White climate Nazis deface STONE HENGE - I will never support these self righteous authoritarian White Libs, They are pure EVIL

As for CO2...

This is roughly the equivalent of CO2 in the atmosphere. If atmospheric CO2 were Americans it would represent out of the roughly 330 million living in the US about 800 people before the "hockey stick" rise started to occur, per "Climate scientist's models. It has currently risen to about 1200 people--out of 330 million--today.

That is a miniscule fraction of the atmosphere, and a near insignificant change in its composition.
"everyone"?.....hardly......not even a quarter of the posters here.......and none that didn't start it.....

Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:

But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also.

Unless, of course, THEY STARTED IT.
Climate protesters spray orange paint over Stonehenge
AP News
https://apnews.com › article › stonehenge-vandalism-pa...
stonehenge defaced from apnews.com
23 hours ago — Two climate protesters were arrested after orange paint was sprayed on the ancient Stonehenge monument in southern England."

Rich White libs and AWFL's think this is funny. Nazi fucking bastards think they can control people and the climate. :palm:

AWFL = Affluent White Female Libtard
What gets me is a bunch of climate change weenies got together and thought about what they could do address the problem of climate change and the only thing they could think of to do was spray paint Stonehenge. It would be funny if it didn't highlight their idiocy and their incompetence.
Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:

But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also.

Unless, of course, THEY STARTED IT.
I take no advice about Christianity from people who have rejected it......./cope......
Where did I lie about Conservatives? The Unite the Right rally had it in the name.

Personally I don't think all Conservatives are Nazis but what I hear from the Conservatives is "All environmentally conscious people are equal to the absolute worst loons among them". So I can only assume that if the Conservatives think that then I am honor bound to return the favor.

That's all my point was. I'm not surprised it is so advanced you can understand it.
The climate czars threaten us with "eternal hell fire" if we don't bow to them.

In summary, if you are poor or middle class ...
No cheap energy
No cheap food
No home ownership

If you are wealthy, and can AFFORD to PAY the czars an offset carbon tax, then you can use all the fossil fuels your little heart desires.
And excess water vapor can be quickly re-equilibrated out of the system through precipitation. It is considered by scientists to be more related to feedback than direct forcing.

Yes, a much, much worse greenhouse gas.

I can name probably a dozen chemicals that in teeeeeeensy tiny doses can do great damage. Your personal incredulity at small numbers doesn't really mean anything.

And, again, on planet earth where I live when excess H2O gets into the system it can quickly get out. It is called the HYDROLOGIC CYCLE which is VERY different from the CARBON CYCLE which is needed to remove excess CO2 or CH4 from the atmosphere.

And, again, this has been shown to NOT impact the temperature trends. Studies like Peterson (2008) showed no statistical impact of urban heat island effect on the overall data trend. And even NOAA's study in which poorly sited stations per Anthony Watt's selection, were removed from the data and it was shown to have no effect on the overall trend.

I suggest you do more literature reading.

It has been EXPLICITLY studied repeatedly. Again, your literature review needs to be updated.
NASA has admitted that they do not understand the impact of CLOUDS (water vapor). They just fudge the numbers in order to get the flawed computer models to produce the desired results.
Let's walk you through some basic logic:

Past climatological changes may have been more severe but that doesn't mean humanity will not be impacted by less severe changes. Since humanity settled in "cities" going back a few tens of thousands of years ago we have had a relatively stable global climate which means we have not, as a society, had to deal with massive climatological changes. But it doesn't take a big change to fuck up our game.
The oldest city discovered is an anomaly at about 12,000 years old.

The "stable" Holocene is only about 10k years old. It too, is an anomaly as the longest interglacial in probably 2 million years, at least 800k years.

We are currently in only Earth's 3rd ICEHOUSE. The Earth hasn't been THIS COLD in 260 million years!

Natural forcings are NOT understood. Milankovitch Cycles predict 40K year glacial cycles. For the last 2 million years, our glaciation cycles have happened approximately every 100K years.

We can not measure the heat contained in the oceans. We don't understand deep water currents. We can only estimate that they have 1,000 year cycles. IIRC, about 950,000 years ago, the ocean circulation slowed causing the Earth to skip an interglacial. Clearly, the deep currents affect the climate, too.

Plankton can actually create their own weather. Plankton are massive Carbon sequesters. Plankton populations have fallen in half since 1950.

The impact of the great decimation of the whale population over the last 500 years is unknown. The impact (reduction in dust) of the decimation of herds of large land animals is unknown. The cause of Little Ice Age is unproved speculation. It is unknown.
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