White climate Nazis deface STONE HENGE - I will never support these self righteous authoritarian White Libs, They are pure EVIL

Cite your evidence

The IPCC reports are as much political as scientific. What's included and left out is negotiated on a political basis. They have a political agenda.

We have discussed the implications of the IPCC’s failure to adequately ingest new literature—a failure that results partially from the cumbersome IPCC process and partly because the IPCC doesn’t want to include some findings that run counter to its storylines. The major implication being, of course, that the IPCC reports mislead policymakers around the world, which has a trickle‐down effect on all of us who are subject to any resulting policies.

The IPCC is about politics using Gorebal Warming as an excuse to call for giving the UN and governments more and more power and more and more money. The "science" they use is not about being objective, it's about gaining political power and nothing else.
So you're admitting that your comment about climate change being based on bullshit science was itself bullshit, because you have no idea whatsoever about the science behind it, so you choose instead to just parrot whatever the rest of the clueless rednecks of the right are regurgitating.

Got it.
Wrong, but you can believe what you want to believe since ad hominem is not a useful response, and that's all you have.
I'm hardly hyperbolic. Please. I merely noted a longstanding and quite generally accepted issue with nuclear power. As I noted earlier I am in agreement with you that nuclear is probably the best, most scalable system to move us off of fossil fuels for electricity generation.
Waste can be managed. It'd be easier to manage than coal fly ash. The problem is that a combination of ignorance and fear is keeping it from happening. Instead of paving over thousands of square miles of land with solar panels and wind turbines, we could have compact reactors on a tiny footprint supplying all the power we need at a fraction of the cost. We'd only need limited fossil fuel--natural gas--to back that up for variable load while nuclear supplies about 80% of the power.

No need for a grotesquely expensive "smart grid." No need for energy storage. No massive waste problem from worn out wind turbine blades and solar panels.
The IPCC reports are as much political as scientific. What's included and left out is negotiated on a political basis. They have a political agenda.

We have discussed the implications of the IPCC’s failure to adequately ingest new literature—a failure that results partially from the cumbersome IPCC process and partly because the IPCC doesn’t want to include some findings that run counter to its storylines. The major implication being, of course, that the IPCC reports mislead policymakers around the world, which has a trickle‐down effect on all of us who are subject to any resulting policies.

The IPCC is about politics using Gorebal Warming as an excuse to call for giving the UN and governments more and more power and more and more money. The "science" they use is not about being objective, it's about gaining political power and nothing else.
You're such a lazy idiot, the first link you posted (IPCC: the dirty tricks climate scientists faced in three decades since first report) is sympathetic to the side of climate change scientists, describing the dirty tricks they faced for years by deniers like the ones you shill for.

So you're either too lazy to actually read the sources you post or you're not smart enough to grasp what you're reading.

Either way, you're a dumbass who fails to make the case you think you are.

But thanks for posting that link which backs up your opponents argument. :thup:

You idiots always bring up private jets when we talk about this topic. Understand that that is not where the majority of carbon pollution is coming from and that yes, we want it addressed too. Air travel pollutes a lot, but you can't attend a funeral by video conference. Are you going to stop flying by plane when you have >1,000 miles to travel? Technology will improve (think cars), but the big bite of the elephant is power plants.
Carbon isn't pollution. Carbon dioxide isn't pollution.
You raging pussy. The "paint" was cornstarch. It was still a disgusting act of vandalism, but those people don't represent the movement.

The rest of your inane rants on this page were exactly why I have you on Ignore. I just wanted to see how badly Obten beat your brainless ass and how embarrassing your ignorance affected the rest of the fake conservatives. Mission(s) accomplished.
You obviously don't have him on ignore. You are responding to him! Now you even lie about your cowardice! :laugh:
And the way to fix the power plant problem is going nuclear. Hands down and by streets and laps ahead of the competition, nuclear would reduce CO2 the quickest and easiest, along with making electricity remain low cost.
There is no no need to reduce CO2. This naturally occurring gas is absolutely essential for life on Earth. It is not a pollutant.
That's only because people with no clue, like Leftist envirotards, won't let the solutions happen. You reprocess the fuel rods then store the waste in casks in places like Yucca Mountain where it can sit for eternity. After the first few months, on removal from a reactor all you have left are the long-term alpha and beta decay radioactives that pose little threat and are easily cleaned up.

Radioactive waste is less of a problem than fly ash from coal plants.


Oh, you do know that that stuff is radioactive too, don't you?

You can reprocess the rods and use them in a different type of reactor. The material is still radioactive, after all. Might as well use it!
Well, don't keep it a secret. Please, give us your definition of Socialism.
He won't. He just want's to say everyone else is wrong (an argument of the Stone, a fallacy).

There are two major economic systems; capitalism, and socialism.

Capitalism is the voluntary production of products and services that are volunarily sold at the price agreed upon between the buyer (customer) and seller (producer). It is the only economic system that creates wealth. Anyone can play. All you need is innovation and/or drive. It is the only system that can bring people out of poverty (reduce poverty). This is the system that conservatives want. It requires no government to manage it. It is self 'managing'. Those that are poor producers will simply not succeed as well as those that are better producers.

Even an employee at a company is socialism. He voluntarily works there. He voluntarily accepted the agreed upon price (wage). He can leave anytime he is dissatisfied with either. Nothing stops him from finding another job or even going out and starting his own business except his own innovation and drive.

Socialism is an enforced 'sharing' system that is based on theft of wealth. It does not create wealth. Indeed, it cannot exist without capitalism to steal from. It comes in three major forms; all supported, incidentally by Democrats. It comes in three major forms; fascism, communism, and slavery.

