When Republicans Die

Planet of the Apes is one of my favorite films.

And they play the Ten Commandments on TV every year around Passover (so, it'll be coming up soon). Growing up, my family would never miss it. So, I'm quite used to Heston as an instituion, and I think he has certainly earned his place in cinema history and should be fondly remembered, regardless of your political views on him.

And if you appreciate his political views, I think that's just a plus.

We can't say we know him as a person, most of us, but we know him from what he did and what legacy and works he leaves behind. And those works that come out of someone's passion are an important artifact that says quite a lot about them.
Top, hundreds of thousands, maybe over a million, are dead thanks to the people that douchebag supported. Including, financial support.

And he didn’t give a rat’s ass about any one of them.

Put away your false outrage, Queenie, and go take a nap.
You are the one with false outrage - or perhaps misdirected is a better term. I seriously doubt you actually give a ripe pig fart about the people who have died in the war. All you want is anti-republican ammunition to fuel the misdirected bitter hatred you have stewing inside the pathetic piece of shit you use for a brain.

But I know very well assholes like you. I dealt with a lot of you as an active democrat before I decided enough is enough. You don't give one penny for truth or accuracy. As long as you can find reasons to spout hatred, you're content. But you'll never be happy because the Constitution of the United States, and those who defend it like Charlton Heston did (both when he did liberal-approved things, and when he supported conservative ideals) prevents you from doing what you'd really like to do.
If my politics dictated what actors I enjoyed and respected, I would often find myself without a movie to watch.

It is easy to hate a group of people. It is harder to hate a person. I think the world would be a better place if people could learn to separate politics from personality traits.
Nah I don't care when "prominent" liberals die either. I don't have time for message board dramatics. You are doing good though.

Do you have a monkey?

FYI - I prayed for Bill Clinton when he had the heart attack and underwent surgery. Also, I love fast food too, so hopefully they will have some good nano technology by the time I'm his age...

And I like to spank the hell out of my monkey, in case you were wondering...
You are the one with false outrage - or perhaps misdirected is a better term. I seriously doubt you actually give a ripe pig fart about the people who have died in the war. All you want is anti-republican ammunition to fuel the misdirected bitter hatred you have stewing inside the pathetic piece of shit you use for a brain.

You don't know me at all, you've been here a few days. So you don't seriously doubt anything that I feel or don't feel, because you are in zero position to know. What you are doing is called projection. You don't care about the people who have died in the way, so you "feel" that no one can or does. This is natural enough - it's why they have a name for it. It's also why you should be very careful what you say about others. Oftimes, you are telling them all about yourself without even realizing it.
But I know very well assholes like you. I dealt with a lot of you as an active democrat before I decided enough is enough. You don't give one penny for truth or accuracy. As long as you can find reasons to spout hatred, you're content. But you'll never be happy because the Constitution of the United States, and those who defend it like Charlton Heston did (both when he did liberal-approved things, and when he supported conservative ideals) prevents you from doing what you'd really like to do.

Now let's get to the second part of your hate-filled, engraged, rant. We might wonder why you have become so enraged because I think that an actor is a douchebag. But I'm bored with your mind, so let's just hope you find a way to deal with the death of someone you never met, and who didn't know you existed, and move on.

AGain, you don't know me. So everything you say here is about you. What I'd "really like to do" is what I do. I always do what I'd "really like to do". I'm an anti-war activist. And that's what the constitution of the united states allows me to be, even when facist douchebags like yourself don't like it. My answer? Too bad.

Now, take a pill for your rage, and try and get some sleep.
FYI - I prayed for Bill Clinton when he had the heart attack and underwent surgery. Also, I love fast food too, so hopefully they will have some good nano technology by the time I'm his age...

And I like to spank the hell out of my monkey, in case you were wondering...

Good for you Threedee...I did not. It is a matter of supreme indifference to me whether Bill Clinton wakes up tomorrow or not.

I'm not interested in your mastabatory habits.
Can some squeaky republican please write out the protocol for these occasions? Because with the average age of republicans, and republican voters, being so old, they are dying off left and right, and I never know what the fuck the ones left behind are expecting of me?

I remember when Reagan finally kicked the bucket, and by the time he did, his brain scan looked like a cauliflower after you boil it. And people were just so upset. “Did you even know he was still alive” I finally asked one of them. “Nooo,” they wailed, “but now that he’s dead I just feel as if I have lost a family member, I don’t know what it is, but I was much happier when I didn’t know he was still alive, than I am now that I know he has died, died, this very week!”

