White climate Nazis deface STONE HENGE - I will never support these self righteous authoritarian White Libs, They are pure EVIL

It is possible to measure the temperature of the earth.

Carbon is not CO2

If the earth didn't have a gaseous atmosphere, humans wouldn't exist. If the atmosphere of the earth was made up of different gasses, in different concentrations, we also wouldn't exist.

So, gases do impact the temperature of the atmosphere above the Earth's surface.....which is where temperature is measured.
No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. You are still denying the 1st law of thermodynamics and statistical mathematics.
Cracka pleez,

You immediately justified their actions by calling it a "good cause". :palm:

In your world, only the Rich can AFFORD to pollute. Fuck the poor and middle class is the REAL elitist socialist motto.
You are medically stupid. The fight against climate change is a good cause. Not everyone involved in it vandalizes/damages. What Obten tried to explain to is that if you can't separate Unite the Right from the neo-Nazis who committed murder that day, then you're a hypocrite.
How very Machiavellian of you. IT is NOT a good cause.

When will you demand the world's climate czars stop flying private jets and have video conferences instead? NEVER.
You idiots always bring up private jets when we talk about this topic. Understand that that is not where the majority of carbon pollution is coming from and that yes, we want it addressed too. Air travel pollutes a lot, but you can't attend a funeral by video conference. Are you going to stop flying by plane when you have >1,000 miles to travel? Technology will improve (think cars), but the big bite of the elephant is power plants.
good......then I will expect to see major changes in your posting from now on.......unless your protestations are merely fluorescent orange paint intended to hide something......
You raging pussy. The "paint" was cornstarch. It was still a disgusting act of vandalism, but those people don't represent the movement.

The rest of your inane rants on this page were exactly why I have you on Ignore. I just wanted to see how badly Obten beat your brainless ass and how embarrassing your ignorance affected the rest of the fake conservatives. Mission(s) accomplished.
What gets me is a bunch of climate change weenies got together and thought about what they could do address the problem of climate change and the only thing they could think of to do was spray paint Stonehenge. It would be funny if it didn't highlight their idiocy and their incompetence.
I know, right? Remember when the public education system in Louisiana failed and the Republican legislature's response was to require a paper poster with the Ten Commandments printed on it displayed in every classroom in the state? "Let's put up some Jesus paper to a bunch of illiterate children who can't read it anyway. Cuz Fuck Libs!"

It's not funny at all, but it does highlight their idiocy and their incompetence.
I still think Volkswagen had the ultimate response to these fucktards...

The protesters glued themselves to the floor of the Volkswagen factory visitor's facility so Volkswagen got everybody else out, turned off the lights and heat, and locked the doors...

The morons (it'd be insulting to call them protesters) whined that VW wouldn't even give them a bowl or bucket to defecate in...
You idiots always bring up private jets when we talk about this topic. Understand that that is not where the majority of carbon pollution is coming from and that yes, we want it addressed too. Air travel pollutes a lot, but you can't attend a funeral by video conference. Are you going to stop flying by plane when you have >1,000 miles to travel? Technology will improve (think cars), but the big bite of the elephant is power plants.
And the way to fix the power plant problem is going nuclear. Hands down and by streets and laps ahead of the competition, nuclear would reduce CO2 the quickest and easiest, along with making electricity remain low cost.
And the way to fix the power plant problem is going nuclear. Hands down and by streets and laps ahead of the competition, nuclear would reduce CO2 the quickest and easiest, along with making electricity remain low cost.
Would you mind a nuclear plant in your backyard?
And the way to fix the power plant problem is going nuclear. Hands down and by streets and laps ahead of the competition, nuclear would reduce CO2 the quickest and easiest, along with making electricity remain low cost.

Generally agreed but there's still the unanswered problem of what to do with all the waste. Oh yeah and with increased use across the globe it means increasing the probability of something going horribly horribly wrong.
Generally agreed but there's still the unanswered problem of what to do with all the waste. Oh yeah and with increased use across the globe it means increasing the probability of something going horribly horribly wrong.

That's only because people with no clue, like Leftist envirotards, won't let the solutions happen. You reprocess the fuel rods then store the waste in casks in places like Yucca Mountain where it can sit for eternity. After the first few months, on removal from a reactor all you have left are the long-term alpha and beta decay radioactives that pose little threat and are easily cleaned up.

Radioactive waste is less of a problem than fly ash from coal plants.


Oh, you do know that that stuff is radioactive too, don't you?

That's only because people with no clue, like Leftist envirotards, won't let the solutions happen. You reprocess the fuel rods then store the waste in casks in places like Yucca Mountain where it can sit for eternity.

Oh you didn't hear? Yucca Mtn isn't going to be the long term storage solution we thought it would.

Geologic storage of these things will be fraught not just from the inherent issues with geo storage but with issues of transportation of high level radioactive waste through towns.

Radioactive waste is less of a problem than fly ash from coal plants.

Probably not far off. Flyash is some pretty nasty stuff, as is the original coal. And I say that as someone who loves coal (studied it for my doctorate), but gosh ahmighty it's a dirty and horrible fuel. Time to move off of it.

Oh, you do know that that stuff is radioactive too, don't you?

Yes I do. Coal contains a truckload of some of the worst stuff in it that the Periodic Table can provide.

I see. I assume this response was directed at me. Interesting cost-benefit analysis you have, but I suspect it's more political than pragmatic.
Fine by me! Hell, I could get a job there running the plant (operator not management) and it would be a short commute!
I see. I assume this response was directed at me. Interesting cost-benefit analysis you have, but I suspect it's more political than pragmatic.