White climate Nazis deface STONE HENGE - I will never support these self righteous authoritarian White Libs, They are pure EVIL

Oh you didn't hear? Yucca Mtn isn't going to be the long term storage solution we thought it would.

Geologic storage of these things will be fraught not just from the inherent issues with geo storage but with issues of transportation of high level radioactive waste through towns.

Probably not far off. Flyash is some pretty nasty stuff, as is the original coal. And I say that as someone who loves coal (studied it for my doctorate), but gosh ahmighty it's a dirty and horrible fuel. Time to move off of it.

Yes I do. Coal contains a truckload of some of the worst stuff in it that the Periodic Table can provide.

Nuclear waste is entirely low-level alpha and beta radiation. It is hardly some existential threat. You could dump it on an oceanic trench / tectonic plate and let it be churned back into the planet over a few centuries to millennia. Aside from that, if there's enough of it, somebody will find a profitable way to utilize it for something.

That's far better than...


The bulldozer covering those used wind turbine blades is the size of a house...
You are medically stupid. The fight against climate change is a good cause. Not everyone involved in it vandalizes/damages. What Obten tried to explain to is that if you can't separate Unite the Right from the neo-Nazis who committed murder that day, then you're a hypocrite.
Who hasn't heard about the CO2 hoax? Globalist Gov'ts have been indoctrinating the public for more than 2 decades.

Unite the right and neo nazis are the same. :palm:
It's called the ALT right for a reason. It does not represent the right.

And it is you socialist democrats that are on campuses and on the streets daily, in mass numbers, raging against the Jews. Charlottesville is a tiny 'one off' blip in comparison to the massive Democrat rage.

White supremacist Richard Spencer votes for Joe Biden[URL]https://www.dailymail.co.uk[/url] › news › article-8912091
Nov 4, 2020 — White supremacist Richard Spencer, known for popularising the term 'alt-right', posted a picture of his ballot paper saying 'To hell with ...

EDITORIAL: A racist's endorsement of Biden comes as no ...[URL]https://gazette.com[/url] › opinion › editorial-a-racists-endorse...
Aug 26, 2020 — Neo-Nazi white supremacist Richard Spencer wholeheartedly endorses Joe Biden for president. This should surprise no one familiar with Biden ..."

Spencer is a bit slow. It took him a long time to figure out the Dem media lied to him about Donald Trump being a lifelong neo nazi skinhead.

How long will it take you? :dunno:
Climate protesters spray orange paint over Stonehenge
AP News
https://apnews.com › article › stonehenge-vandalism-pa...
stonehenge defaced from apnews.com
23 hours ago — Two climate protesters were arrested after orange paint was sprayed on the ancient Stonehenge monument in southern England."

Rich White libs and AWFL's think this is funny. Nazi fucking bastards think they can control people and the climate. :palm:

AWFL = Affluent White Female Libtard

You idiots always bring up private jets when we talk about this topic. Understand that that is not where the majority of carbon pollution is coming from and that yes, we want it addressed too. Air travel pollutes a lot, but you can't attend a funeral by video conference. Are you going to stop flying by plane when you have >1,000 miles to travel? Technology will improve (think cars), but the big bite of the elephant is power plants.
The climate czars threaten us with "eternal hell fire" if we don't bow to them.

In summary, if you are middle class, poor, or a 3rd world POC, then ...
No cheap energy
No cheap food
No home ownership

If you are wealthy, and can AFFORD to PAY the czars an offset carbon tax, then you can use all the fossil fuels your little heart desires.
Explain to the board how a dumb redneck would know the difference between bullshit science and real science?
We are currently in only Earth's 3rd ICEHOUSE. The Earth hasn't been THIS COLD in 260 million years!

Natural forcings are NOT understood. Milankovitch Cycles predict 40K year glacial cycles. For the last 2 million years, our glaciation cycles have happened approximately every 100K years.

We can not measure the heat contained in the oceans. We don't understand deep water currents. We can only estimate that they have 1,000 year cycles. IIRC, about 950,000 years ago, the ocean circulation slowed causing the Earth to skip an interglacial. Clearly, the deep currents affect the climate, too.

Plankton can actually create their own weather. Plankton are massive Carbon sequesters. Plankton populations have fallen in half since 1950.

The impact of the great decimation of the whale population over the last 500 years is unknown. The impact (reduction in dust) of the decimation of herds of large land animals is unknown. The cause of Little Ice Age is unproved speculation. It is unknown.
Explain to the board how a dumb redneck would know the difference between bullshit science and real science?
NASA has admitted that they do not understand the impact of CLOUDS (water vapor). They just fudge the numbers in order to get the flawed computer models to produce the desired results.
We are currently in only Earth's 3rd ICEHOUSE. The Earth hasn't been THIS COLD in 260 million years!

Natural forcings are NOT understood. Milankovitch Cycles predict 40K year glacial cycles. For the last 2 million years, our glaciation cycles have happened approximately every 100K years.

We can not measure the heat contained in the oceans. We don't understand deep water currents. We can only estimate that they have 1,000 year cycles. IIRC, about 950,000 years ago, the ocean circulation slowed causing the Earth to skip an interglacial. Clearly, the deep currents affect the climate, too.

Plankton can actually create their own weather. Plankton are massive Carbon sequesters. Plankton populations have fallen in half since 1950.

The impact of the great decimation of the whale population over the last 500 years is unknown. The impact (reduction in dust) of the decimation of herds of large land animals is unknown. The cause of Little Ice Age is unproved speculation. It is unknown.
NASA calls bullshit on your regurgitated false information.
What, specifically do I not understand:

1. CO2 is a known greenhouse gas (known since 1850)
2. We know the increase in atmospheric CO2 right now is due largely to human activity (12-C/13-C isotope values)
3. Natural forcings are insufficient to explain the increased warming but when you include human forcings (eg greenhouse gas emissions, land use changes, etc.) the data makes sense.

