White climate Nazis deface STONE HENGE - I will never support these self righteous authoritarian White Libs, They are pure EVIL

Actually, it's you that doesn't know much about science, and yes, "climate change" as proposed by the IPCC is mostly bullshit science.

What, specifically do I not understand:

1. CO2 is a known greenhouse gas (known since 1850)
2. We know the increase in atmospheric CO2 right now is due largely to human activity (12-C/13-C isotope values)
3. Natural forcings are insufficient to explain the increased warming but when you include human forcings (eg greenhouse gas emissions, land use changes, etc.) the data makes sense.

Which part am I missing?
What, specifically do I not understand:

1. CO2 is a known greenhouse gas (known since 1850)
2. We know the increase in atmospheric CO2 right now is due largely to human activity (12-C/13-C isotope values)
3. Natural forcings are insufficient to explain the increased warming but when you include human forcings (eg greenhouse gas emissions, land use changes, etc.) the data makes sense.

Which part am I missing?
Water vapor is a known greenhouse gas.
Methane is a known greenhouse gas.

Increasing CO2 from next to nonexistent to slightly more than nonexistent is irrelevant.

The entirety of the northern hemisphere where most anthropogenic warming is attributed is covered by a thin layer of contrails from jet aircraft 24/7 365 and water vapor is a far more effective as a greenhouse gas than CO2 is. Also, contrails have only been around since the 1930's and have increased exponentially since. But nobody's paying for contrail research... Go figure...

Then toss in that most climate measuring stations are in increasingly urban areas where urban heat island effect is occurring, and you get yet another issue that isn't being accounted for.

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Water vapor is a known greenhouse gas.

And excess water vapor can be quickly re-equilibrated out of the system through precipitation. It is considered by scientists to be more related to feedback than direct forcing.

Methane is a known greenhouse gas.

Yes, a much, much worse greenhouse gas.

Increasing CO2 from next to nonexistent to slightly more than nonexistent is irrelevant.

I can name probably a dozen chemicals that in teeeeeeensy tiny doses can do great damage. Your personal incredulity at small numbers doesn't really mean anything.

The entirety of the northern hemisphere where most anthropogenic warming is attributed is covered by a thin layer of contrails from jet aircraft 24/7 365 and water vapor is a far more effective as a greenhouse gas than CO2 is. Also, contrails have only been around since the 1930's and have increased exponentially since. But nobody's paying for contrail research... Go figure...

And, again, on planet earth where I live when excess H2O gets into the system it can quickly get out. It is called the HYDROLOGIC CYCLE which is VERY different from the CARBON CYCLE which is needed to remove excess CO2 or CH4 from the atmosphere.

Then toss in that most climate measuring stations are in increasingly urban areas

And, again, this has been shown to NOT impact the temperature trends. Studies like Peterson (2008) showed no statistical impact of urban heat island effect on the overall data trend. And even NOAA's study in which poorly sited stations per Anthony Watt's selection, were removed from the data and it was shown to have no effect on the overall trend.

I suggest you do more literature reading.

where urban heat island effect is occurring, and you get yet another issue that isn't being accounted for.

It has been EXPLICITLY studied repeatedly. Again, your literature review needs to be updated.

Wow. So bad people doing bad things in service to a good cause makes the cause bad. Got it.

So when Neo-Nazis protest alongside Conservatives in a "Unite the Right" rally does it make Conservatism a Nazi cause?

Just checking to make sure you have a clear understanding of what your reasoning appears to be.
bad people doing bad things in service to an advanced case of stupidity means you're all bad as does lying about conservatives,,,,,,,,
bad people doing bad things in service to an advanced case of stupidity means you're all bad as does lying about conservatives,,,,,,,,

Where did I lie about Conservatives? The Unite the Right rally had it in the name.

Personally I don't think all Conservatives are Nazis but what I hear from the Conservatives is "All environmentally conscious people are equal to the absolute worst loons among them". So I can only assume that if the Conservatives think that then I am honor bound to return the favor.

That's all my point was. I'm not surprised it is so advanced you can understand it.
Where did I lie about Conservatives? The Unite the Right rally had it in the name.

Personally I don't think all Conservatives are Nazis but what I hear from the Conservatives is "All environmentally conscious people are equal to the absolute worst loons among them". So I can only assume that if the Conservatives think that then I am honor bound to return the favor.

That's all my point was. I'm not surprised it is so advanced you can understand it
/yawn.....more lib'rul stupidity.......you go ahead and support people with fluorescent orange paint who damage age old monuments and works of art because its " a good cause" and I'll support people who voted for Trump because putting an end to the left's open borders and horrendous inflation is "a good cause"......and we'll see which of us is happier after November........
How will humans stop the Earth's climate change, ongoing throughout its history ??

There's a lot to unpack in that statement:

1. There have been changes in earth's climate throughout history and before humans it was all natural forcings. It's how we know how the natural forcings work. Now the warming we see cannot be accounted for by those natural forcings alone. We need another factor and that factor just happens to be human activity.

2. No one thinks you are going to alter the movement of continents or alter the natural forcings but we CAN and SHOULD alter the human forcings which are fully under our control. To do otherwise is to not take responsibility for our actions. That is antithetical to my morality.
/yawn.....more lib'rul stupidity.......you go ahead and support people with fluorescent orange paint who damage age old monuments

What is wrong with you? I explicitly and repeatedly told you I think they are fucked in the head. I despise their actions.

So I guess you aren't very smart or can't read or just want to lie.

But, again, since you know Luke 6:31 by heart I guess we know what that means about you and your "affiliations".
What is wrong with you? I explicitly and repeatedly told you I think they are fucked in the head. I despise their actions.
good......then I will expect to see major changes in your posting from now on.......unless your protestations are merely fluorescent orange paint intended to hide something......
good......then I will expect to see major changes in your posting from now on.

And I will expect you to continue to lie and misrepresent. Because in your morality that is what Jesus wants you to do.

......unless your protestations are merely fluorescent orange paint intended to hide something......

You mean like your fake "faith"? What are you hiding behind all your fake piety?
Now the warming we see cannot be accounted for by those natural forcings alone. We need another factor and that factor just happens to be human activity.
and yet the current instance of global warming is less extreme than other instances of the cycle evidenced by ice core samples.......predating human activity.......
and yet the current instance of global warming is less extreme than other instances of the cycle evidenced by ice core samples.......predating human activity.......

Let's walk you through some basic logic:

Past climatological changes may have been more severe but that doesn't mean humanity will not be impacted by less severe changes. Since humanity settled in "cities" going back a few tens of thousands of years ago we have had a relatively stable global climate which means we have not, as a society, had to deal with massive climatological changes. But it doesn't take a big change to fuck up our game.
Let's walk you through some basic logic:

Past climatological changes may have been more severe but that doesn't mean humanity will not be impacted by less severe changes. Since humanity settled in "cities" going back a few tens of thousands of years ago we have had a relatively stable global climate which means we have not, as a society, had to deal with massive climatological changes. But it doesn't take a big change to fuck up our game.
does the impact of human activity on the climate exceed that of orange paint on Stonehenge?.....
LOL. Judgement day. What a hoot to hear you talk about it. Son, if you actually believe in a "Judgement day" you would post in a VERY different style.
I doubt any of us will be thinking about the internet that day.....but what I think about judgment day or y0ou think about judgment day does not matter......John 3 tells us what HE thinks about judgment day,,,,,,