democratic party. What is left (pun not intended) since peanut eater fucked things up is so repulsive I wouldn't be able to shave in the morning.
As a kid I was a fan of The Omega Man which was still a second class rip off of the book I am Legend but it was fun when I was young.
Okay, his politics went a bit mental in his last years and he was never the greatest actor in the world but he was, when all's said and done, an icon of 20th Century cinema.

I'm sure some people will have a little cry and other will shrug and say "so what". At 84 he had a good innings and i'm sure he'll be missed by his family. Nothing else matters really.
If you do not care, do nothing. Prominent and famous people die all the time. Some I regret their passing, some I really do not care except to pray that any family be comforted in their loss.

But it seems to me the liberals are the ones making the biggest deal out of the deaths of prominent republicans. Of course, if the average republican reacted to the death of a prominent liberal the way you treat the death of men like Charlton Heston, you'd be all over them like stink on a skunk. But, of course, hatred from the left is justified.

Liberalism was once the political philosophy of tolerance. Turns out todays philosophy of tolerance only includes those who agree with you. All others can burn in hell.

I am SO glad I left the democratic party. What is left (pun not intended) since peanut eater fucked things up is so repulsive I wouldn't be able to shave in the morning.

Nah I don't care when "prominent" liberals die either. I don't have time for message board dramatics. You are doing good though.

Do you have a monkey?
this post i a why dhula is the poster child for spinsters.com

this post i u why r a poster child for my thousand dollar writing work shop. With the shoes i can buy on that, who needs a husband? He would only want to spend my money on bait and 90 inch television screens and stuff like that.
As a younger man he marched for civil rights in the 1950s. He grew more conservative as he got older until he morphed into the public face of the NRA, the gun manufacturers lobby. Maybe he thought, fuck it, I know where my bread's buttered baby. If so, I can hardly blame him.
wow thank dhula, your now in the manhatter hall of fame. that's funny shit, I sure for your sake hope you like woman.