And Ford kicked off, and everyone said he seemed like a decent enough fella, and didn’t we all feel bad? But I had forgotten, not only that he was alive, but that he had ever lived, until he reminded me by dying, and the news didn’t slow me down any.

Now Heston. What do all of these cranky looking old men have in common? Um, they’re old? Most won’t live to be in their 80's or 90's. Of the people reading this, many of you are going to die long before you hit 90, you can bet on it. That’s what life has in store for you, death ok?

So I am wondering what the fuck are we supposed to be rooting for with these elderly republicans? Immortality? And if I think someone is a prick when they are alive, do they somehow get unpricked by doing that most ordinary of all things - dropping dead?

Must I wail about and sob, and wonder how I will get through the week now that some old fuck who I forgot was alive has died?

Please tell me because another one of them are bound to kick-off any day now, and I seem to upset the apple cart every single time by not saying the proper thing. I will check back in the morning to see how many of you squeakers have anted up. Thanks.

Heston was kind of an ass, with the NRA stuff.
Mine too, unless I'm looking for a part on ebay.

I have never bought anything on Ebay. I do however buy stuff online from non auction type sites.
I need to order a couple of small engine carb kits and a new chainsaw clutch, and a couple of hydraulic fittings tonight.
How old are the members of the Republic party...?
if McCain wins they'll probably have to have an open casket inauguration.
How old are the members of the Republic party...?
if McCain wins they'll probably have to have an open casket inauguration.

Joe Lieberman will be pulling double duty as his Vice President, and as his live-in caretaker.

Wiping up drool and changing depends undergarments is all Lieberman is good for, in my book.
Now let's get to the second part of your hate-filled, engraged, rant. We might wonder why you have become so enraged because I think that an actor is a douchebag. But I'm bored with your mind, so let's just hope you find a way to deal with the death of someone you never met, and who didn't know you existed, and move on.

AGain, you don't know me. So everything you say here is about you. What I'd "really like to do" is what I do. I always do what I'd "really like to do". I'm an anti-war activist. And that's what the constitution of the united states allows me to be, even when facist douchebags like yourself don't like it. My answer? Too bad.

Now, take a pill for your rage, and try and get some sleep.
I know your type very well indeed. Your type is what drove me out of the democratic party because I could no longer stomach people who are so full of themselves they think anyone who does not toe the line to their political philosophy is a douche bag. Yes, I am angry with people who act as you do, despising others for having the unmitigated nerve to hold an opposing opinion. It is your type (and there are many of them in the republican party also) that polarizes politics to the point our government end up pointlessly bickering along partisan lines instead of solving the problems they were elected to solve.

No, I do not know you personally. But when you come out calling someone you don't know a douche bag, and admit it is because of their political beliefs, that tells me a lot about the type of person you are. People who despise people for holding opposing opinions rarely care for strangers in any meaningful manner. Hence my doubt that you actually care for those who died in Iraq.

I have also seen what you post about the military, and your opinion of those who join the military. That, again, indicates to me you have little actual feeling for those who died in Iraq.

In short, what you write speaks a lot about you. And not by going through the psychobabble nonsense of assuming you are "projecting" or crap like that. Your are an arrogant, hateful and spiteful little twit without a clue of the reality of people.

The only reason I am minimally affected by Charlton Heston's death is I enjoyed his acting. Had he dies while still acting I would probably be quite saddened by his passing. But since his activities in film were limited to doing voices in animated religious films, I shall not miss him greatly.

I do have a grand nephew who regularly attends one of Mr. Heston's after school facilities. So I do regret his passing on that matter. But then I am certain he would have left a fund behind to continue to support his work there.

My response to this thread has nothing to do with how I feel about his passing. What it does have to do with is anger at mindless little twits like yourself who engage in inhumanistic tirades about people who died, just because they weren't of your political party. You are pathetic, and I despise what your kind is doing to my country.
I'm hoping for 5 to 6 dollars a gallon. I work about 6 miles from where I live. I don't give a shit if gas goes to 10 bucks a gallon. But i figure by the time it gets to 5, that will be enough to really squeeze the white trash, trailor park type, republican voters, of whom there are many...squeeze them till they squeak like you Topper.

Then we'll get to hear them squeaking about how their kids need shoes, and they have to choose between fuel and food. That's going to be the good part. I can't wait to get to that part. It's like reading a boring, transparent book about idiots, but you know they're about to get squeezed real good, and so you keep reading because you want to get to that part. Republicans squeak when you squeeze them. Everybody knows that.
Another example of your writings. No hate or bitterness there, is there? No, I must be projecting....
