When Republicans Die

I know your type very well indeed. Your type is what drove me out of the democratic party because I could no longer stomach people who are so full of themselves they think anyone who does not toe the line to their political philosophy is a douche bag. Yes, I am angry with people who act as you do, despising others for having the unmitigated nerve to hold an opposing opinion. It is your type (and there are many of them in the republican party also) that polarizes politics to the point our government end up pointlessly bickering along partisan lines instead of solving the problems they were elected to solve.

No, I do not know you personally. But when you come out calling someone you don't know a douche bag, and admit it is because of their political beliefs, that tells me a lot about the type of person you are. People who despise people for holding opposing opinions rarely care for strangers in any meaningful manner. Hence my doubt that you actually care for those who died in Iraq.

I have also seen what you post about the military, and your opinion of those who join the military. That, again, indicates to me you have little actual feeling for those who died in Iraq.

In short, what you write speaks a lot about you. And not by going through the psychobabble nonsense of assuming you are "projecting" or crap like that. Your are an arrogant, hateful and spiteful little twit without a clue of the reality of people.

The only reason I am minimally affected by Charlton Heston's death is I enjoyed his acting. Had he dies while still acting I would probably be quite saddened by his passing. But since his activities in film were limited to doing voices in animated religious films, I shall not miss him greatly.

I do have a grand nephew who regularly attends one of Mr. Heston's after school facilities. So I do regret his passing on that matter. But then I am certain he would have left a fund behind to continue to support his work there.

My response to this thread has nothing to do with how I feel about his passing. What it does have to do with is anger at mindless little twits like yourself who engage in inhumanistic tirades about people who died, just because they weren't of your political party. You are pathetic, and I despise what your kind is doing to my country.

Dude get a grip. I'm not reading this post. A fucking actor died of OLD AGE, and you've gone sideways and are writing pages about it on a message board .

See a doctor.
Dude get a grip. I'm not reading this post. A fucking actor died of OLD AGE, and you've gone sideways and are writing pages about it on a message board .

See a doctor.

He is overreacting, but I see what he is saying. It is regrettable that people so often combine politics with personality in this country. It is divisive and it is wrong. Whether I agree or disagree with any person's politics, I am still capable of judging that person based on his or her merits as a person, not a political entity.
He is overreacting, but I see what he is saying. It is regrettable that people so often combine politics with personality in this country. It is divisive and it is wrong. Whether I agree or disagree with any person's politics, I am still capable of judging that person based on his or her merits as a person, not a political entity.

A persons political viewpoints affects how I judge them as a person.
For instance I have to severly questions someones judgement who voted for Bush in 2004. and especially question the morals and such of those who still support Bush. I consider them mentally ill.
A persons political viewpoints affects how I judge them as a person.
For instance I have to severly questions someones judgement who voted for Bush in 2004. and especially question the morals and such of those who still support Bush. I consider them mentally ill.

I think that the fact that I have always seen that policy affects people, makes it difficult for me to like or admire republicans of today. This war alone has killed hundreds of thousands, some say over a million. That alone fills me with a disgust for them that is hard to express.
yeah the fight em over there or fight em over here cowardly chicken hawks who would rather have someone elses kids fight em over there. Not all inclusive I realize, but a generalization. A few cons put their lives where their mouths are.
I think that the fact that I have always seen that policy affects people, makes it difficult for me to like or admire republicans of today. This war alone has killed hundreds of thousands, some say over a million. That alone fills me with a disgust for them that is hard to express.

As a Democrat, would you liked to be judged as a person because of the deaths from Vietnam and World War II?

Both parties have blood on their hands, and that is even on the Iraq issue, without having to go back in history.

Different things are important to different people, and disagreement does not a terrible person make. It just proves that we are human and there are myriad facets to an issue.
Yeah both parties have blood on their hands, but we should be learning from our past mistakes and getting better not worse.
Yeah both parties have blood on their hands, but we should be learning from our past mistakes and getting better not worse.

"yeah but" answers are something I would expect from a child, not an adult.

Recognizing that humanity is fallible (no matter what the ideology) is an important part of learning from past mistakes. Your sh*t stinks just as much as the Republicans, and until you realize that you will not be able to help anyone progress.
"yeah but" answers are something I would expect from a child, not an adult.

Recognizing that humanity is fallible (no matter what the ideology) is an important part of learning from past mistakes. Your sh*t stinks just as much as the Republicans, and until you realize that you will not be able to help anyone progress.

My butt does not stink nearly as bad as the mainstreams republicans do.
You apparently mistake me for a dedicated demoncrat.
I was outraged about us invading Iraq when it became apparent that was going to happen, I have maintained that stance and been ridiculed hard for it.
I think all those dems in congress who supported it were mainy wussies afraid of going against the anti american rhetoric and such spewed by the Republicans. And the Dems who still support it do not have my support.
My butt does not stink nearly as bad as the mainstreams republicans do.
Ah, but it does. What exactly is a "mainstream" Republican, anyway? Is every Democrat the same?
You apparently mistake me for a dedicated demoncrat.
I will take that as your reply to the question above.
I was outraged about us invading Iraq when it became apparent that was going to happen, I have maintained that stance and been ridiculed hard for it.
So were many people in both parties. Being correct on one issue does not absolve you of others.
I think all those dems in congress who supported it were mainy wussies afraid of going against the anti american rhetoric and such spewed by the Republicans. And the Dems who still support it do not have my support.
You are missing the point. There were problems in this country before Iraq, and there will be problems after. Bushco and the war are not the deciding factor of whether or not your sh*t stinks.
As a Democrat, would you liked to be judged as a person because of the deaths from Vietnam and World War II?

