White climate Nazis deface STONE HENGE - I will never support these self righteous authoritarian White Libs, They are pure EVIL

Democratic socialism isn't the same as socialism.
Yes it is.
Democratic socialism(Bernie Sanders) really just means heavier wealth redistribution
but the means of production are still privately owned and operated.
So you are claiming fascism instead...a stepping stone on the way to communism.

Socialism is based on theft of wealth.
True socialism means the government own the means of production/businesses, which is why socialism is a recipe for failure - the government sucks at most everything it does.
Communism is but one form of socialism. Fascism is also socialism.
Climate protesters spray orange paint over Stonehenge
AP News
https://apnews.com › article › stonehenge-vandalism-pa...
stonehenge defaced from apnews.com
23 hours ago — Two climate protesters were arrested after orange paint was sprayed on the ancient Stonehenge monument in southern England."

Rich White libs and AWFL's think this is funny. Nazi fucking bastards think they can control people and the climate. :palm:

AWFL = Affluent White Female Libtard
The overwhelming majority of environmentalists think they’re idiots too. So what’s your point? It’s not like liberals have cornered the market on stupidity. There’s plenty of that to go around.
You really should work on recognizing the difference between lying and simply being wrong about something.... especially since I admitted I was wrong.
Assumption of victory fallacy. Redefinition fallacy (communism<->socialism, fascism <!-> socialism).
What I was wrong about didn't change what I was saying. It seems very unlikely that I would lie about something that doesn't hurt my argument.

The question is whether or not you can admit you thought Democratic socialism and socialism are the same thing and were wrong.
Democrat socialism IS socialism. It is the SAME THING.
Except it is called "high level waste" by the NRC (HERE). The products include not only the original U but Cs-137 (which produces gammas) and Sr-90.

So it's not entirely alphas and betas.

You are downplaying a very serious issue.
What issue?
I have heard that proposed. It has never actually been done and probably has quite a few additional issues other than your flippant proposal would suggest.
Such as?
Can't solve problems by kicking the can down the road.
Kicking what can down the road?
That's how we got to where we are with storage facilities onsite at nuke plants now nearing capacity.
No, they aren't.
Let’s face it, the control of goods and services (GDP) with Socialism is just a tiny step from Communism, the ownership of goods and services.

Both have failed everywhere in the world and both are cancers on society.
Quite right. He is trying to justify fascism as 'not real socialism'. It is dead wrong. Fascism is one of the major forms of socialism.
Let’s face it, the control of goods and services (GDP) with Socialism is just a tiny step from Communism, the ownership of goods and services.

Both have failed everywhere in the world and both are cancers on society.
The reason is simple.

Socialism is based on theft of wealth. People don't want their wealth stolen, so any form of socialism, whether it's fascism, communism, or slavery, must be implemented by force (tyranny).
Waste can be managed. It'd be easier to manage than coal fly ash. The problem is that a combination of ignorance and fear is keeping it from happening. Instead of paving over thousands of square miles of land with solar panels and wind turbines, we could have compact reactors on a tiny footprint supplying all the power we need at a fraction of the cost. We'd only need limited fossil fuel--natural gas--to back that up for variable load while nuclear supplies about 80% of the power.

No need for a grotesquely expensive "smart grid." No need for energy storage. No massive waste problem from worn out wind turbine blades and solar panels.
Coal fly ash is a useful material. It can be made into cement for concrete and other masonry products.
Fossils are not used as fuel. Natural gas is not a fossil. It can be easily synthesized, or found in swamp, compost piles, oil wells, or wells specifically dug to obtain natural gas.
You're such a lazy idiot, the first link you posted (IPCC: the dirty tricks climate scientists faced in three decades since first report) is sympathetic to the side of climate change scientists, describing the dirty tricks they faced for years by deniers like the ones you shill for.
There is no such thing as a 'climate change scientist', since there is no such thing as 'climate change'. Climate cannot change.
Calling a priest a 'scientist' won't work.

Learn what a shill is. Buzzword fallacy.
So you're either too lazy to actually read the sources you post or you're not smart enough to grasp what you're reading.
Your sources are bullshit.

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
It is not possible to measure the global atmospheric content of CO2 or any other gas or vapor.
Either way, you're a dumbass who fails to make the case you think you are.

But thanks for posting that link which backs up your opponents argument. :thup:

Assumption of victory fallacy. Insult fallacies.
1. Diversion of nuclear materials
To what or who? What good would it do them?
2. Catastrophic meltdowns rendering regions uninhabitable for generations. (only takes one to fuck up a pretty large area)
Nope. Only one meltdown occurred in a populated area and that was caused by a tsunami. Cleaning up the wreckage is proving more difficult than anticipated, but Tokyo is still there and people still happily fish in the sea. The only people injured at that event were working in the plant at the time.
That should be sufficient.
Your stupid fears are based on ignorance.
Yes it is.


So you are claiming fascism instead...a stepping stone on the way to communism.

Socialism is based on theft of wealth.

Communism is but one form of socialism. Fascism is also socialism.
Google is your friend. You can educate yourself on the differences between the three. For example:

Communism - the government owns the means of production

Socialism - the public owns the means of production

Democratic Socialism - the means of production are privately owned
Climate cannot change.
Yes it can.
CO2 has NO affect on climate.
more than likely can.[/QUOTE]
CO2 also has no capability to warm the Earth. [/QUOTE] It probably can.
You cannot create energy out of nothing.
You can't destroy energy when it's convenient for you.
You are still ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.

You mean the law of conservation of energy? No. That would be you.
I don't support vandalism as a form of protest, but saying these two people are "pure evil" for spraying painting nicely formed and displayed stones seems a little excessive.

I can think of some members of the Catholic church that are much closer to pure evil.
Catholic popes Biden & Pelosi are pure evil. I'm not sure what that has to do with Stone Henge. :dunno:

Nice of you to justify, and attempt to minimize, the defacing of an ancient historic site that is sacred to most of humankind. I expect nothing less of a leftist animal.