Which part am I missing?
Co2 is not a pollutant. it's vital for all plant life.

you been hoodwinked by a lot of mathematical houses of cards into believe in genocide.

the Nazis started the enivironmental movement as a backdoor pathway into eugenics praxis.

and they just like backdoors.
Environmentalism's Racist History | The New Yorker
https://www.newyorker.com › news › news-desk › environmentalisms-racist-history
Gifford Pinchot, the country's foremost theorizer and popularizer of conservation, was a delegate to the first and second International Eugenics Congress, in 1912 and 1921, and a member of the ...
Videos for environmentalism and eugenics movement
The Eugenics Crusade | PBS America
Eugenics Movement in America
A History of Eugenics
A Dangerous Idea: The History of Eugenics in America (HD)
The Man Behind American Eugenics | The Eugenics Crusade
Eugenics in America: Then & Now
Eugenics and Francis Galton: Crash Course History of Science…
The Origins of Eugenics in America | The U.S. and the Holocaust | PBS
A Dangerous Idea: The History of Eugenics in America
The U.S. and the Holocaust:The Rise of Eugenics in America Season 1…
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"Culling the Herd": Eugenics and the Conservation Movement in the ...
https://openscholarship.wustl.edu › cgi › viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=bio_facpubs
Yosemite and Sequoia, 1890). Eugenics also had its roots in the late nineteenth century, with Galton's coining of the term in 1883, if not actually establishing an organized movement at that time.9 While environmental legislation persisted from 9 Galton, 1883, p. 25. n. As Galton put it, "[the purpose of eugenics] is to express the science of
The far-right's vision of environmentalism has long roots in the U.S ...
https://www.npr.org › 2022 › 04 › 01 › 1089990539 › climate-change-politics
Apr 1, 2022The modern environmental movement and the far-right movement might appear to be on opposing sides of the political ideology spectrum. But overlap does exist and researchers say it's growing.
"Culling the Herd": Eugenics and the Conservation Movement in the ...
https://link.springer.com › article › 10.1007 › s10739-011-9317-1
While from a late twentieth- and early twenty-first century perspective, the ideologies of eugenics (controlled reproduction to eliminate the genetically unfit and promote the reproduction of the genetically fit) and environmental conservation and preservation, may seem incompatible, they were promoted simultaneously by a number of figures in the progressive era in the decades between 1900 and ...
Orion Magazine - Conservation and Eugenics
https://orionmagazine.org › article › conservation-and-eugenics
I think that many of the failures of the environmental movement can be traced to an excessive reliance on the use of government power, a habit that comes to us from the progressive era. Eugenics was an outstanding example of that excess. The alternative, from other cultural traditions, relies more on the power of individuals and communities.
A Darker Shade of Green: Environmentalism's Origins in Eugenics
https://capitalresearch.org › article › a-darker-shade-of-green-environmentalisms-origins-in-eugenics
The environmentalist movement of the 1960s was born in the ashes of the eugenics craze, the period from the 1890s to the 1940s when Progressives attempted to remake America by preventing the genetically "inferior" from having children. Eugenics was embraced by Progressives and many liberals as the way of the future.
Legacies of eugenics: confronting the past, forging a future
https://www.tandfonline.com › doi › full › 10.1080 › 01419870.2022.2095222
Jul 20, 2022Eugenicists emphasized that multiple hereditarian and environmental factors determined human behaviour. Gradually, they began to promote themselves as society's moral guardians, promoting sexual control, ... This is not to say that eugenics was an incoherent movement. Since societies across the world were developing and changing, eugenics ...
Eugenics - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Eugenics
The eugenics movement became associated with Nazi Germany and the Holocaust when the defense of many of the defendants at the Nuremberg trials of 1945 to 1946 attempted to justify their human-rights abuses by claiming there was little ... Environmental ethicist Bill McKibben argued against germinal choice technology and other advanced ...
How a network of conservationists and population control activists ...
https://www.sciencedirect.com › science › article › pii › S0160932715200622
Continuing historical narratives of the early twentieth century nexus of conservationism, eugenics, and nativism (exemplified by Madison Grant), this paper traces the history of the contemporary US anti-immigration movement's roots in environmentalism and global population control activism, through an exploration of the thoughts and activities of the activist, John Tanton, who has been called ...
Conservation and Eugenics - The New York Times
https://archive.nytimes.com › ideas.blogs.nytimes.com › 2010 › 06 › 30 › conservation-and-eugenics
Jun 30, 2010Conservation and Eugenics. June 30, 2010 6:37 am. Today's idea: America's conservation movement drew on racist notions of eugenics developed at Ivy League universities and promoted under President Theodore Roosevelt, an article says. Environment | In Orion Magazine, Charles Wohlforth takes on the "environmental movement's dirty secret ...
Searches related to environmentalism and eugenics movement

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Climate protesters spray orange paint over Stonehenge
AP News
https://apnews.com › article › stonehenge-vandalism-pa...
stonehenge defaced from apnews.com
23 hours ago — Two climate protesters were arrested after orange paint was sprayed on the ancient Stonehenge monument in southern England."

Rich White libs and AWFL's think this is funny. Nazi fucking bastards think they can control people and the climate. :palm:

AWFL = Affluent White Female Libtard
I don't support vandalism as a form of protest, but saying these two people are "pure evil" for spraying painting nicely formed and displayed stones seems a little excessive.

I can think of some members of the Catholic church that are much closer to pure evil.

Paint can be removed from stone

Raped children can not be unraped

Why is the Republican Party dripping in pedophiles?

Why don’t you want to discuss that?