White climate Nazis deface STONE HENGE - I will never support these self righteous authoritarian White Libs, They are pure EVIL

Climate has no temperature.

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You can't create energy out of nothing. You are still ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
Now...would you care to explain how you the Earth is gaining energy WITHOUT violating this law? Assume the Sun is putting out the same energy. Where is the additional energy coming from??
Well, that was a quick side step. Side step request denied.

Do you agree the 1st law of thermodynamics says that energy can't be created OR destroyed? the theory on how increases in CO2 impact temperature/climate involves no creation of destruction of energy. If you disagree, explain where in the theoretical process energy is creted.
Well, that was a quick side step. Side step request denied.

Do you agree the 1st law of thermodynamics says that energy can't be created OR destroyed? the theory on how increases in CO2 impact temperature/climate involves no creation of destruction of energy. If you disagree, explain where in the theoretical process energy is creted.
You already posted this. Please answer the question put to you. How is the Earth gaining energy without creating it? Assume the Sun is putting out the same energy. Where is all this additional energy coming from to warm the Earth through CO2?

Climate has no temperature.
You already posted this.
I've asked it twice. Now a third time.

Do you agree the 1st law of thermodynamics says that energy can't be created OR destroyed? The theory on how increases in CO2 impact temperature/climate involves no creation of destruction of energy. If you disagree, explain where in the theoretical process energy is created.
How is the Earth gaining energy without creating it? Assume the Sun is putting out the same energy. Where is all this additional energy coming from to warm the Earth through CO2?
There is no additional energy. There is, theoretically, less energy escaping into space because rather than escaping into space, it's being absorbed/radiated by CO2.
Climate has no temperature.
Correct, but temperature and measurement of temperature exists on earth.
I've asked it twice. Now a third time.
Do you agree the 1st law of thermodynamics says that energy can't be created OR destroyed?
The theory on how increases in CO2 impact temperature/climate involves no creation of destruction of energy.
RAAA. Climate has no temperature. There is no impact of any climate. Climate cannot change.
If you disagree, explain where in the theoretical process energy is created.
There is no additional energy.
Then no increase in temperature is possible. You need additional thermal energy to raise the temperature.
There is, theoretically, less energy escaping into space because rather than escaping into space, it's being absorbed/radiated by CO2.
Nope. You can't heat a warmer surface using a colder gas. Now you are ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics. You cannot reduce entropy in any system in any way. You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.
Correct, but temperature and measurement of temperature exists on earth.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. You are ignoring mathematics again.
Democratic socialism isn't the same as socialism. Democratic socialism(Bernie Sanders) really just means heavier wealth redistribution but the means of production are still privately owned and operated.

True socialism means the government own the means of production/businesses, which is why socialism is a recipe for failure - the government sucks at most everything it does.
"Democratic socialism" is Socialism. It just means that you get to elect the people who will screw you over through wealth confiscation, massive regulation, and oppressive meddling in the economy.

Democratic socialism is the same thing as statist capitalism. The means of production are left in private hands, but the government effectively runs the economy by determining what is produced and who will produce it. It tries to get the advantages of a capitalist system of actual production combined with a central authoritarian bureaucracy that controls what will be produced and by whom.

Wealth redistribution in whatever form it takes is always a regressive thing. The less anyone is capable of generating and accumulating great wealth, the less society can grow and advance. When government becomes the sole means of doing that, it's inefficiency and lack of personal investment in the system means it does a half-assed, sloppy job of everything in the economy.
No, they are all justifying the actions. This is not the first heinous act committed by White climate nazis.

Why do they do it?
For the same reason extremist right wing white Christian nationalists want to force their extremist un-American religious beliefs down everyone’s throat. They’re fucking morons…and they’re far, far more of those morons than left wing extremist environmentalists and unlike the environmentalists they are more than willing to kill to have their way.
Evil MY ASS!

It wasn't even PAINT, it was a liquid made of corn starch using a food color- THAT WILL DISAPPEAR THE FIRST TIME IT RAINS AGAIN!


For the same reason extremist right wing white Christian nationalists want to force their extremist un-American religious beliefs down everyone’s throat. They’re fucking morons…and they’re far, far more of those morons than left wing extremist environmentalists and unlike the environmentalists they are more than willing to kill to have their way.
Fake news :palm:

Why did white climate nazis attack Stone Henge?