Fascism (using that term, which was coined by the dictator Mussolini in italy, but which has always existed as long as there have been governments) is government manipulation of markets. In other words, it's 'managing' the market. Examples of fascism include price controls (including wage controls and minimum wage laws), dictates about what product you cannot or must create, hours of operation, who you can fire, who you can hire (government racism and bigotry laws such as Affirmative Action laws and the so-called 'Equal Opportunity' laws (which are really just government imposed racism and bigotry again), and even where you are allowed to operate your business (zoning laws).

The reason fascism doesn't work is because the government has the audacity to declare it knows the market better than you do. Since government produces nothing, it has no clue. Any 'management' is effectively closing the barn doors after the horses have long gone.

Karl Marx described fascism as a stepping stone on the road to communism in his writings. He was, of course, a socialist.

Communism has also been around as long as governments. Communism is government ownership of markets. In other words, government welfare programs, which takes money by force from producers and gives it to nonproducers (including the government itself, which takes a hefty skim for itself!). Examples of these are the Federal Reserve, Chinese concrete, asphalt, and steel markets, Obamacare government health insurance, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Agricultural welfare programs, etc. This is also sometimes described as a 'managed' economy, but in reality that economy is OWNED by the government and not managed at all, except by twits in government that have no clue what they're doing, and have no market forces or customer needs to satisfy. 'Customers' are often made slaves to that government owned market.

Democrats try to classify communism as 'charity'. This is an egregious error. Communism is THEFT of wealth. Charity is the VOLUNTARY sharing of wealth and is done out love for your fellow man. One is compulsion. One is voluntary.

The 3rd major form of socialism is slavery. This is simply theft of labor. The slave does not get to benefit from his labor. The Master takes all. The Master does provide the slave with food and housing (most of the time), but usually under terrible and even criminal conditions.

Capitalism exists in all nations. It is also the basis of international trade.
Fascism exists in all nations. It is also the basis of 'managed' economies.
Slavery exists in most nations (including the United States, illegally).

The difference between capitalism and socialism is clear. Capitalism is about choice. Socialism is about compulsion.
Explain to the board how a dumb redneck would know the difference between bullshit science and real science?
The 1st law of thermodynamics (which you ignore):
E(t+1) = E(t) - U where 'E' is energy, 't' is time, and 'U' is work (or force applied over time).

'Climate change' is not science. Climate cannot change. There is no such thing as a global climate.
Global Warming is not science. it is a religion. It routinely claims that some Holy Gas (typically CO2 or methane) can somehow create energy out of nothing. That is simply not possible.

That's a start.

Theories of science are just that. Theories that are falsifiable, but have not yet been falsified.

Now about that 'dumb redneck':

That 'dumb redneck' produces the food you eat, the power you use, the water you drink and bath in and do your laundry in. They literally feed the world. They have to fix and even build their own equipment, and often build their own houses and/or outbuilding as well. They built your house, apartment, condo, and the other buildings all over the city. In other words, they make your city life possible. You are completely dependent on them!

You think that's 'dumb and uneducated'. But to do what they do, they know geometry, agriculture, meteorology, chemistry, and biology FAR better than you do, AND they can apply what they know! Unlike you, they also know that you cannot create energy out of nothing.

What has your bigotry accomplished? N o t h i n g!
We are currently in only Earth's 3rd ICEHOUSE. The Earth hasn't been THIS COLD in 260 million years!
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. No one can say what Earth was like 260 million years ago.
Natural forcings are NOT understood. Milankovitch Cycles predict 40K year glacial cycles. For the last 2 million years, our glaciation cycles have happened approximately every 100K years.
No one can say what Earth was like 2 million years ago.
We can not measure the heat contained in the oceans.
We don't understand deep water currents.
We actually do. As long as there is a difference of temperature from one part of the ocean to another, there WILL be currents.
We can only estimate that they have 1,000 year cycles. IIRC, about 950,000 years ago, the ocean circulation slowed causing the Earth to skip an interglacial.
No one can describe the ocean currents of 950,000 years ago.
Clearly, the deep currents affect the climate, too.
Climate cannot change. Climate isn't a current and climate has no temperature.
Plankton can actually create their own weather. Plankton are massive Carbon sequesters. Plankton populations have fallen in half since 1950.
Carbon is not 'sequestered'. Carbon is an element. Carbon dioxide is not carbon.
The impact of the great decimation of the whale population over the last 500 years is unknown.
Yes it is. Less whales. Fortunately, the whales were saved by Big Oil. We don't need whales for oil lamps anymore.
The impact (reduction in dust) of the decimation of herds of large land animals is unknown. The cause of Little Ice Age is unproved speculation. It is unknown.
The so-called 'Little Ice Age' affected only England and Europe. That is not the world.
NASA has admitted that they do not understand the impact of CLOUDS (water vapor).
Clouds are not water vapor. Clouds are liquid water or ice. No cloud has the capability to warm or cool the Earth.
They just fudge the numbers in order to get the flawed computer models to produce the desired results.
How do you know they are flawed? It's not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. You have nothing to compare to in order to determine a 'flaw'. In other words, ALL computers models of this sort are nothing more than random number generators.
I don't support vandalism as a form of protest,
Blatant lie. You cannot deny your own posts.
but saying these two people are "pure evil" for spraying painting nicely formed and displayed stones seems a little excessive.
It is pure evil.

It is complete disregard for the historic nature of these stones, and even why they were laid out the way they are.
I can think of some members of the Catholic church that are much closer to pure evil.
There is no 'best'.