Both parties have blood on their hands, and that is even on the Iraq issue, without having to go back in history.

Different things are important to different people, and disagreement does not a terrible person make. It just proves that we are human and there are myriad facets to an issue.

Firstly, I’m far to the left of democrats. Secondly, if I voted for the things you mention? Absolutely I should be judged for it. As should two-time Bush voters. You bet.
It's the blind allegiance crowd that I find disturbing. Yes, both parties have blood on their hands, but you didn't see me supporting Clinton during Bosnia or when he was lobbing missiles around. I think Hiroshima & Nagasaki are despicable.

Yet, there are still a significant % of Republicans who love Bush, think Iraq was not only a good decision, but the best decision that could have been made in the "war on terror" (whatever that is), and who refuse to consider the human cost & the fact that the war has actually made us less safe in the long run. It's like they have been lobotomized; I don't think many of them will ever make it back.
"yeah but" answers are something I would expect from a child, not an adult.

Recognizing that humanity is fallible (no matter what the ideology) is an important part of learning from past mistakes. Your sh*t stinks just as much as the Republicans, and until you realize that you will not be able to help anyone progress.

Sadly, many who suffered for the “mistakes’ (in most cases, willful hatefulness) of Republican voters, can’t learn from it. They’re lying in early and eternal graves.

But I’m sure they appreciate your pomposity.
It's the blind allegiance crowd that I find disturbing. Yes, both parties have blood on their hands, but you didn't see me supporting Clinton during Bosnia or when he was lobbing missiles around. I think Hiroshima & Nagasaki are despicable.

Yet, there are still a significant % of Republicans who love Bush, think Iraq was not only a good decision, but the best decision that could have been made in the "war on terror" (whatever that is), and who refuse to consider the human cost & the fact that the war has actually made us less safe in the long run. It's like they have been lobotomized; I don't think many of them will ever make it back.

You are easy on them. Many of them are simply hateful. They got the shit scared out of them on 9/11, they don’t consider foreigners to be real humans, and they believe that one American life is easily worth ten thousand non-american lives.

They are pieces of shit in other words.

However, some do fit your description I’m sure. Just stupid.
Either way, I’m not sure intent matters. Not when the crime is this big.
Ah, but it does. What exactly is a "mainstream" Republican, anyway? Is every Democrat the same?

I will take that as your reply to the question above.

So were many people in both parties. Being correct on one issue does not absolve you of others.

You are missing the point. There were problems in this country before Iraq, and there will be problems after. Bushco and the war are not the deciding factor of whether or not your sh*t stinks.

With hundreds of thousands dead because of it?

You bet your pompous ass it is!
With hundreds of thousands dead because of it?
You vote Democrat. Therefore you have the millions of dead from the Vietnam war on your hands, as well as the millions of dead from World War II.

You bet your pompous ass it is!
I am not sure how I am pompous as I am not the one saying that my way is the only correct way to think, but I will take your word for it.
"they believe that one American life is easily worth ten thousand non-american lives"

Yeah - I totally agree with that. I have seen that opinion expressed in no uncertain terms by war supporters.

It's astounding, really; losing 3,000 Americans on 9/11 pissed them off so badly that I think many wouldn't have batted an eye if we dropped a nuke somewhere in the Middle East. They have dehumanized that area of the world completely, and there is no sense of proportionality about the consequences of the war, or any empathy for the victims we have created, which outnumber the victims of 9/11 in a way that isn't even worth comparing.
You vote Democrat. Therefore you have the millions of dead from the Vietnam war on your hands, as well as the millions of dead from World War II.

I am not sure how I am pompous as I am not the one saying that my way is the only correct way to think, but I will take your word for it.

That would be like my claiming that Bush voters have the blood of Reagan’s murderous rampages through latin America on their hands.

No, only as I stated, and listen up so I don’t have to write it again: TWO TIME bush voters have this blood on their hands.
Because the second time they knew, or could reasonably have been expected to know.

Are we clear yet, are you still going to keep bringing in meaningless distractions? And, do I know you from somewhere, cause damn if you don’t smell just like a repuke I’ve known trying to pass themselves off as an “independent”.
That would be like my claiming that Bush voters have the blood of Reagan’s murderous rampages through latin America on their hands.

No, only as I stated, and listen up so I don’t have to write it again: TWO TIME bush voters have this blood on their hands.
Because the second time they knew, or could reasonably have been expected to know.

Are we clear yet, are you still going to keep bringing in meaningless distractions? And, do I know you from somewhere, cause damn if you don’t smell just like a repuke I’ve known trying to pass themselves off as an “independent”.

I am not an independent. I am an apathetic. Unless you know me in my personal life (unlikely), you do not know me.

Again, both parties are at fault.