When the bailout starts

Onceler I don’t really know who is right, and don’t know if there is a way to ever know, but it’s disturbing to see you in Damo’s usual role, rescuing Superfreak, who is getting his butt skewered…as usual.

I actually had only read Obfuscate's last comment. I know what you mean, though. I'll try to be conscious of that in the future.

I really have no idea what's happening, but I prefer trying to convince myself that something is going to work, and that I won't be hitching across the country to try to get fruit-picking work out in CA or wherever....
LMAO... a week ago monday after the first bill failed and the Dow broke down, I stated it would then fall to the 8k level. The next day we had a dead cat bounce and I got to listen to how "wrong" I was. Here we are today... the Dow... broke the 8k level. Yeah, I was...like... totally wrong.

As for the remainder, only time will tell for certain... but the one thing we do know is that the credit market will HAVE to loosen up. If it doesn't... we are all screwed. Whether we make money on the bailout or not... we won't have a definitive answer for many years to come... no matter how much the ignorant lil twit Obfuscate shouts 'failure!!!'

I’ve been swamped and running around like a lunatic since literally, 5am, and am only here to break up my stress by making fun of you, whether you are right or wrong is a matter of supreme indifference to moi!
I actually had only read Obfuscate's last comment. I know what you mean, though. I'll try to be conscious of that in the future.

I really have no idea what's happening, but I prefer trying to convince myself that something is going to work, and that I won't be hitching across the country to try to get fruit-picking work out in CA or wherever....

Well, I actually agree with Obfuscate, but since its him, I've just kept my mouth shut and started reassessing my opinions.

I'll report back later.
I’ve been swamped and running around like a lunatic since literally, 5am, and am only here to break up my stress by making fun of you, whether you are right or wrong is a matter of supreme indifference to moi!

09-29-2008, 01:37 PM
The Almighty
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Denver, CO
Posts: 13,028


Originally Posted by Darla
"Even if a bailout package subsequently comes through, say, later this week?"

My reply....

yes.... it is a technical breakdown. It could easily get there in a couple of weeks. This isn't a minor breakdown level. It is a major one. Every technical trader out there will hit the sell button tomorrow. Fucking politicians.

We need a new revolution. I am sick of their crap. They are all the same. Both parties just fucked the public AGAIN. Either party could have pushed for those extra 11 votes.

Bottom line.... go to cash... go to gold.

I actually had only read Obfuscate's last comment. I know what you mean, though. I'll try to be conscious of that in the future.

I really have no idea what's happening, but I prefer trying to convince myself that something is going to work, and that I won't be hitching across the country to try to get fruit-picking work out in CA or wherever....

I sincerely hope things are not going to get that bad for any of us, but if they should…maybe there will still be a silver lining…maybe you would end up as the overseer of the fruit fields and Dano & Dixie would be working for you and you could make them weigh the fruit that they picked 7 times every night. Every time they weigh it you could find a rotten piece, scream “what are you trying to pull on me coolie?” throw the rotten fruit on the ground, step on it, and then say “weigh it again coolie!”

See, you never know, and I can dream up lots of fun scenarios for you..
09-29-2008, 01:37 PM
The Almighty
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Denver, CO
Posts: 13,028


Originally Posted by Darla
"Even if a bailout package subsequently comes through, say, later this week?"

My reply....

yes.... it is a technical breakdown. It could easily get there in a couple of weeks. This isn't a minor breakdown level. It is a major one. Every technical trader out there will hit the sell button tomorrow. Fucking politicians.

We need a new revolution. I am sick of their crap. They are all the same. Both parties just fucked the public AGAIN. Either party could have pushed for those extra 11 votes.

Bottom line.... go to cash... go to gold.


Imagine that.... "it could easily get there in a couple of weeks"... less than two weeks later.... it does

I win.

:woot: :chesh: :ILUM:
09-29-2008, 01:37 PM
The Almighty
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Denver, CO
Posts: 13,028


Originally Posted by Darla
"Even if a bailout package subsequently comes through, say, later this week?"

My reply....

yes.... it is a technical breakdown. It could easily get there in a couple of weeks. This isn't a minor breakdown level. It is a major one. Every technical trader out there will hit the sell button tomorrow. Fucking politicians.

We need a new revolution. I am sick of their crap. They are all the same. Both parties just fucked the public AGAIN. Either party could have pushed for those extra 11 votes.

