White climate Nazis deface STONE HENGE - I will never support these self righteous authoritarian White Libs, They are pure EVIL

That's all you got? Seriously? You don't know much about the science, so I guess just random shitposting is all you are left with.

Try something new and original: take a science class.
It’s a Russian bot hole

Putin doesn’t hire the brightest Russians

They snuck out of the nation
You are an uninformed fool.

List of Socialists in Congress:

Democratic socialism isn't the same as socialism. Democratic socialism(Bernie Sanders) really just means heavier wealth redistribution but the means of production are still privately owned and operated.

True socialism means the government own the means of production/businesses, which is why socialism is a recipe for failure - the government sucks at most everything it does.
Democratic socialism isn't the same as socialism. Democratic socialism(Bernie Sanders) really just means heavier wealth redistribution but the means of production are still privately owned and operated.

True socialism means the government own the means of production/businesses, which is why socialism is a recipe for failure - the government sucks at most everything it does.
No, Socialism is the control of goods and services. Communism is the ownership of goods and services.

So, a wet duck isn’t a duck. Too funny.

I posted the list of Socialists in Congress. You were wrong.
There are differences between socialism and communism, however. In fact, communism can be thought of as a strict and all-encompassing version of socialism. Under communism, all property is communally owned; private property doesn't exist. Under socialism, individuals can still own private property

A simple Google search but I learned about these two cancers, Socialism and Communism, in college,
No, Socialism is the control of goods and services. Communism is the ownership of goods and services.

So, a wet duck isn’t a duck. Too funny.n

I posted the list of Socialists in Congress. You were wrong.
You may be right about the government ownership being communism and public ownership being socialism. Either way, The people you listed are a part of a Democratic Socialist group, like Bernie Sanders. Democratic socialism just means heavier wealth redistribution, often through taxation. It is very, very different than socialism.
You may be right about the government ownership being communism and public ownership being socialism. Either way, The people you listed are a part of a Democratic Socialist group, like Bernie Sanders. Democratic socialism just means heavier wealth redistribution, often through taxation. It is very, very different than socialism.
So, you admit that you were wrong, Socialism does not involve the ownership of goods and services.

So, a Socialist Democrat isn’t a Socialist. It’s a Democrat who is a Socialist.

A wet duck isn’t a duck, it’s just a duck that is wet. Too funny. A dead duck isn’t a duck, it’s just a duck that is dead.

You should quit while you are behind.
So, you admit that you were wrong, Socialism does not involve the ownership of goods and services.
It involves the public ownership of business, not private or government owned, so yes I was wrong.
I've had no reason to refresh my memory on the differences between communism and socialism. Why would I or anyone?
So, a Socialist Democrat isn’t a Socialist. It’s a Democrat who is a Socialist.

A wet duck isn’t a duck, it’s just a duck that is wet. Too funny. A dead duck isn’t a duck, it’s just a duck that is dead.

You should quit while you are behind.
Democratic Socialism keep ownership private, not government or public/workers, meaning that Democratic Socialism keeps capitalism in place. Socialism, in its true form, doesn't allow for capitalism.
It involves the public ownership of business, not private or government owned, so yes I was wrong.
I've had no reason to refresh my memory on the differences between communism and socialism. Why would I or anyone?
Democratic Socialism keep ownership private, not government or public/workers, meaning that Democratic Socialism keeps capitalism in place. Socialism, in its true form, doesn't allow for capitalism.
“True socialism means the government own the means of production/businesses, which is why socialism is a recipe for failure - the government sucks at most everything it does.”

This is a lie.

Troll elsewhere.
“True socialism means the government own the means of production/businesses, which is why socialism is a recipe for failure - the government sucks at most everything it does.”

This is a lie.

Troll elsewhere.
You really should work on recognizing the difference between lying and simply being wrong about something.... especially since I admitted I was wrong.

What I was wrong about didn't change what I was saying. It seems very unlikely that I would lie about something that doesn't hurt my argument.

The question is whether or not you can admit you thought Democratic socialism and socialism are the same thing and were wrong.

Nuclear waste is entirely low-level alpha and beta radiation.

Except it is called "high level waste" by the NRC (HERE). The products include not only the original U but Cs-137 (which produces gammas) and Sr-90.

So it's not entirely alphas and betas.

It is hardly some existential threat.

You are downplaying a very serious issue.

You could dump it on an oceanic trench / tectonic plate and let it be churned back into the planet over a few centuries to millennia.

I have heard that proposed. It has never actually been done and probably has quite a few additional issues other than your flippant proposal would suggest.

Aside from that, if there's enough of it, somebody will find a profitable way to utilize it for something.

Can't solve problems by kicking the can down the road. That's how we got to where we are with storage facilities onsite at nuke plants now nearing capacity.
You really should work on recognizing the difference between lying and simply being wrong about something.... especially since I admitted I was wrong.

What I was wrong about didn't change what I was saying. It seems very unlikely that I would lie about something that doesn't hurt my argument.

The question is whether or not you can admit you thought Democratic socialism and socialism are the same thing and were wrong.
Yes, you were wrong to lie, now move along. I’ve wasted enough time tutoring you…free of charge.
Except it is called "high level waste" by the NRC (HERE). The products include not only the original U but Cs-137 (which produces gammas) and Sr-90.

So it's not entirely alphas and betas.

You are downplaying a very serious issue.

I have heard that proposed. It has never actually been done and probably has quite a few additional issues other than your flippant proposal would suggest.

Can't solve problems by kicking the can down the road. That's how we got to where we are with storage facilities onsite at nuke plants now nearing capacity.
It gives off some gamma as each fragment decays, but the decay rate is so low that it isn't like deadly dangerous. It is simply sufficient that some precautions related to exposure and exposure time have to be taken to meet allowed levels of exposure.

I am being realistic about the issue. You are the one that is hyperbolic over it.

As for oceanic burial...

And a real case of the US back in the 50's sinking a ship full of radioactive waste off California

As for storage...

All of the nuclear waste in the US today would fit inside a super Walmart (sans containers etc.). The problem is manageable, but fear mongering and ignorance are keeping anything permanent from happening.
You're the expert on that being a dumb redneck, so you go ahead and explain it...
So you're admitting that your comment about climate change being based on bullshit science was itself bullshit, because you have no idea whatsoever about the science behind it, so you choose instead to just parrot whatever the rest of the clueless rednecks of the right are regurgitating.

Got it.
It gives off some gamma as each fragment decays, but the decay rate is so low that it isn't like deadly dangerous. It is simply sufficient that some precautions related to exposure and exposure time have to be taken to meet allowed levels of exposure.

I am being realistic about the issue. You are the one that is hyperbolic over it.

I'm hardly hyperbolic. Please. I merely noted a longstanding and quite generally accepted issue with nuclear power. As I noted earlier I am in agreement with you that nuclear is probably the best, most scalable system to move us off of fossil fuels for electricity generation.

Let’s face it, the control of goods and services (GDP) with Socialism is just a tiny step from Communism, the ownership of goods and services.

Both have failed everywhere in the world and both are cancers on society.