When Republicans Die

"they believe that one American life is easily worth ten thousand non-american lives"

Yeah - I totally agree with that. I have seen that opinion expressed in no uncertain terms by war supporters.

It's astounding, really; losing 3,000 Americans on 9/11 pissed them off so badly that I think many wouldn't have batted an eye if we dropped a nuke somewhere in the Middle East. They have dehumanized that area of the world completely, and there is no sense of proportionality about the consequences of the war, or any empathy for the victims we have created, which outnumber the victims of 9/11 in a way that isn't even worth comparing.

That is what I mean. Only two weeks ago, two war supporters, sc reamed in my face at a rally, that we should “nuke them”. I still don’t know if they meant Iraq, or the entire region. One was a woman. A mother. Can you imagine? But that happened.
I am not an independent. I am an apathetic. Unless you know me in my personal life (unlikely), you do not know me.

If you are apathetic to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, then it is no wonder that you don’t understand a goddamned word I have written on this thread, and you keep coming up with meaningless diversions. It’s all meaningless to you. We have little to discuss.
If you are apathetic to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, then it is no wonder that you don’t understand a goddamned word I have written on this thread, and you keep coming up with meaningless diversions. It’s all meaningless to you. We have little to discuss.

Please stop trying to misrepresent what I say. I am apathetic to the party system, I am not apathetic to deaths. I didn't realize that I needed to wear a giant "No War!" button in order to have a valid opinion. I am not coming up with meaningless diversions, I am trying to address a problem that is more serious than the war, which is the division that continues to haunt this country. Until the intelligent people of both parties realize that EVERYONE is a person, and a person with a valid perspective, then this country will continue to suffer.
Only two weeks ago, two war supporters, sc reamed in my face at a rally, that we should “nuke them”. I still don’t know if they meant Iraq, or the entire region. One was a woman. A mother. Can you imagine? But that happened.

Going out on a limb here but was it her?

Please stop trying to misrepresent what I say. I am apathetic to the party system, I am not apathetic to deaths. I didn't realize that I needed to wear a giant "No War!" button in order to have a valid opinion. I am not coming up with meaningless diversions, I am trying to address a problem that is more serious than the war, which is the division that continues to haunt this country. Until the intelligent people of both parties realize that EVERYONE is a person, and a person with a valid perspective, then this country will continue to suffer.

I do not share your opinion that this “division” is a bigger problem than this war which is robbing the young of their lives even at this moment.

This country has always been divided, save for a short time post-new deal when those policies were so popular that republicans understood they could not be touched, and worked within those boundaries.

It’s an overrated problem, as problems go. I’m far less interested in being “united” than I am in ending murderous policies. Which were put in place because we were united, if you recall.

And I don’t for one moment believe that every person has a valid perspective. Bombing countries preemptively, is not a valid perspective. It’s a criminal one. I have no common cause to make with such people, nor want one.
I do not share your opinion that this “division” is a bigger problem than this war which is robbing the young of their lives even at this moment.
It is, because wars like this are a result of division. The Iraq War could not exist without the "us v. them" mentality that both parties cling to.

This country has always been divided, save for a short time post-new deal when those policies were so popular that republicans understood they could not be touched, and worked within those boundaries.
People have always disagreed, which is different from division.

It’s an overrated problem, as problems go. I’m far less interested in being “united” than I am in ending murderous policies. Which were put in place because we were united, if you recall.
And won't be ended unless we are united, as well.

And I don’t for one moment believe that every person has a valid perspective. Bombing countries preemptively, is not a valid perspective. It’s a criminal one. I have no common cause to make with such people, nor want one.
Actions are not always valid, but opinions almost always are (and choosing extreme examples obviously is not in the spirit of this debate). Opinions should be listened to and respected.
"they believe that one American life is easily worth ten thousand non-american lives"

Yeah - I totally agree with that. I have seen that opinion expressed in no uncertain terms by war supporters.

It's astounding, really; losing 3,000 Americans on 9/11 pissed them off so badly that I think many wouldn't have batted an eye if we dropped a nuke somewhere in the Middle East. They have dehumanized that area of the world completely, and there is no sense of proportionality about the consequences of the war, or any empathy for the victims we have created, which outnumber the victims of 9/11 in a way that isn't even worth comparing.

While the example above is silly, I have no problem whatsoever with a government prioritizing the lives of its citizens over the lives of others. To do otherwise would be absurd.

This is a theoretical articulation of the point, so don't jump off the bridge here and create a strawman, but you see what I am saying.

Why shouldn't a government see its own citizens lives as more valuable?
While the example above is silly, I have no problem whatsoever with a government prioritizing the lives of its citizens over the lives of others. To do otherwise would be absurd.

This is a theoretical articulation of the point, so don't jump off the bridge here and create a strawman, but you see what I am saying.

Why shouldn't a government see its own citizens lives as more valuable?

Now that is a strawman since no link between 911 and Iraq has been shown to exist.
Ok I will cut straight thru to the end Epidermal.
we are there because our leaving would make it a bigger mess ? But why did we invade and occupy Iraq ? What was the selling point to the people and the congress ?