Where did Legion go?

I have listed his mistakes and errors numerous times both here and the defunct forum. Take off the rose colored glasses and see the truth. Obama wasn' t all bad but he like all presidents made mistakes.

So ya got nothing,but delection,and vague generalization.Thanks for playing!
I don't think Clinton had anything on it. It really started after 9/11 when fear and greed increased. The fearful stopped thinking like Americans. Too much animalistic impulse that many are manipulating or monetizing.

I give credit to newt the bastard gingsburg.......

Outlawing members of your party from even socializing w/ members of the other party is unAmerican-see the founding fathers.....
So ya got nothing,but delection,and vague generalization.Thanks for playing!

Mason that is your standard BS reply. That is exactly why I refuse to try to have any conversations with you. So keep feeling guilty that you are white.
Specifically, how did Obama divide the country?

Every time I asked a conservative this question I get talk radio rhetoric generalizations in return.

Did Obama ever publically label other Americans or groups of Americans as "evil," "traitors," or "enimies" of America? Did Obama ever compare individual Americans to foreign dictators, or repeatingly use his office to personally attack those that critize or challenge his decisions or behavior?

Bottom line is a lot of conservatives just never could accept the fact that America elected a black President, an intelligent, sharp, and quick witted American President who also happened to be black

Yes Obama did.Use your google and not Rachel Maddow
Getting back to the thread topic, Legion sends his regards to the forum from Nepal, along with this message: "Om mani padme hum."

Believe me.
Getting back to the thread topic, Legion sends his regards to the forum from Nepal, along with this message: "Om mani padme hum."

Believe me.