Bottom line.... go to cash... go to gold.


Yes I remember that you predicted we’d fall to 8,500 before we ever got back to 11
I sincerely hope things are not going to get that bad for any of us, but if they should…maybe there will still be a silver lining…maybe you would end up as the overseer of the fruit fields and Dano & Dixie would be working for you and you could make them weigh the fruit that they picked 7 times every night. Every time they weigh it you could find a rotten piece, scream “what are you trying to pull on me coolie?” throw the rotten fruit on the ground, step on it, and then say “weigh it again coolie!”

See, you never know, and I can dream up lots of fun scenarios for you..


And then you'd have as$munch, "see I told you so"
I sincerely hope things are not going to get that bad for any of us, but if they should…maybe there will still be a silver lining…maybe you would end up as the overseer of the fruit fields and Dano & Dixie would be working for you and you could make them weigh the fruit that they picked 7 times every night. Every time they weigh it you could find a rotten piece, scream “what are you trying to pull on me coolie?” throw the rotten fruit on the ground, step on it, and then say “weigh it again coolie!”

See, you never know, and I can dream up lots of fun scenarios for you..

Oh, that is a priceless image...I like it! It really cheers me up...

The pro bailout folks said it would restore confidence. It did not, I replied to Tinfoil, you called me a moron for pointing out that the people who predicted it would calm the markets were wrong claiming you didn't say that. WTF?

The bailout was a bad deal all around, it created a panic, we'll lose trillions in inflation adjusted dollars buying junk assets, the dollar will be weak, and home prices will continue to drop. I already told you we'll see in a year how bad your prediction of this working will be. I don't care if you personally didn't think it would calm the markets, the pro bailout folks who passed the bill said it would. That is what I responded too.

The pro bailout folks said it would restore confidence. It did not, I replied to Tinfoil, you called me a moron for pointing out that the people who predicted it would calm the markets were wrong claiming you didn't say that. WTF?

The bailout was a bad deal all around, it created a panic, we'll lose trillions in inflation adjusted dollars buying junk assets, the dollar will be weak, and home prices will continue to drop. I already told you we'll see in a year how bad your prediction of this working will be. I don't care if you personally didn't think it would calm the markets, the pro bailout folks who passed the bill said it would. That is what I responded too.

WHAT pro bailout people dipshit???? The politicians?

As I stated, those who understand the market thought there would be a psychological benefit IF the first bailout passed as it would have done so BEFORE the technical breakdown in the markets.

But I know, you will continue to ignore that fact once again and pretend I didn't already address your ignorance. Keep spinning. Trying to tie your bullshit now to 'just the politicians that passed the bill' is a sign of your desperation. But keep on pretending.

LMAO... so now we are going to lose 'trillions' even though the total package is only $700b??? Again, the bailout did not 'create a panic' you twit. At worst it will loosen the credit markets which will help this situation. Moron.

The pro bailout folks said it would restore confidence. It did not, I replied to Tinfoil, you called me a moron for pointing out that the people who predicted it would calm the markets were wrong claiming you didn't say that. WTF?

The bailout was a bad deal all around, it created a panic, we'll lose trillions in inflation adjusted dollars buying junk assets, the dollar will be weak, and home prices will continue to drop. I already told you we'll see in a year how bad your prediction of this working will be. I don't care if you personally didn't think it would calm the markets, the pro bailout folks who passed the bill said it would. That is what I responded too.

Originally Posted by Obfuscate
LOL, it will continue to be fun to prove how wrong you are and will continue to be on this bail out Supertool. It hasn't met it's first objective, IE calm the markets and restore confidence. Wait until we lose billions and billions on the junk assets they buy, probably lose in the trillions in inflation adjusted terms.
Originally Posted by Obfuscate
LOL, it will continue to be fun to prove how wrong you are and will continue to be on this bail out Supertool. It hasn't met it's first objective, IE calm the markets and restore confidence. Wait until we lose billions and billions on the junk assets they buy, probably lose in the trillions in inflation adjusted terms.

whose story keeps changing?
I'm fine with time proving I'm right.

Also, not just politicians, it was every pro bailout tool on any buisiness show, the paper, the congress, the President, ect ect said we needed it to stablize the markets. Also, the initial bill is 840 Billion and that's just the start and I said inflation adjusted if you know what that means. Not sure you do since you once said rising gas prices are inflation.